"Oh, I see, you are the one who pushed the suicide incidents against the United States and Britain that have been making a lot of noise in the world recently!" Qin Zhao snorted, and then said with a look of disbelief: "Talk about the greed of the United States and the United Kingdom. , then of course the world knows, they won’t retreat just because you have committed several suicides! Also, their strength is there, if they want to occupy your oil well, I’m afraid it’s worse than farting Easy!"

"Hehe, I admit that they are super powerful, and they also want to use the puppet government to take back the right to use Hanboar!" Hu Mietang said: "But every time they come to preside over this matter, they will be precisely targeted. Body bomb attack, after hundreds of people died, they dare not go to Hanboer easily!"

"Then your loss is not small!"

"In fact, there is not much loss. I just paid a considerable amount of money and let the Iraqi people do it!" Hu Mietang said: "The great Iraqi people hate the American and British devils who are dictating their country from the bottom of their hearts. , as long as you give them a little support, they will use their lives to defend the dignity of their country!"

"This is really a good idea. You just hid in the dark and provided money and information, and you caused Meiying to suffer such a big dumb loss. Alas! It means that you have such a cruel heart. If you were someone else, your conscience would be condemned. Take me for example!" Qin Zhao stood up and stretched out his hand to Hu Mietang: "Okay, I admit that I am not as smart as you in this kind of matter, so I decided to cooperate with you. At the beginning, I will invest 50 million U.S. dollars in Hanboer Oilfield is a minority shareholder, I hope you will not refuse!"

"Participation, why should I let you participate!" Hu Mietang didn't show much surprise at Qin's unblushing request to participate, but he didn't extend his hand either.

"If one day you die, these will become mine, and I have fought side by side with you, we have shed blood and sweat together, and blocked bullets for each other. This is the reason for my participation!" Qin Zhao didn't take back his hand: "If you think it's not enough, I can add another condition, I promise you, after you die, I will take good care of Aliena for you, and make her happy and safe for the rest of her life install!"

What kind of promise did he make? If you ask for it, he will wait for you to die one by one. The most annoying thing is to tell people blatantly, "I will take care of your woman when you die." , How do you say this? If I were Hu Mietang, I wouldn’t blame you if I didn’t slap you in the face. After hearing Qin Zhao’s reason for this shareholding, Li Moyu’s big eyes, which were already charming, widened all of a sudden. Hu Mietang was even ready to turn his face immediately.

But what puzzled her and surprised her was that after hesitating for a moment, Hu Mietang stretched out his hand to shake Qin Zhao, and said in a calm tone: "Deal, don't forget to put the 50 million in the next deal." Call the account I designated on Monday, and I will give you 30% of the shares, and your last additional condition is what I care most about!"

Aliena raised her head and looked at Hu Mietang with complicated eyes, she opened her mouth to say something? In the end, he lowered his head and stared at the coffee table.

"Apart from my liking to lying with women, I seldom say nothing!" Alas! Hu Mietang, after all, you still didn't impress her. If I were you, I would have passed away long ago, but you are still quite calm here, which proves that you are also worried. Seen by Qin Zhao, he smiled, let go of his hands and made a gesture of invitation, and then sat down: "As for Aliena, I have brought her here. As for whether she should go or stay, I think you'd better Respect her opinion!"

"You don't need to teach me this!" Hu Mietang lit another cigarette, and put the box of Zhonghua into his pocket: "Although Moscow also sells this kind of cigarette, but the taste is not pure... By the way, it's eight o'clock tonight Half Moscow Airport, I will go to Iraq, if you, the second largest shareholder, are free, you can follow me to see it!"

"No problem, you can arrange the passport and air ticket for me, and I will go there then!" Qin Zhao agreed without hesitation at all.

"Okay, I'll go get ready, as for her!" Hu Mietang glanced at Aliena: "You can also go with her, or she can go to Emerald Manor by herself!"

"I'm going to Iraq!" Alena, who didn't know what she was thinking, said at this moment: "The Hanboer oil field is my father's painstaking effort, I want to see it!"

"Huh!" Hu Mietang hummed, but didn't say anything else? He opened the door and walked out.

"This, this is the end of the matter!" After the door was closed, Li Moyu asked Qin Zhao with a look of disbelief: "You didn't sign a single contract, and you just completed such a big two deals so simply, are you Don't you want Ye Qingling to remit 50 million to him next Monday!"

