
Just when Qin Zhaoxiang's mind was in a mess, the car suddenly squeaked and braked suddenly, and then he heard the Meng team sitting on the co-pilot shouting in a deep voice: "There is a situation ahead, everyone, get ready to fight! Liangzi, you two are watching!" Suspect, Lao Feng, get out of the car and have a look!" Then Qin Zhao heard a few crashes of the insurance being opened, and then felt someone put a gun on his head.

A truck would suddenly stop in the middle of the road, which was a bit strange in itself. Although Team Meng and the others were fully armed, they were not afraid of anyone, but they still had to be vigilant. Old Feng hummed, put the micro punch on the seat, took the pistol with the safety on, opened the door and got out of the car.

"You don't have to be so nervous. If I wanted to resist running away, I wouldn't just let you guys push me like this." Qin Zhao pushed away the one that was pressing against his forehead, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Gun, reminded Team Meng: "I advise you to be careful. If you have watched police movies, you will know that many people have played this kind of robbery game."

"I know what to do, I don't need you to remind me." Captain Meng glanced at Qin Zhao. Although he said so, the gun in his hand was facing forward. If there was anything wrong, he would shoot without hesitation. .

"Hey, what's wrong with the car in front!?" Lao Feng stood in front of the door of his Warrior off-road vehicle, with his gun pointing down, looking at the double-axle truck with flashing lights in front of the car: "Where is the driver?" ? Why park the car in the middle of the road?"

"Master, the brakes of our car suddenly failed." At this time, the door of the double-axle truck opened, and a person jumped down from the door by climbing on the door. This is a man in a yellow coat, just like all long-distance drivers, his face is apologetic, which is clearly visible under the headlights of the Warriors off-road vehicle: "Master, I don't know what's going on, The brakes of this car suddenly failed, and in order not to cause any accidents, the car was suffocated in a low gear. Hehe, master, can I trouble you to wait for a while? Let me check what's going on. "

Looking at the man who bent over to the front of the car to check the fault, Lao Feng quietly put the gun back where it was, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Then hurry up, it's time for your car to break down. The highway you are on is completely blocked by you... Do you want me to help?"

"That's good, I'm here to help you, hehe..." The man said with a smile, and suddenly got under the car. Then, seven or eight people stood up in the double-bridge carriage, all holding AK47s in their hands, and opened fire at Lao Feng and the Warrior without saying a word.

Dark red flames bloomed in the icy night, and the bullets were like summer hail, pouring mindlessly on Old Feng and the Warrior off-road vehicle. Faced with seven or eight AK47 frontal fires, although Lao Feng was wearing body armor, he was still like a patient who was swinging, his hands were shaking in the air, he leaned against the car door, and then slowly collapsed on the ground.

Although the warrior off-road vehicle has a certain bulletproof function, it can't achieve any bulletproof effect at all under the direct fire of the AK47 at such a close range. It's like the Meng team sitting in the front co-pilot who just raised his gun and fired a bullet Suddenly, more than a dozen bullets came in through the shattered window of the car, and hit his face door mercilessly, blood staining the dashboard.

The flying bullets ravaged the Warriors off-road vehicle to their heart's content, and the gunshots rang non-stop for two full minutes. After seeing blood flowing down the bullet holes to the ground, the driver lying under the car got out of the car Bottom, facing the inside of the car.

The gunfire ceased, and then there was the crackling of clips being reloaded.

"Hunter, do you want to throw a grenade?" A masked man standing at the front of the car asked the driver.

"No, that way we won't be able to recognize the person we want to kill. Hunter No. 2, you and No. 3 are on guard in the car. The rest of the people go over and take a look and put those special police bodies back into the car. Use the fastest Speed ​​up and clear the scene." The driver code-named Hunter shook his head, then pulled out a pistol from his waist, waved it in mid-air, and signaled his companions to follow him to have a look.

"Yes!" Except for the two people in the car who were in charge of security, the other five people quickly turned over and jumped out of the car, and walked to the front of the Warrior car with AK47 in their hands. One of them kicked Lao Feng, who was lying dead on the ground and couldn't die any more, then opened the car door and stretched out his hand to drag Team Meng down from the dashboard. After seeing his almost shattered face, the man turned his head and smiled: "Now I am sure that the people in the car are dead and cannot die anymore."

"The most important thing is to look at the person sitting in the back. Only after confirming that he is dead can our task be considered complete." The hunter seemed very dissatisfied with his subordinate's careless behavior, and walked to the front of the car with his right hand held flat, Pulled open the door.

