"A mature woman should know how to love a man. Although you are several years older than me, why do you hold my arm like a child!" After walking out of the Moscow airport, Qin Zhao glanced at Ah who deliberately lagged several steps behind. Lian Na said in a low voice: "You are always sticky with me like this, it will make others feel very upset!"

"We are sticky together, why do others get upset? You are afraid that you won't have the chance to please others! Huh, besides, she is an outsider!" Li Moyu felt that his words were a bit sour, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: " What did you and my sister talk about this afternoon?"

"I said, if she wants to continue working as governor, she'd better make me happy, or I might make her pack up and leave at any time!"

"You're threatening your sister-in-law like this!" Li Moyu stopped angrily: "You even said that you don't want to look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, Qin Zhao, you are doing too much! You are so happy, How to coax!"

"Hey! You can only feel it, but you can't express it in words, Aliena, hurry up... Driver, take us to the Moscow Cosmos Hotel!" Qin Zhao turned around and greeted Aliena without stopping, and then waved his hands and called Take a taxi.

Waiting for Li Moyu to grit his teeth and curse bitterly? After the last one got into the taxi, on the top of a three-story building far away from them, Karl put aside the sniper rifle with the infrared sight and took out the satellite phone: "Boss, Qin Zhao and the second master and a woman, I have now left the airport in a Pallanda taxi..."

"Why do you use your real name to open a room at the front desk? Aren't you afraid of being noticed by Hu Mietang and the others!" After Qin Zhao took a door key from the bar waiter, Li Moyu couldn't help but whispered Remind him: "Seeing that you are usually very careful, why are you so careless at this time!"

"Let's go! Hu Mietang already knew the news of my coming to Moscow!" Qin Zhao said lightly, and walked to the elevator first: "You still have more than an hour to enjoy the dawn in Moscow, but I hope you shut up and don't waste time, let me think about how to negotiate this business with him, remember! If you don't abide by the three agreements I told you before coming here, you'd better go back to China!"

Unable to resist Li Moyu's life-and-death plan to follow her to Russia, Qin Zhao set three rules for her: When she arrives in Russia, watch more and talk less, do not act alone, and absolutely obey Qin's words.

"Got it!" Li Moyu lazily agreed, and Aliena, who had never spoken, followed Qin Zhao into the elevator.

On the 23rd floor of the Universe Hotel, Qin Zhao stood at the window, looking at the dawn of Moscow outside, casually threw the cigarette butt from the open window, and waited until a dark red streaked across the night sky and could no longer be seen before turning around. Turning around, looking at Aliena who was sitting on the sofa with her head bowed: "Hu Mietang is coming, are you nervous!"

"En!" Aliena nodded without denying it.

"Why are you nervous!" Li Moyu asked: "When you meet him, he should be the one who should feel nervous, because he owes you!"

"That's right, Mo Yu's words are quite correct!" Qin Zhao rarely objected to Li Moyu's words, and was about to praise her a few nice words when the doorbell rang, so he changed his words: "He may be here!"

"I'll go and have a look!" Li Moyu stood up from the sofa, walked quickly to the door, leaned against the door, raised his cat's eyes and took a look: "There are three people outside, but Hu Mietang is not there!"

"Oh, he's quite airy, do you want me to go to Emerald Manor to find him!" Qin Zhao frowned: "Open the door!"

Li Moyu opened the door slightly: "Who are you looking for..." As soon as he said this, the person on the left outside the door slammed into the door, and a bald man on the right rushed into the room. , I felt a flash of white light in front of my eyes, a numbness in my wrist, and Li Moyu, whose right foot had been retracted just as the pistol was out of his hand, held it in his hand and pressed it against his face: "Who are you!"

Papa, two crisp applause came from the hands of the third man outside the door. This man raised his head and looked at Li Moyu: "Li Er is in charge, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your fists and feet are the same as your face. You are always so beautiful. Sashyuski, don't be impulsive, this beautiful lady was the second head of our organization a year ago!"

"Hu Mietang!" After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Li Moyu was stunned for a moment, threw the gun back to the bald man, took a step back and said coldly: "No wonder I didn't recognize you just now, so you got a haircut, you The current hairstyle is much more pleasing to the eye than before!" Although Li Moyu is rarely afraid of anyone, she still couldn't help it when she faced Hu Mietang who was exuding a sinister aura all over her body. He took a step back, as if avoiding a poisonous snake.

"I feel the same way myself, Sashyuski, you two are waiting for me outside, and you are not allowed to come in without my order!" After Hu Mietang in a suit entered the room, he closed the door smoothly. When standing up to Aliena who stood up, a complex expression flashed in his eyes: "Alena, welcome back to Russia!"

