"With the greatest strength?"

Mike came to Qin Zhao and stopped one and a half meters away. Seeing him wearing a snow-white shirt standing in the sun, he had a kind of free and easy riding the wind. He couldn't help raising his big black fist and showing his white teeth. He said: "Professor Qin, before starting the practice, I think you should understand a truth, are you sure you can bear my fist?"

"Professor Qin, Mike was the heavyweight champion of the American amateur boxing competition before he came to school. You can't beat him at all. I think you'd better not fight him." Yan Ruyu saw that Qin Zhao really wanted to fight with Mike. Fighting, I am afraid that he will die because of his own words, save face and get hurt, that is not fun, so I hurriedly reminded him.

Why didn't Jing Hong remind him? Is this Professor Qin really powerful? After Yan Ruyu said these words, she was puzzled by Jing Hongxue's smiling face.

"It doesn't matter, how do you know if you haven't hit me yet?" Qin Zhao shook his head at Yan Ruyu's kindness, and hooked his hands again: "Mike, don't worry about attacking me. If I can't hit you within a minute, I won't let you down in the future." If I see you again, I will call you master."

"Fa Ke!" After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Mike couldn't help cursing in a low voice. He originally thought it was just a joke with this young Professor Qin, but he didn't expect him to be serious. It seems that he is not allowed to He didn't know that hitting his face with a fist hurts. Mumbling Oke Oke in his mouth, Mike skillfully raised his fist and swayed in mid-air a few times, and began to jump slowly on the spot.

Before Mike came to Pearl University, he used to be an underground boxer in New York State, USA. If it wasn't for the inexplicable acceptance of a large amount of inheritance, it would be impossible for him to come to school dressed like a dog. Now that he has become a person with status, he must give up his previous occupation. But voluntarily giving up is not forgetting, which can be seen from his skillful striding steps and waving his fists.

"Come on, stop talking, the countdown starts now, 60, 59..." Qin Zhao took a step back. To be honest, he didn't expect to meet a boxing champion when he wanted to show off, even though he was an amateur. But the words have already been spoken, if he can't be beaten within a minute, then this person will be very disappointed. Start training with this opponent who looks even blacker than a black bear. If you can't provoke him and find a chance to knock him down, let alone a minute, even five minutes may not be enough to beat this thick-skinned black guy.

"56...52." Qin Zhao counted in his mouth, squinting slightly at Mike's feet, his fists in front of his chest, and the toe of his right foot was slightly raised.

If the black brother is smart enough, even if he is not Qin Zhao's opponent, as long as he defends well and survives the 60 seconds, then Qin Zhao will have to admit defeat. But this passive style of play is not Mike's style, so today he is destined to become a character who accompanies the prince to study.

Just when Qin Zhao called out the number '49', Mike, who had been so close to victory, finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, roared and jumped in front of Qin Zhao, his right fist was vicious with the sound of the wind. Hit him hard on the chin, and at the same time, the left fist was already subconsciously preparing for a lower hook.

Since he used to regard boxing as a profession, Mike would never be sloppy at work, so once he started training, he did his best.

Mike's fierce fist hit Qin Zhao's chin like lightning amidst the low cries of the crowd. Seeing that this punch might really make this good-looking Professor Qin burst into a full face, The one who regretted the most was Yan Ruyu, who couldn't help but close her eyes after a soft cry.

Just when Mike's right fist was about to touch Qin Zhao's chin, he also hesitated for a moment, for fear that Professor Qin was just a talker, and if this punch did something good or bad for him, I would be sorry for Jesus. Lord... At the moment when he was considering whether to retract his fist, Qin Zhao in front of him suddenly disappeared.

After Mike threw the punch with all his strength, he could no longer make defensive moves. Qin Zhaohuo leaned back, and then turned halfway, letting his fist brush his cheeks, but turned his right foot backwards With the inertia, he kicked fiercely sideways, and kicked horizontally on the inside of Mike's left knee with a bang. With one hit, he took advantage of a very clean backflip, and when Mike's body hit the place where he was originally standing, he was already standing a meter away with his hands behind his back.

Mike, who only felt a sudden shock in his left leg and lay on the ground, could swear to the great Lord Jesus that although he wanted to withdraw his fist when he was about to hit Qin Zhao, he did not withdraw his fist and lay here.

Mike raised his head from the ground with an incredulous expression on his face, only to hear Qin Zhao say at this moment: "46."

The meaning of this number is: Qin Zhao put him on the ground cleanly and completely in 14 seconds, 46 seconds earlier than the one minute he set.

Seeing Mike closing his eyes pretending to be in pain, Qin Zhao bent down and stretched out his right hand, smiling: "Mike, your punching speed is very fast, your feet are also very good at bouncing, and there is nothing to say about your position..."

"Forget it, forget it, stop comforting me." Mike reached out and grabbed Qin Zhao's hand and stood up, then bent down and rubbed his numb left knee: "How much you praise me, in fact Is this setting off yourself? Hehe, but I did lose, I have to admit this."

