After Qin Zhao saw the haggard faces of Suning and Ye Qingling, he opened his mouth and cursed in distress.

He doesn't care what other people's women are like, but the appearance of the two wives that Ming Media is marrying really makes him feel uncomfortable, even though he knows that they are doing this for him. But his tone at this time is really like that of the nagging bustard who used to manage Miss Laughing in the brothel. This made the guard Qi who came out with him couldn't help but despise: So this bitch is really engaged in pornography. Alas, it's just a pity for these two women. Although their faces are full of haggardness, I really feel pity for their appearance and temperament...

"Yu..." Suning saw a woman coming out and opened her mouth to curse, and her voice sounded like a chicken stepping on her neck. She was a bit stunned for a moment and then realized that the person opposite her was Qin Zhao, whom she was emaciated for. Looking at his current appearance, and thinking of his unrestrained appearance in the past, I felt funny but sad at the same time. After I opened my mouth and called 'Yu', I couldn't help but shed tears.

Ye Qingling really didn't expect Qin Zhaonan to be so stylish in a woman's dress. If Suning hadn't told her before coming here that Qin Zhao is now dressed as a woman, she wouldn't be able to recognize Qin Zhao in front of her at all. At this time, after seeing Suning yell out the word 'jade' and then shed tears, she was inexplicably jealous again, as if she was the only one who should care about Qin Zhao.

Girls are jealous regardless of the occasion, so after Su Ning spoke first, although Ye Qingling wanted to confide in Qin Zhao in a soft voice, she still pressed her lips tightly and looked wearing a pair of Qin Zhao, who was in handcuffs, sat carelessly on the opposite stool, turned his head and said to the guard and the two male prison guards who were staring at them, "Comrades, I want to have a few private words with my family, okay?"

"Okay, just say it." Qi Guanjiao froze for a moment, then nodded. Don't look at her when she opens her mouth in the cell and shuts up his uncle, but guarding the prisoner's family, she must be more civilized in what she says, so as not to let them go back and sue her for abusing the prisoner.

"Then you go out first, don't stand here, or I won't be able to say it." Seeing that the guard Qi replied that he could still stand there like a log, Qin Zhao frowned and said, "Is it true that what I said just now Didn't you hear me? What I said was that I wanted to have a few words with my family alone, why are you still here?"

Yo, are you fucking awesome? How dare you talk to the guard like this! Instructor Qi stared at Qin Zhao, tried his best to resist the urge to take out the rubber stick and give him a few sticks, showing a kind smile that was afraid of scaring Su Guanning: "Qin Yu, I'm sorry, according to the regulations of the prison, the prisoner is not allowed to meet with him when he meets him. Prison guards must be present when visiting family members, and I cannot accept your proposal."

"Are you afraid that I will collude with them or that I will run away?" To be honest, Qin Zhao was dispatched to this place during the New Year's Eve, and was made to look like a woman and mixed with a group of women, all for the sake of his uncle. At this time, seeing his two wives were haggard like this, he wanted to simply 'caress' them, and by the way, let Su Guanning call his father a few times to comfort his wounded heart.

Who knew that the prison authorities would not agree! Before Qi Guanjiao could finish his words, Qin Zhao's face fell down. In fact, he is not unaware that according to prison rules, prisoners must be accompanied by prison guards when they 'meet' their relatives. This is not to say that the prisoner is afraid of escaping, but to prevent the family members from sneaking something that is not good for the prison to the prisoner... Anyway, the prisoner must be accompanied by the prison guard when he meets his family, let alone their meeting this time Isn't it across the iron chestnut but in a house?

"I'm sorry, according to our regulations, we must be on the scene." The prisoner still dared to lose his temper and wanted to go against the sky? Instructor Qi looked at Qin Zhaoyin's eyes, although he felt a little uncomfortable, but justice is her biggest backing, not to mention there are two male prison guards here? Looking for something? Hmph, if you are not afraid of being beaten, then come here.

"Yu... don't do this." Ye Qingling saw Qin Zhao's tendency to run away, grabbed his hands on the table, fumbled for the handcuffs on his wrists, and slowly shook her head and said, "They also follow the rules. Yes, we just came to see you, so don't embarrass them any more."

"You have become a lot more sensible." Qin Zhao turned his hand and patted the back of Ye Qingling's hand, showing a smile with white teeth. Before Ye Qingling could feel how strange his smile was, he saw his hand As soon as it was turned over, the handcuffs made of fine steel fell on the table with a 'clank'. Immediately afterwards, Qin Zhao yelled 'No! In the sound, he stood up, didn't see how he was putting on airs, and arrived in front of Instructor Qi in one step, stretched out his left hand to grab the collar of Instructor Qi, opened the door leading to the inside of the prison with his right hand, and shoved him impolitely. go out.