Aliena didn't speak, just avoided his eyes and clenched her fists.

"She didn't want to come, but I forced her to come!" Qin Zhao said, walked to Aliena, patted her* and waited for her to sit down, and then sat on the sofa next to her, Erlang raised his legs and took out a box of Zhonghua and threw it to Hu Mietang: "Don't think that I did this to curry favor with you, I just want to prove to you that I didn't touch her when she was in Huaxia. In Russia, it depends on her!"

"I believe what you say!" After lighting a cigarette, Hu Mietang walked to the sofa opposite Qin Zhao, and said bluntly: "Over the years, she may be the only woman who has attracted me, and I know that , you see, in terms of our past friendship and future cooperation, we won't touch her!"

"I'm not your woman!" At this time, Aliena looked up at Hu Mietang, her voice was a little hoarse: "I told you a long time ago, I'm only by your side to find a chance to avenge my father!"

"In any case, you are already my woman, this is a fact!" Hu Mietang smiled lightly, ignored her, and said to Qin Zhao: "Speak! This time I come to Russia and want me to do it for you. What? What good will it do me!"

"This is the list of weapons I want. Take a look. After the goods arrive, you can choose cash or check!" Qin Zhao took out a piece of paper and put it on the coffee table.

Hu Mietang went over to pick it up, looked at it, frowned and said, "Ak47, ultra-long-range sniper rifles are easy to get, but escort boats and armed helicopters are two things. It may be difficult to get troops now. You know, since Putin came to power, these things have rarely been 'damaged', besides, how can such a big target be smuggled into the East China Sea!"

Escort boats, armed with missiles and small-caliber naval guns, are small surface ships used for coastal patrol and escort. The main weapons on board are 1-2 37-76mm single-barreled or double-barreled naval guns, and several machine guns. And depth charges, etc. During the Second World War, the displacement of the frigate was 25-100 tons, and the speed was about 25 knots. The displacement of some modern frigates reached 500 tons, and the speed of the hydrofoil frigate could reach 50 knots. Cannons, depth charges, sonar, radar, infrared detectors and other advanced equipment.

"According to the information I have received, several small frigates in the Russian Pacific Fleet will be decommissioned. Although the military will definitely keep the things I want, with your ability, you should not let me down. Of course, if you want to To run these things well, at least more than one hundred million will be needed!" Qin Zhao took out another check: "This is five million US dollars for activities, you accept it first, and within a month at the latest, you have to pay this Once the matter is settled, as for how to transport it to the East China Sea, that is my business, and then it can be dismantled and purchased as scrap steel, and the international ship breaking industry is also very developed now, and I happen to know one of them!"

"Well, if you say that, I'll try it, but you don't have to buy a military helicopter, you can buy a civilian one, and then refit it!" Hu Mietang put away the check: " Alright! Within a month, I will finish it!"

"Well, there is one more thing!" Qin Zhao said: "I heard that in the past few months, vampire bats have had some strength in the Rumaila oil field in Iraq!"

"Wrong, the Rumaila oil field is a big oil field in Iraq, let alone me, even the Italian mafia can't get involved!" Hu Mietang smiled proudly and said, "I heard that the domestic petrochemical group is fighting with the Iraqi oil field. The official signed a 20-year service contract of tens of billions of dollars, so what? I advise you not to make any plans on this oil field, but a mouthful of oil was indeed discovered 350 kilometers away from the Rumaila oil field. An oil well with abundant resources, and I am the owner of that humble oil field!"

"Hu Mietang, I have to admire you!" I've heard what Suning said a long time ago, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. Qin Zhao, who was obviously stunned, looked at him with a complicated expression: "You can hold your hand?" Go there, what is the name of the oil field controlled by you, how did you succeed in controlling it, and where the crude oil you extract is sold to, do you have any say!"

"I have to thank General Boff, who laid a good foundation for me a few years ago!" Hu Mietang smiled at Alena: "I'm just a peach picker. Six years ago, General Boff Knowing that there are good things in that place called Khambar, and he just secretly supported a batch of equipment that Saddam needed, so he easily got the right to use that place for 60 years, although crude oil belongs to Iraqi national resources , In principle, private sales are not allowed, but through underground operations, the owner now has the right to decide who to sell these resources to!"

"You are not afraid that selling crude oil privately will provoke interference from the United States and Britain!"

"Although the United States and the United Kingdom are very powerful, they are also afraid of death, especially suicide terrorist attacks. After they learned that Humble has crude oil, they also wanted to intervene, but I taught them a little lesson! "Hu Mietang said lightly.

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