As soon as Song Yingxia walked out of the hall of the teaching building, she regretted her impulsiveness. See, no matter how angry my little cousin is to me, I shouldn't just find someone to come out in such a rash way. What if this Liu Fei is a bad guy? If he secretly puts medicine in the drink... Then, wouldn't I be miserable? Song Yingxia thought about it in her heart, and glanced at the triumphant Liu Fei out of the corner of her eye. For some reason, when she saw the smug smile on his lips, Song Yingxia remembered that Qin Zhao also smiled like this, as if his plot was about to succeed.

As for the difference between their smiles, Song Yingxia was sure that no matter how cunning Qin Zhao was, nothing he did would harm her. But what about this person? Only now did she realize that she knew nothing about others! This made her heart throb a few times, and then she let go of his arm. . .

Sensing that Song Yingxia suddenly let go of himself, Liu Fei turned his head strangely and smiled sincerely: "Student Song, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Song Yingxia lowered her head in a panic, her eyes erratic: "I, I suddenly don't want to go out for coffee."

"Oh." After hearing what Song Yingxia said, the smile on the corner of Liu Fei's mouth disappeared immediately. He seemed to know why Song Yingxia stopped drinking coffee suddenly: Could it be that everything this woman did just now was for that Professor Qin to see? Just using Lao Tzu as a tool for her to deal with others? Hmph, Song Yingxia, Song Yingxia, if you really do this, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Liu Fei let Song Yingxia loosen his arms, and smiled with a barely manly demeanor: "Since classmate Song doesn't want to go, then you should go back to the classroom. Let's see." What about you? Won't you go back? "Although he heard the unwillingness in Liu Fei's tone, Song Yingxia secretly stopped in relief and asked him what to do. At the same time, he felt embarrassed to use others to attack Qin Zhao, so he immediately wanted to turn around and go back. , asked casually.

"Am I still embarrassed to go back?" Liu Fei smiled wryly, and said in a low voice: "Hehe, I have already had a heated argument with Professor Qin. If you hadn't agreed to go to drink coffee with me, I think now I will be with him. There is already a fight on the playground. Go back? Song, if you want to go back, go first, even if I go back, I have to wait for him to finish this class before going back, otherwise he will definitely laugh at me. "

"I'm sorry, Liu Fei..." Song Yingxia lowered her head and thought for a while, and felt that what Liu Fei said was the truth. Now that he has been dragged out, and now he is about to go back, what should he do? You must know that he is a man who wants to save face just like his little cousin.


"Hey, let's go out. Since you don't want to go back, let's find a nearby coffee shop and come back after Professor Xiao and Qin's class is over." Song Yingxia wanted to make up for her guilt towards Liu Fei , so I came up with a suggestion that I thought was very good: just find a coffee shop nearby, chat casually for dozens of minutes, and go back after my little cousin's class is over, then you won't Feeling humiliated, and I don't feel insecure anymore.

"Okay, I don't care, I can do whatever I want..." Liu Fei smiled: "Song, please wait for a while, I will call Tiantianle Coffee Shop to reserve a seat, so as not to have no place to go. See, hearing Liu Fei say that the coffee shop is on campus and you don't have to go out, Song Yingxia felt more at ease. Those worries just disappeared immediately. In her impression, as long as you don't leave the school gate, there is no danger. She raised her head and told Liu Fei He said yes, and then walked a few steps, letting Liu Fei call to reserve a seat.

How did she know that Liu Fei immediately called the person in charge of Zichuan's Mingzhu team after she walked a few steps and could no longer hear what he said.

In the economy and society, even the notorious Zichuan has its own group in Mingzhu, just like those multinational companies. From this point of view, the underworld is also keeping pace with the development of society. . .

"Send a few people to the playground of Mingzhu University quickly, find a physical education teacher named Qin Zhao, and give him a good meal! It's best to mess up his little white face that makes me look so annoying... um, He is a new PE teacher, the first class must be on the playground, he looks good, he should be easy to recognize... Well, yes, you have to get this done in forty minutes. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for him to do it after class is over. However, we must not let people find out that it was us who did it. As for how to do it, do you want me to teach you?"

Hearing the obedient 'Hai' sound coming from the phone, Liu Fei smiled sadly, hung up the phone, and quickly chased after Song Yingxia...

The 22-year-old Ichiro Yamamae, his greatest dream is to become the silver star envoy in the Zichuan group with his own efforts. . .