After Guanjiao Qi was pushed out of the meeting room by the violent Qin Zhao like in a dream, before she could understand, the two male prison guards were 'thrown' out. The reason why it is called throwing instead of pushing is that they were thrown out of the meeting room like throwing things, and they had time to pull out the rubber sticks around their waists after they fell to the ground with two slaps.

"It's the other way around!" Seeing the door of the meeting room being slammed shut, Supervisor Qi immediately took out his whistle in shock, put it in his mouth, and blew vigorously. In an instant, the shrill whistle sounded far along the corridor. At this time, the two grinning male prison guards also understood what was going on, and one of them pressed the siren on the wall. The shrill whistle, and the creepy siren sounded one after another. In less than a few seconds, the atmosphere in the women's prison became tense.

Out of professional instinct, after calling the police, Disciplinary Qi walked quickly to the door of the interview room with the rubber stick in his hand, and pushed hard, but did not push it away. When I wanted to raise my feet to kick, but I was afraid of damaging public property... So I used my arms to hit the door instead. Just as Guanjiao Qi's body hit the door heavily, through the door, a fist pierced through the door with a bang, and then just right hit on Guanjiao Qi's face, and then, Guanjiao Qi passed out.

"Xiao Zhao, don't do this!" Suning didn't have time to stop Qin Zhao from getting mad, and when she went around the table and hugged Qin Zhao, Guanjiao Qi had already passed out on the concrete floor outside. Through the hole the size of a fist, one could see the two male prison guards blowing their whistles desperately in panic. The noise, mixed with the restless growling of police dogs, was coming from the direction behind the meeting room.

"It's okay." Qin Zhao put his left arm around Suning, stretched his right hand forward to Ye Qingling who was standing there, and said in an unquestionably domineering tone, "Come here!"

Ye Qingling walked over in a daze, just about to ask Qin Zhao why he called him, when a strong arm took her into his arms. Subconsciously struggling to raise his head, he saw a man who was neither male nor female opened his mouth and smiled with white teeth: "If you still look so ugly after I come out, then people will call me a woman." I'm not happy at all, I will feel ashamed, don't you know?"

"Stupid," Suning cursed in a low voice, and fell into Qin Zhao's arms, tears seeping through the clothes in front of him.

"I won't let you worry about it, you can rest assured, rest assured..." Go to jail with peace of mind! But these words seemed not very auspicious, after Ye Qingling answered half a sentence in a low voice, under Qin Zhao's smiling gaze, she blushed and took a deep breath, then opened her arms, and together with Suning, hugged her tightly in arms...

Damn, it would be great if I were at home at this time. Qin Zhao closed his eyes, sniffed the fragrance of the two wives, and thought that he would really embrace such an upright embrace in the near future, and his heart was filled with excitement, until Su Guanning ran over and stretched out his hand to grab his trouser leg and shouted:' You stinky father, do you forget me when you see a beautiful woman? At that time, he suddenly realized that the third generation of the Qin family was present beside him. The rather ambiguous scene just now was indeed not suitable for children.

"Little brat, who did you learn from and dare to call me Laozi?" Qin Zhao knelt down and hugged Su Guanning when Su Ye and the two of them smiled and let him go to wipe their tears: "Don't call me like that in the future, I'm your father , how can you call yourself Lao Tzu with me?"

Bang... The door was knocked open, and at least three guns with their safety on were pointed at Qin Zhao: "Hold your head in your hands and raise your hands!"

"I know," Su Guanning nodded, with a look of composure that didn't match his age, stretched out his tender fingers and said to the nervous prison guards behind Qin Zhao, "Is it okay for me to call them Lao Tzu from now on?"

"Good son! That's right, you can say that to anyone except me and your grandfather. Well, it's not bad, I really have the glory of my past!" Qin Zhaofu praised him in a low voice in Su Guanning's ear, He ignored the harsh shouting and questioning of the prison guards behind him, and just hugged Su Guanning vigorously with his eyes closed.

"What's going on?!" Li Juan squeezed out of the crowd in a hurry, and when she saw the Qin family who looked like no one was there, she immediately understood what was going on. She knew that Qin Zhaonan must have felt aggrieved when he disguised himself as a woman and came undercover in the prison, especially when he was in such an unlucky place with a group of women during the Chinese New Year. After seeing his family visit at this time, he must have something to say. But the prison guards didn't know, they must have followed the rules. Because of this, he annoyed this man who didn't know where he came from.

Alas, it's all because I didn't explain it clearly to my subordinates...but who do I dare to tell? Li Juan sighed secretly, and waved to the prison guards, signaling them to put away their guns and take the police dogs away, so as not to frighten the child in Qin Zhao's arms.

The prison guards were really baffled by Warden Li’s order, especially after seeing Warden Li personally close the door for Qin Zhao and the others, Guard Sun pointed to Guard Qi who was lying on the ground and asked, “Head Li, she, did she teach Guan Qi?” beated……"

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