What is this girl hiding in her crotch? It seems that the head is not small!

Guanjiao Qi and Guanjiao Sun glanced at each other, and when he saw Qin Zhao suddenly bent down and covered it with his hands, Guanjiao Sun immediately raised the rubber stick in his hand: "0523, you fucking calm down, Hurry up and take out the things you hid in your pants!"

"I can't take it." Qin Zhao shook his head and clasped his hands tightly.

"Damn, why are you talking so much nonsense? If you want to take it, you can take it!" Hearing that Qin Zhao dared to disobey her wishes, Sun Guan immediately slammed a stick on his left shoulder without any politeness, and was about to do it again. When he was ordered to take out the potentially dangerous item hidden in his pants, he heard the voice of the warden Li Juan asking at the door, "What's going on?"

Officer Qi and Officer Sun looked back, and saw Warden Li frowning leading a few people to stand at the door, and hurriedly hid the rubber sticks raised high behind his back: "Guard Li, the prisoners are gathering to make trouble, and there are still people If you dare to hide the murder weapon, we are controlling her!"

"Hiding the murder weapon?" Li Juan walked in frowning. You must know that before the prisoners go to prison, not to mention the murder weapon, even an iron hairpin must be confiscated first, for fear that it will be used as a deadly weapon and kill someone. Because Qin Yu, who was disguised as a man, had been greeted by his superiors earlier, he didn't search his body much when he came in. According to Guan Jiao, he had to kick Guan Jiao out when he changed his clothes. If the guard finds out that he is hiding the murder weapon now, it is quite possible.

Although Li Juan had already received instructions from relevant parties when Qin Zhao came, asking her to fully cooperate with his actions, but if she really brought knives and pistols in, it would be fine if nothing happened. Well explained.

It's best to persuade him to restrain himself, and don't just rely on what he has in his hand to act as a tyrant here, or if something happens, he will slap his ass and leave, and the rest of the troubles will not let me To solve it for him? With this in mind, Li Juan walked up to Qin Zhao step by step, stared at him for a long time, and was also impressed by his ability to disguise himself as a woman. If he hadn't known in advance that he was a man, based on this guy's winking eyes, five out of ten men would fall in love with him after seeing him.

"Prisoner Li." Qin Zhao greeted with a smile: "It's the 30th today, you are not at home for the New Year and you are still working hard at the front line of work. On behalf of all the colleagues in Room 231, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you." She made a respectable bow, and the slightly magnetic female voice made Li Juan froze for a while.

"Okay, don't come with me for such nonsense." Li Juan leaned close to Qin Zhao, looked into his eyes and said with a low voice: "Tell me, do you really have any weapons hidden on your body? If it's useful If it’s too big, you’d better not carry it with you.”

"How can there be?" Qin Zhao spread his hands helplessly, is it of much use? Damn, I still have to count on it to carry on the family line, handing it over is absolutely impossible!

"Then why are they insisting that there is something in your trousers? Let me tell you, I can take care of small things for you. If something big happens..." Li Juan glanced at Yang who was lying motionless on the ground. Tiger: "She was also taken care of by the higher authorities when she came in. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it. Put it this way, do you understand?"

"Prisoner Li," Qin Zhao smiled wryly and put his mouth next to Li Juan's ear, and said a few words in a low voice, watching Qi Guan teach them to stare at his crotch vigilantly. Guanjiao Qi and Guanjiao Sun wanted to hear what this bitch had made there, but they couldn't hear her because her voice was too low. It was just that when they saw Warden Li's face that wasn't white at all, they suddenly flushed.

What did this girl say to Warden Li? Officer Qi and Officer Sun glanced at each other, and before they could ask Li Juan anything, Warden Li turned his head with a blushing face and told them: "Okay, you all go to work, 231 won't If there is any big trouble, go and go, hurry up."

Li Juan quickly walked out of cell 231 with her head down, because thinking of Qin Zhao's words "Actually, your husband also has that thing in my crotch", made her feel inexplicably flustered, and accidentally touched the door frame superior.

After the three prison guards took the iron door heavily, Qin Zhao first let out a long sigh of relief, stepped on the chest of Yang Huhu who was lying on the ground, and rubbed it vigorously a few times: " Come on, don't fucking pretend to be dead, hurry up and fly the plane for my old lady, hurry up!" After grabbing Yang Huhu's hair and pulling her up, he turned around and stared at Guo Jing again: "And you, lie there quickly, The old lady hasn't rested yet!"