Damn, I didn't expect your kid to be quite smart. Seeing that he explained his intentions clearly, Qin Zhao couldn't help but secretly praised him for being smart, but he didn't blush.

"Have you seen it? If you want to have a good physical quality, you don't have to learn to play basketball or football. If one day you face a bad guy, it will be against you, even if you are proficient in three-step layups or familiar with football offside , but still can’t protect yourself. In the face of danger, the only thing you can do is,” Qin Zhao looked at the business elites who had begun to worship him, and said coolly: “Knock them down, and then dodge. Of course Now, if any student suspects that Mike will deliberately release water on me, then he can also challenge me, teacher, I will wait here."

As soon as Qin Zhao finished speaking, crackling applause rang out. Seeing the light of admiration shining behind the glasses, he began to regret why he didn't perform more excitingly just now. Anyway, black brothers are more capable of taking beatings. well known.

"Teacher Qin," Yan Ruyu no longer called him Professor Qin but a teacher, which meant that she was convinced by Qin Zhao's coolness just now. When she saw Qin Zhao looking at her with a smile, she raised her finger and pointed to the east of the playground: "I don't know if you can handle those people by yourself? You must know that Mike is your student, and there is probably someone who performs double reeds among you." Suspicion, but if you can handle those people, it will show that you really have the strength."

I'm nervous, it's okay to always fight with others? Why did the pretty girl come up with such a bad idea?

Qin Zhao turned his head with a smile, and then he understood why Yan Ruyu said that. Because at this time, the five or six people who came from the east of the playground were dressed like ordinary social gangsters, but their straight hairstyles and rigorous walking betrayed their professions. The true nature of killing and killing.

Especially seeing these five people approaching in the form of a fan, and after they all locked their eyes on him without saying a word, Qin Zhao knew that Yan Ruyu was really right this time.

What are these people doing? I don't think they came here with good intentions, could it be... Qin Zhao took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. The moment he turned around, he suddenly understood: These people might be called by that Liu Fei. The purpose of acting like a bastard is to teach yourself a lesson. Judging from the knives in their hands, maybe Liu Fei has already discussed with them to destroy his face of coaxing girls...

Qin's inference was correct, these seemingly gangsters were sent by Liu Fei.

Liu Fei understands a truth very well. As long as Qin Zhao is on campus, there will be no major conflicts between them. After all, their relationship is between teachers and students. If he hits Qin Zhao, the school will definitely stand up. He will lose the umbrella of continuing to stay dormant in Pearl University. As for who this new professor Qin is, Liu Fei is too lazy to investigate, he just wants to give Professor Qin a hard time, it is best to disfigure him, who let him provoke him with a bad face Pretty girl noticed?

Although Pearl University is said to be a special event for elites rather than a paradise for gangsters, the saying that there are birds in the forest is true. Since there can be a former amateur boxing champion like Mike, there can be an insidious person like Liu Fei who is "if you offend me, I will beat you". He didn't have a chance to mess with Qin Zhao openly, so let's make troubles secretly, anyway, he can easily settle the matter by calling a few third-rate people from the organization.

As for whether these people pretending to be gangsters can enter and leave Pearl University, I won’t say much here. Do you have a chance to see a campus where there are no gangsters in your life?

"Mr. Qin, hurry up and dodge for a while, even if you can fight again, they seem to have a guy in their hands." When Yan Ruyu saw these people, she just said casually to scare Qin Zhao, but she saw These people who were getting closer and closer were obviously coming towards this side, and their hands were shining coldly, so she began to worry about Qin Zhao.

"Professor Qin, what Yan Meimei said is right. Don't you have an old saying in Huaxia that those who know current affairs are called heroes. I think you should get away as soon as possible now, and then call the school security... because I, I can't help you." "The black brother really admired Qin Zhao who kicked him down, but these people who came here were obviously holding things, and as a foreign student, no matter how good he was, the most frightening thing was to provoke the locals. species of people.

"Didn't I tell you, why don't you learn basketball and football in physical education class but learn Sanda? Now you understand? Hehe." Qin Zhao smiled and shook his neck casually: "Brother Mike, say To be honest, the time I came with you just now was very unpleasant. Now that someone has offered to send you a teaching material, if I waste this opportunity, I won’t be able to sleep.”

Let me say a few words of truth here (don’t waste B’s): When I went home early this morning, the weather in Jinan was rainy + snowy + strong north wind of level 6. In the past, it took up to 50 minutes to ride a bicycle. Brother, I was stunned After riding for an hour and a half, I feel ashamed and more tired. I wanted to come up to take a look and then wash and sleep, but I saw that Yaoyao Baobao and other friends voted for VIP tickets for this book, and Tong Dong, relying on 20, ijinliun, Leng Yuexianghun and other buddies insisted on reading the book. Unremittingly keeping the calligraphy, I feel warm in my heart... I feel that if I don't hurry up and update it, it will be like sorry for the motherland and the people... Hehe, everything is in the hehe, not much to say, good morning everyone.

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