Maybe his piety moved the Lord. Anyway, at about 8:15 in the morning on the 17th day of the first lunar month, he suddenly received a call from the manager of the Japanese Sturgeon Headquarters in Mingzhu Branch, asking him to bring a few capable men and make sure that he was there. I rushed to the playground of Pearl University before 8:45, found a professor named Qin Zhao, and then fixed him up. If he can get rid of that little boy who is said to be very annoying to the third son, then he is very good. May be promoted. Behold my chance has finally come! Thank you Almighty Lord, thank you ancestors of the Yasukuni Shrine! After hearing this call, Ichiro Yamamae immediately bowed several times excitedly to the phone, and after a series of 'Ada Yi Masi', he put down the phone and ran out of the office. . .

There is no way, the time is too tight, if you don't act quickly, after 8:45, there will be no more opportunities to get promoted by bullying a smelly professor.

It is not groundless to say that the rigorous work attitude of the Japanese is comparable to that of the Germans. As soon as Qin Zhaogang coquettishly put Mike to the ground, Ichiro Yamamae led several capable men to the playground of Pearl University, and they all looked like gangsters.

The scene where Qin Zhao knocked Mike down with one kick was also seen by Shanqian. But this can't change his eagerness to advance to become a Silver Star envoy at all. He just told everyone to greet him at critical times, and then ordered his subordinates to surround him in a fan formation. . .

As the people in front of the mountain got closer and closer, until they were only seven or eight meters away from Qin Zhao, those shopping mall elites with glasses as thick as wine bottles, except for Jing Hongxue and Guo Jing, that is, Mike, were no longer trembling. Now everyone is very regretful because they didn't take their mobile phones in physical education class, but at the same time, they also hope that they can fight, so that everyone can watch the excitement, anyway, these people are not here to find themselves.

"Is there something for you people to come here?" Under the timid but excited attention of the elites, Qin Zhao walked up to the mountain slowly, frowning and doing his best to be a teacher and treat the ignorant Disgusted expression: "Now is the student's class time. If you want to find someone, please go to the security department first and explain to the school, and then under the leadership of the school staff... Why are you taking out the knife? It's very dangerous!"

"Hehe." Seeing Qin Zhao's tough appearance but panic in his heart, Shanqian, who was a little apprehensive about giving him a shiny leg from a distance, now completely relaxes his due vigilance. . . After a hey smile, he weighed the knife in his hand: "Are you Professor Qin Zhaoqin?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Qin Zhao paused with a blank expression on his face: "You didn't come to look for students... Frightened, you didn't come to look for me, did you?"

"That's right, you're right, we're here to find you." Shanqian winked at his subordinates, and after the two subordinates slowly surrounded Qin Zhao and cut off his retreat, he spoke fluent Chinese: "As for why I'm looking for you, don't ask, anyway, you're going to be unlucky today..."

"Why, why?" Qin Zhao acted as if he didn't see the two people behind him, and instead looked at the knife flying in front of the mountain in panic, "I don't know you, please think about it carefully." Did you recognize the wrong person? Today is my first class."

"As long as you are Professor Qin Zhao, as long as you are attending class for the first time today, it means that we have found the wrong person. Hehe, as for why you took the knife, it doesn't mean anything else. I just want to use your face to test whether the knife is fast. .”

"Use my face to test the speed of the knife?" Qin Zhao suddenly covered his cheeks, his voice already trembling.

"Hey, what are you going to do? Please leave the playground immediately, or I will call the police!" Yan Ruyu saw that Qin Zhao suddenly softened, and cursed an embroidered pillow in her heart, and she didn't have time to come now Think about why he was so proud just now, why is he like this again now. He stretched out his hand to push away a few male students who were standing in front of him, and was about to step up to rescue Qin Zhao.

But as soon as she took a few steps, the two people standing behind Qin Zhao suddenly showed their knives and stared straight at her pretty face. Although they were not drooling, they were similar: "Haha , so many men present dare not stand out, why do you, a beautiful woman, want to mingle? I advise you to stand obediently, and the brothers can buy you out for a drink later. "

"Yan Ruyu, don't go over there." Before Yan Ruyu said anything, Jing Hongxue quickly walked up behind her, grabbed her and said in a low voice, "Qin Zhao will be fine, he might be playing tricks by showing weakness like this." Play."

"Wan Wan?" Yan Ruyu turned her head, looked at Jing Hongxue with wide eyes, and pointed at the small knives in the hands of those people: "He, he also called this Wan Wan? Jing Hong, don't tell me that it's because of him After defeating Mike, he is not afraid of knives, is he?"

"I said it's okay, you listen to me... We'd better stay away from each other, so as not to be hit by them when they fall." After Jing Hongxue finished speaking, she couldn't help but drag Yan Ruyu back.

In fact, she really wanted to tell Yan Ruyu: Don't just mention these birdmen with knives, when he and my brother were surrounded by nearly a hundred armed agents from a certain country, didn't they escape safely?

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