Seeing the half-dead Tiger Yang being slapped on the bed by Qin Zhao because he couldn't stand up, Guo Jing was so frightened that he quickly lay on his back on the bed and let him press his head on the most elastic and softest part of himself. Doing eye exercises for him according to his instructions... After listening to this woman named Qin Yu's low snoring, she was tired from not sleeping all night, and then slowly made her close her eyes heavily.

He didn't know how long he slept, but when Guo Jing saw the smiling man again in his dream, he suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the sound of Katz from the cell door. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of clear eyes that made her jealous staring at herself, which made her get up in fright, and apologized in a low voice without daring to take a breath: "Boss, boss, It was my fault, I accidentally fell asleep, don't hit me, I won't dare to do it again next time..."

Her eyes, her smile, why are they so similar to the man in the dream? Guo Jing thought tremblingly.

"Eat, eat, it's alright, you guys don't make such a posture here, come here to get the fucking food!" Qi Guanjiao came in with a bamboo basket, and put the bamboo basket into it like feeding a pig. Putting it on the ground, he said to Qin Zhao who was trying to put on a gentle expression to comfort Guo Jing, "0523, someone is coming from your house, get dressed and come out with me!"

"Oh," I will comfort your wounded heart when I come back, poor child. Qin Zhao turned his head and agreed, and just as he stretched his feet under the bed, a prisoner ran over and knelt on the ground to help him put on his shoes. Embarrassed, Qin Zhao glanced at Disciplinary Qi, and said with a chuckle, "Look, the inmates care about me in every possible way. I plan to live here for the rest of my life."

"Okay, don't fucking talk to me, get dressed and follow me, hurry up!" Qi Guanjiao said impatiently, walked to the prison door first, and waited patiently for Qin Zhao to dress in an orderly manner. After wearing the prison uniform, he wiped his hair with clean water in a serious manner, and then followed her out of cell 231 with a charming waist.

In the meeting room of Yanzhao Women's Prison, Ye Qingling and Su Ning, as well as Su Guanning who made Ye Qingling jealous when they met, two beauties and a child with pink make-up and jade carvings sat quietly on the stool. In the corner of the interview room stood two male prison guards. Although it is a women's prison, there are many things that cannot be separated from men. For example, the rough work of standing guard and the dangerous work of preventing female prisoners from rioting have always been performed by male prison guards.

I don't know how he lived in it, Ye Qingling bit her lips tightly, her face, which had barely slept for two days and two nights, was full of tiredness, if it wasn't for Suning who advised her to eat enough If she can only go to see Qin Zhao, she will still be immersed in deep self-blame.

What am I doing here? If you really love him, as long as he lives happily, wouldn't it be all right? Was it necessary to mess up their wedding? It's good now, although it is absurd to become Qin Zhao's wife, but he has paid the price of five years in prison. The thing that baffled Ye Qingling the most was that Qin Zhao would be imprisoned in a women's prison!

How could it be in a women's prison? It wasn't until the car entered the yard of the women's prison that Su Ning explained to her in a low voice: "The reason why Qin Zhao is in the women's prison is actually to make meritorious service and atone for his crimes. He is now disguised as a man and mixed in with the female prisoners to protect an important person... …It’s just that these things are classified, and you’d better not know too much. If you didn’t ask to come along with you, you probably wouldn’t know that he once disguised himself as a woman in a women’s prison for the rest of your life. .”

"I don't care what he is doing, I just want him to come out as soon as possible, and live a good life with me and us!" Ye Qingling replied to Su Ning after being dazed for a while.

Now, Ye Qingling looked at the glass of boiled water on the table, clutching a convenience bag with two cigarettes in her hand, and sat there motionless. Whenever she thinks of the fact that she finally married him as his wife, but he has to go to prison for five years, which makes her worry, her heart hurts terribly. On the other hand, Su Ning, with a calm face, gently stroked Su Guanning's head with his hands, and kept persuading Ye Qingling in a low voice.

Just when Su Ning persuaded Ye Qingling not to worry too much, the door of the meeting room opened, and the first person who walked in was a female prison guard with a big waist. She dodged to the side and let in a woman wearing a prison uniform with white and blue vertical stripes. She looked up at the quartz clock on the wall: "0523, your time to meet with your family is 30 minutes. I hope you can make a long story short."

"Hehe, thank you, Disciplinary Qi." Qin Zhao chuckled, then looked to the other side of the table. When he saw that both Ye Qingling and Suning had dark circles, he opened his mouth and scolded in distress: "Fuck, you guys won't take care of my mother for me? Ang? Look at one Everyone has dark circles under their eyes, don’t you think it’s beautiful like this?”

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