The wind is blowing.

Qin Zhao, who kept looking up at the sky, gave Song Yingxia his jacket and took the shirt in his hand as coordinates. No matter how good his body quality was, he would still be frozen if he was shirtless in the temperature of minus ten degrees. Runny nose.

Casually answering Song Yingxia's words, Qin Zhao sniffed his nose hard, wiped the dripping snot with his backhand, then habitually rubbed against others, and when he felt something was wrong this time, he lowered his head, and then he He found that his hand was on Song Yingxia's *.

"Uh, Yingxia, I'm sorry..." It seems that this habit of wiping snot on others' bodies has to be changed in the future, so as not to cause others to misunderstand, Qin Zhao smiled and retracted his hands and thought.

"It's okay." Song Yingxia shook her head, with a smile on her lips: "At most, I can only tell my father that you can touch me* by wiping your nose."

"I..." After hearing what Song Yingxia said, Qin Zhaoda opened his mouth and was stunned for a moment, until another gust of cold wind blew him away, and then he woke up. With an evil laugh, he maliciously grabbed her on the height that didn't seem to be very sexy, and just when he wanted to show a disgusting pervert look and said, "Sister, your stuff is so small", faintly The siren sounded from afar in the south.

Song Yingxia uttered a sound of '咕向', and took advantage of the situation to snuggle into his arms. The fragrance of virginity, which even the north wind couldn't blow away, penetrated into someone Qin's nostrils. Just when she was about to push her away, she heard Song Yingxia say in a low voice: "If you dare to push me away, I will change my mind about telling my father all this."

"Crazy, you will regret it." Facing Song Yingxia's almost crazy and stupid idea, Qin Zhao cursed in a low voice, then shrugged helplessly, and then hugged his arms tightly. Drenched standing in the wind, it's really cold...

Suning was driving a Land Rover off-road. From far away, he could already see Qin Zhao and Song Yingxia standing in the middle of the road. Above their heads, two LFc16 fighter jets were roaring and swooping down. They were so low from the ground that they could almost be seen clearly. Victory gesture from the pilot. The fighter pilots had already received Yue Zhenlin's order when the long convoy of various vehicles appeared in the south, so Suning was allowed to drive the Land Rover to the two of them first.

Creaking... After the Land Rover's tires wiped a long black mark on the ground, before the car came to a complete stop, Suning pushed the * door and jumped out, using almost a standard C-level long jump. On Qin Zhao, as if he didn't see Song Yingxia, he raised his soft and sexy lips and kissed him on the face, crying and calling his name in a low voice while kissing.

After life and death, Qin Zhao also had mixed feelings after seeing Suning. Maybe he was infected by Suning's madness, so he pushed away the little birdy Song Yingxia, and held Suning tightly in his arms, allowing her to bite his breast suddenly and fiercely. After grinning in pain, he realized that Li Moyu had also walked over at this time. But the latter looked calmer, just stood there with a silly smile, but the tears on his face were blown far away by the north wind.

This is Lao Tzu's women!

Feeling the two acquaintances, the high-ranking officials and noble ladies, regardless of the cars that drove up one after another, released their love as if no one else was there. If Qin Zhao still wanted to continue pretending that 13 didn't know them, then He should have fallen to his death in the Yongding River. The right hand hugged Suning's waist, but the left hand stretched out to Li Moyu and said, "nbby!"

Come on baby!

"Damn!" Although Li Moyu was cursing, she opened her arms and hugged Suning together without any shyness. Just when she hugged her lover and rival and wanted to jump up to her heart's content, she heard Qin Zhao whispered in her ear: "Be careful not to hurt my son." Subconsciously glanced at Suning, and saw that girl was intoxicated with great happiness, as if she didn't notice his words at all, Li Moyu said Cai smiled and stood up straight with a rare obedient nodding motion.

Although she was wearing the flight suit that Qin Zhao took off for her, Song Yingxia still felt cold after being pushed out of his embrace. Just when she was hesitating whether to join the hugging group, she saw Yue Zhenlin jumping out of the car and smiling gratifyingly at her. Biting her lip, Song Yingxia glanced resentfully at Qin Zhao, who was enjoying the embrace and kiss of the two beauties, and then walked towards Yue Zhenlin.

Before Song Yingxia could reach the front of the car, Yue Zhenlin had already taken out a yellow military padded coat from the car, put it on for her himself, and then ordered the secretary to let Yingxia into the car quickly. My political future has been lost! Seeing Song Yingxia stepping into the car, Yue Zhenlin rubbed his chin and thought happily.

