Although Song Yingxia was always pestering Yue Jinyang in the past, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he should be her elder brother, and this little cousin, since the first time he "accidentally" touched his butt, has really broke into her girlish feelings.

In fact, Song Yingxia also knew that the Marriage Law clearly stipulated that cousins ​​were not allowed to live together, but what should she do if she couldn't let go? It was so easy to take advantage of this opportunity of being resurrected from the dead to utter the voice that had haunted her for so long, but she was rejected with righteous words. For a moment, shame, anger, disappointment, and even the thought of committing suicide made her stay on the ground.

"Can you go? How can such a big child be so ignorant!" Qin Zhao was about to walk on the road, when he turned his head and saw that Song Yingxia was still kneeling on the ground motionless. If you follow his temper, you can stay here as long as you like, I don't care about you. But it can't be done now. One is because she is afraid that she will not think about it and do something stupid again. The most important thing is that she is his relative, and he is afraid that she will encounter some danger again. If something happened to her after she left in a fit of anger, it would be impossible for her to redeem herself.

"Little cousin!" Song Yingxia was pushed to the ground by Qin Zhao. She put her hands on the ground, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she felt that she would never have the face to go with him again: "You, you go back first, I want to stay here alone People are quiet."

Be quiet, be quiet! Alas... all these troubles are due to my being too handsome!

Qin Zhao sighed feeling good, and turned around slowly: "Yingxia, I'm not flirting with you, there are so many women who have slept with me, so many that you can't count them, so many that you can't even see beautiful women now." It has reached the point of numbness. Look at yourself, if you want *whether you want a butt or not, which man would like you... Besides, we are cousins. Song Yingxia, let me ask you, what is a cousin? ?”

"I, I..." Song Yingxia didn't expect Qin Zhao to say these words to her, her body was trembling violently, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Aunt and cousin are our elders and brothers and sisters, we are related by blood!"

"You don't need to use these words to hit me on purpose!" Song Yingxia bit her lips tightly, tears fell on the ground, and sobbed, "I understand what you said, but I really can't control my look. It feels like my heart is beating when I see you, what do you want me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, I'm just your brother." Qin Zhao walked up to her again, took off his flight suit and put it on her thin waist, and stretched out his right hand: "Yingxia, you are still young, you will be ready when you grow up." I will understand that your affection for me is actually just a momentary impulse."

After being pulled up by Qin Zhao, Song Yingxia didn't dare to lift his head, and silently followed him to the road. Although she also knew that there was a blood relationship between the two of them, the feeling that became more intense the more she suppressed it made her raise her head abruptly. Just when she was about to say something, she saw Qin Zhao suddenly took off his blue shirt. He ran to the middle of the road and waved his shirt vigorously towards the sky.

Song Yingxia raised her head and saw above them, two silver-white LFc16 fighter jets were tearing through the clouds, and plunged straight down with an extremely chic dive movement. The bright five-star red flag on the wing was shining in the sun so dazzling...

Song Lanjiang didn't know how long he had been looking at the sky over the northwest, he just leaned on the seat blankly.

Since the general secretary didn't say to go back, the internal police who accompanied him had to keep their heads down and kept silent, just like the special police outside the car, standing there like a javelin, letting them get stronger and stronger. The north wind is raging. Lu Chao, Li Moyu, and Suning had already left the city bureau, and stood in front of Yue Zhenlin's car, looking at the walkie-talkie under the wheel, as if something they most wanted to hear would come out later. information.

The three brothers of the Song family have five boys, and as the only girl, Song Yingxia has been cared for meticulously since she was a child, and it can even be said that she is doted on. Especially in front of his uncle who is the general secretary, he is even more pampered and pampered. He dotes on this niece even more than his own sons. This is also the reason why Song Lanyue did not come after hearing about Song Yingxia's accident, but he was there in person.

Regarding Qin Zhao's murder of Fu Yu this time, when the men of the Song family were reluctant to come forward to solve the matter, it was Song Yingxia who took the initiative to ask Ying to solve a difficult problem for them. But who would have thought that such a quirky girl would end up on a road of no return because of a pretty thing? Both his nephew and niece went, and his heart was bleeding from pain. But what to do next? Could it be that they are really attacking the Fu family, the instigator?

"Alas..." Song Lanjiang, who had calmed down, sighed slowly, and kept rubbing his right thumb and index finger. He believed that the third brother already knew the news, and his uncle felt so distressed, and he didn't know if he could accept this reality. Fan Yibin is from the Fu family, and the death of his nephew and niece has an inseparable relationship with the Fu family. Although Fu Yu died first, he deserved his death!