Inside the car, the two special police officers who escorted Qin Zhao were covered with bullet holes, like leather seats beaten into a hornet's nest. Dark red blood was pooling from the inside of their clothes under the light of the double-bridge truck lights. Poor outflow. They were all lying on the middle seat in the car, and the muzzle of one of them was still facing the door. There was no smoke coming out of the black muzzle. It seemed that the man was dead before he could shoot. .

The feeling of being pointed at by a gun is not very pleasant. Although it is a gun in the hands of a dead man, the hunter still grabs the muzzle of the gun with his hand and is going to put it aside, so as not to look frightened. Just as his hand grabbed the muzzle of the gun and before he pushed it away, the gun rang.

Boom! Amidst the muffled sound of gunshots, the hunter swayed, and then fell on his back to the ground. There was a blood hole on his forehead that was bigger than a five-cent coin. Red and white things splashed out, splashing all over the bodies of the two people around him. .

"Ah! Someone is alive!" The two men suddenly exclaimed, and then pointed their guns at the inside of the car. However, before they could see where the target was, two more gunshots came from inside the car. With the gunshots at short intervals, the two men paused, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Qin Zhao couldn't figure out why someone would ambush this warrior on the way.

Just when Lao Feng lifted his gun and got out of the car, although Qin Zhao couldn't see what was going on outside, Qin Zhao suddenly had a bad feeling and made him bend down. Let him prevaricate with the excuse of stomachache.

The moment the gunshot rang out, Qin Zhao shrank suddenly, nestled tightly under the front seat, and at the same time pulled off the hood covering his head, and then he felt the soft body of the special police officer named Xiao Han. Lie down on him, followed by another burst of gunshots like a storm, and the special policeman on the left also jumped on the driver's seat. Before the guns in their hands fired a single bullet, they were beaten into pieces by successive AK47s. Hornet's nest.

During the gunshots that rang out for a full two minutes, Qin Zhao tried his best to shrink himself in the blind corner between the seats, and in his busy schedule, he even pulled the corpse of the special policeman on the left onto him, risking being hit by bullets. After finding the key from Han's belt to open the handcuffs, he took the micro punch in his hand and took it into his own hand. He listened to the movement outside without moving, and let the blood from the two people drench him thoroughly.

This method of hiding under the body of a dead person to protect oneself, although a bit mediocre, is indeed very effective. After the rotating bullet penetrated into the human body, it was blocked by bones and muscles. Even if one or two bullets penetrated the human body, the damage to Qin Zhao was completely negligible. He has been quietly curled up there, holding the micro-punch in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun is facing the direction of the car door. He waited until someone came to kill him after the gunfire stopped.

Now, someone has come to do what he expected. If Qiyueyu Yanluo is more polite, he will be sorry for himself.

Qin Zhao was like a leopard. After killing three people, including the hunter, with three shots, he suddenly lifted the two corpses that were pressing on him. He was kicked and thrown out, and at the same time slipped and got out of the car through another door.

As soon as his body touched the ground, he immediately got into the bottom of the car like a swimming snake, hugged Wei Chong on his back, and didn't give the other party a chance to react. It was just a corpse, and he kept fighting against those few. The masked man who shot at the SWAT body was a few precise bursts. Then roll over. Dodging the bullets bouncing off the ground from the double-axle carriage, he hid behind the right front wheel of the Warrior.

The whistling bullets hit the hard road surface, splashing sparks. About half a minute later, the gunfire stopped suddenly. In front of the Warriors off-road vehicle, no one was standing, let alone alive. The time from when the hunter pulled the door to when the last masked man standing in front of the car was shot and fell to the ground did not exceed half a minute at most.

After the gunfire outside stopped, Qin Zhao leaned against the flat tire and slowly looked out from the car site. He just heard what Hunter said clearly that Hunter 2 and 3 were still guarding on the double-axle vehicle outside. Now that all their companions were dead, the two stopped firing after a while of blind shooting.

It was quiet outside, except for the dead people on the ground, there was no movement. It seemed that the other party was not the kind of fool who ran over to eat a gun. Presumably they were waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to bring Qin Zhao down with one shot.

If you don't show your face, I decided not to go out and be a target. Qin Zhao closed his eyes for a moment, with the muzzle of the gun pressed to the ground and listening to the movement outside without moving. The icy wind blew past the bottom of the car, and he couldn't help shivering all over. Just as he was thinking about how to kill the two people outside, he heard the clang of the gun handle hitting the car when someone climbed down from the car. Then Qin Zhao heard someone open the door of the Shuangqiao truck.

What is that bastard doing in the car?

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