"Mayor Yue, the SWAT team found the box containing the 'big money' in the valley to the south." Just as Yue Zhenlin was about to ask someone to bring clothes to Qin Zhao to wear, the secretary whispered to his ear with a phone in his hand. He said, "Do we still want those banknotes?"

"No, it's just some waste paper! Let the special police set it on fire and treat it as seeing off Fan Yibin. It's not easy for him."

If Fan Yibin's spirit in heaven could hear their words, he would definitely curse in hell with tears streaming down his face: "You guys are too hurtful to use fake money to fool people. Do you still have any sense of leadership? ah……"

Fool, do you think that 20 million would be so easy to come up with in ten minutes? Why don't you use this...

"You said, marry me when you come back, but I'm really afraid of what will happen to you next, so you have to marry me now, marry me!" Su Ning raised his head from Qin Zhao's arms, his eyes brightened. Li Moyu almost didn't dare to look directly at her, she suddenly returned to the reality after the ecstasy, and said in a terrible way: "Su Ning, he married you, what about Ye Qingling?"

"I don't care, I don't want to give in silently anymore." Suning shook his head and said firmly: "Our son is over three years old, if he is not allowed to recognize his ancestors and return to his relatives, he will hate me because of my weakness. All my life."

"I said that if I marry you, I will definitely marry you, even if," Qin Zhao turned his head and looked at the Yongding River not far away: "The backflow of the river will not change my determination to make you my wife." Looking at Song Yingxia from the corner of his eyes, he looked a little thin He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the back of her: After seeing Su and Li, this little girl finally retreated in spite of the difficulties.

Although he knew that Qin Zhao had always been the kind of person who didn't count his words, after hearing what he said, Suning opened his mouth excitedly and bit the useless thing on the right side of his chest, Qin Zhao in pain. It was only after a sound that he realized that his lover was shirtless, he hurriedly pulled Li Moyu back a step, quickly took off the windbreaker and wrapped him in it involuntarily. It made someone in Qin feel that Suning was more sensible, unlike Li Moyu, who kept pushing into his arms while wearing such a thick hunting suit.

"What about me?" Li Moyu helped Suning button Qin Zhao's windbreaker, and asked, "You married Suning, what should I do?"

"Ah! If you are used to discussing issues with people wet all over, then we might as well go to the river." Qin Zhao sneezed, looked at her dissatisfied and said.

"On the day we get married, I will definitely invite you to a wedding banquet, but you can't be a bridesmaid," Su Ning smiled. This is how women are. Once they see their hopes come true, they immediately start to fight against opponents who once shared the same difficulties, and start to care about their own interests.

"Hmph." Li Moyu snorted coldly but was speechless, she understood that Suning knew that she was pregnant by saying this. But she doesn't have the capital to fight against Suning at the moment, the child has not yet been born is a problem, the most important thing is that she hasn't let Li Tianxiu know that she is pregnant.

As a daughter, she knew what kind of person Li Tianxiu was. Before the child was born, even if he asked her to kill the child with his fist, he would not frown. So the current priority is to give birth to the child and accumulate capital to compete with Suning. Although Qin Zhao may have married Suning by then, so what? It's not that you can't get divorced after getting married. Besides, if you really can't, being a self-sufficient mistress is also a good choice...

In Song Lanyue's study room, the temperature of 23 degrees made Song Lanjiang feel very comfortable, at least in a comfortable mood.

"Third brother," Song Lanjiang looked at Song Lanyue, whose face was obviously relaxed, and said to the chief of staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in a rare teasing tone: "This time Xiao Zhao and Yingxia came back safe and sound. Does it remind us that we should let Xiao Zhao go as soon as possible?" Zhao leave the mainland for a while?"

Song Lanyue knew what the big brother meant. On the night after Qin Zhao killed Fu Yu, the two old brothers had a long talk on how to minimize the Fu family's revenge. If you think that the top leaders of the country only pay attention to state affairs and put aside their feelings for their relatives, then you are very wrong. Supreme leaders are also human beings, and they also have the determination to protect their relatives with their lives, especially if this relative is the son of their sister whom they have wronged for 30 years.

Only by governing your own small family well can you be qualified to make the country more prosperous and stronger.

"I think it should be done immediately,"

Song Lanyue nodded, picked up a cigarette and rubbed it back and forth in his hand: "However, according to the news sent by the secret office of the General Staff, Xie Qingshang did not go to Russia to perform a mission, but returned suddenly at five o'clock this afternoon. When he arrived in Jinghua, it seemed that he was waiting for someone... If I guessed correctly, he was probably waiting for Jing Hongming who came from Shenyang. There was only one purpose for their meeting, and that was for Xiao Zhao The matter... These bastards are always sentimental and have no military literacy at all."

"This is human nature. If it is cold, it will really become a weapon."

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