"Yes!" Qin Zhao frowned: "We will do what we say, why sign the contract? You think Hu Mietang will be as dishonest as some people in China. Although he is my enemy, But I respect him a lot!"

"I don't understand, I don't understand what the relationship between you is. Don't forget that you and Jing Hongming swore to kill him when you were in Hongye Valley, but why do you trust each other now!"

"Li Moyu, although you were ignorant before, you are much better than the current mother-in-law, I don't understand? How could you change so much!" Qin Zhao said, taking off his coat and putting it on the sofa: "As long as I do this Everything is good for me and the country, so I will temporarily put aside my personal hatred. If Jing Hong is alive, he will do the same... Okay, I'm going to rest for a while, you two can make do on the sofa Let’s go! I’ll take you to downtown Moscow in the afternoon, and to Iraq in the evening!”

"I've changed, I've really changed!" After Qin Zhao walked into the suite and closed the door, Li Moyu opened his eyes wide and asked the cold-faced Alena: "Have I really changed or has he changed?" , look at him, he actually went to sleep in the suite by himself, leaving us two women outside, what does he look like!"

"I don't know if you have changed, but I really doubt how you are doing things under my father's hands with your current appearance. Although the two of them left me with a bad impression, But they are all real men, there are no fake men!" After Aliena finished speaking, she ignored her and fell down on the sofa and closed her eyes.

Hehe, Li Moyu was stunned for a while, then smiled silently, went to another sofa and lay down: Yes! I have changed, from the birth of Meng'er to the accident of my sister, I have changed, I am no longer the willful Li Moyu, I have become a little woman that many people hate, alas! In fact, I also feel quite tired, and I really want to be myself again, dare to love and dare to hate, huh, Li Moyu, be strong! Don't make any more fuss about your sister, just be yourself, dare to love, dare to hate...

"Red Square is a famous square in the center of Moscow. It is located in the center of Moscow. It is adjacent to the Kremlin in the southwest. It was originally a place where mass gatherings and military parades were held on important festivals in the former Soviet Union. The Kremlin is on the west and the National History Museum is on the north. On the east side is the department store, on the south is the Vasily Braren Church, facing the Moskva River, and the Lenin Mausoleum is located in the middle of the palace wall, above the tomb is the review stand, and on both sides are viewing platforms!" Li Moyu faced Qin Zhao and Aliena , walking backwards while talking.

There are some strange things, obviously Qin Zhao said that he took them around, and obviously Aliena was the real Russian, but the tour guide and commentator was Li Moyu, who was wearing a black suit bought in a fashion store.

Inside the open black suit was a pure white shirt with a pointed collar. The top two openings of the shirt were unbuttoned, exposing skin that was almost as white as the shirt. A light blue pearl necklace was embellished in it, exuding just the right The temptation of x...

When Li Moyu came out of the fitting room of the fashion store, Qin Zhao stared at her for a long while, then asked her if she was sick, why she was dressed so differently, didn't she know that she might be pretending to be something?

"From now on, I want to be myself. If I want to be myself, I start with the little things like dressing. You can say that I am pretending, don't be embarrassed," thinking of Li Moyu's reply to himself at that time, Qin Zhao has a kind of Suddenly, he couldn't see through it. He felt that she seemed to have changed a lot after she came out of the Universe Hotel, which made him feel a little scared. Therefore, when he saw three men deliberately walking behind her, He also didn't remind her that he really wanted to see what kind of tricks he, the pink lady, wanted to play. Anyway, those guys who seemed to be gangsters were destined to have no good fruit.

Now that Qin Zhao didn't say anything after seeing this, Aliena naturally didn't bother to care about it. She just stopped walking with her arms folded, with a look of nothing to do with herself.

"Both, it's still early for us to board the plane. Where do we want to see it? The State Historical Museum is the largest historical museum in Russia. I used to go there often!" At this moment, Li Moyu didn't even notice what was behind him. When someone came over, he said and gestured in the direction of the museum to the north: "Xiao Zhao, in fact, the history of Russia... Ouch!"

"Hey, how do you walk!" Among the three men who came from behind Li Moyu, the tallest one in the middle looked like Schwarzenegger, but his face was much better-looking than King Kong.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" God can testify for Li Moyu, she just wants to take Qin Zhao for a walk in the Red Square. Although she had already decided to be herself before she came out, she really didn't intend to cause trouble. At this time, because she walked backwards and stepped on someone else's feet, out of good quality cultivation, the first thing she blurted out was two sorry.

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