Why am I just messing around like this? Didn't stand up to protect your relatives at the first time, but thought of attacking the Fu family after the fact? No, this is absolutely not possible. Now that people have gone, it is irreversible, but there are many more important things than them, such as a stable political situation.

"Go back." Song Lanjiang, who finally straightened out the serious relationship, said lightly. The driver nodded but did not start the car, because a girl suddenly ignored the dissuasion of so many people, staggered to the front of the red flag car, knelt down straight on the cold ground with a plop, raised her face, screaming with tears wearing something.

Because the sound insulation effect of the Hongqi car is excellent, Song Lanjiang couldn't hear what she was shouting, so he signaled the driver to roll down the window.

"Uncle Song!" The girl put her hands on the front of the car and shouted, "Uncle Song, I beg you, just let me look for them! I believe Xiao Zhao will not die so easily. He said, When he comes back, he will marry me!"

"Su Ning," after recognizing that the crying girl was Suning, Song Lanjiang sat up straight: "Calm down, can you? Find them, their people are certain, not only you can go, but most of the people here Everyone must go!" In front of others, Song Lanjiang still had a calm expression on his face, and even his tone of voice was as calm as in the TV news. However, although he was calm on the surface, he was laughing miserably in his heart: falling from such a high sky, the chance of surviving is almost zero.

"But they, for your safety, all the nearby roads have been put under martial law. As long as you don't leave, I, I can't get out!" Su Ning was heartbroken for Qin Zhao, and he had no scruples when he spoke: just because you are here, The road is under martial law for your safety, how can I get out?

Oh I got it. Song Lanjiang knew that Suning said this because he felt sorry for his nephew, and it was definitely not disrespectful to him. He nodded understandingly, turned his head and said to the police next to him, "Tell Mayor Yue to send all possible troops to find them... go now!"

"Goshawk No. 1 calls Yinlong, Goshawk No. 1 calls Yinlong, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!" Just as the internal police were about to open the door and get off the car to convey the general secretary's order, a fighter jet suddenly came from the air headset in the car. The voice of the pilot.

Have you found them? Song Lanjiang was suddenly agitated, and grabbed the headset in a gaffe. Just when he was about to ask him to report the situation, he heard Yue Zhenlin's voice from inside: "Goshawk No. 1, I'm Yinlong, I've heard what you said, may I ask what happened?" What's the matter?"

"About 50 kilometers away from downtown, we found the helicopter pilot and hostages."

"Do they, do they have any signs of life?"

"They are safe and sound! I repeat, the helicopter pilot and the hostages are safe and sound now!"

Safe and sound! ?

Fall from that high sky and be safe! ? Yue Zhenlin suspected that he had heard it wrong, so he pressed the telephony device to his ear suddenly, and almost roared, "Yinlong asks you to repeat what you just said!"

"I'm sure, the helicopter pilot and the hostages are safe and sound now! They are now on the road by the Yongding River, and the pilot is waving a blue cloth to show me where he is. May I ask Yinlong, what should Goshawk One do next? ? Should we return to the voyage?"

"Absolutely do not return!" Yue Zhenlin slammed his fist on the front of the car, his voice hoarse due to excessive force: "Now I order you not to leave the target, and strictly guard against all hidden dangers around them that may cause harm to them! If anyone is found If you want to harm them, shoot them immediately! I repeat, if anyone wants to harm them, shoot them immediately! Do you understand?"

"If you find someone trying to harm them, kill them immediately! Goshawk No. 1 understands."

They are not dead... Song Lanjiang breathed a sigh of relief, put the air headset back into the distance, leaned slowly on the backrest, waved to Suning in front of the car with a smile on his lips, and pointed in the direction of Yue Zhenlin, signaling her Go to Mayor Yue. When Suning got up and ran towards Yue Zhenlin without even thinking about saying a word, he ordered: "Go back." After returning, the third child must implement the "Pink Makeup" plan as soon as possible, otherwise I don't know that this kid will mess with him again. If there is any accident, it is best not to let him idle...

"Little cousin," Song Yingxia looked at the two LFc16 fighter jets that kept diving back and forth and rising above her, as if she had forgotten what Qin Zhao said to provoke her just now, she naturally held his naked left arm , raised a bright red face: "What are they wandering around here?"

"Hey, I'm protecting your young lady." Qin Zhao said shivering from the howling north wind.

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