I would like to recommend a very good book to everyone, "Official Path" written by Meng Ruo Hong Huang, I don't see you hitting me on the head with tickets, I have no complaints or regrets.


"Mrs. Qin, don't worry, I will definitely take measures!"

Ye Qingling was anxious, Fu Rushan didn't want to fish Qin Zhao and Fu Mingzhu out of the water! You must know that the identities of the man and woman are extraordinary. No matter who it is, if there is any mistake here today, he may be the commander to the end, and no one can save him. He is only a lot more anxious than Ye Qingling. After comforting her, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Go and get the tools to break the ice, and smash these hateful ice layers for me step by step!"

"Oh!" After the group of officers received the order, they flew towards their respective cars. There were wrenches and other things in the car, which were the best tools for breaking the ice at this moment.

Clutching Fu Rushan's hand tightly, Ye Qingling seemed to be clutching Qin Zhaosheng's hope tightly. Now she didn't have to mention how regretful she was. For the sake of the so-called integrity, Fu Mingzhu committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake in shame. Qin Zhao followed closely behind regardless of life or death, and she suddenly felt clearly that if something happened to Fu Mingzhu this time, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life, just like how Qin Zhao felt guilty for the death of Yinghua Shangdao. , she might go...die.

As far as the quality of the soldiers is concerned, from Fu Rushan's order to the twenty or thirty people climbing over the fence to smash the ice, it took half a minute for the ice to ring.

"Don't be afraid, Mrs. Qin, they'll be fine!" Sensing the panic in Ye Qingling's heart, Fu Rushan squeezed her hand hard, then took advantage of the situation and turned around and shouted to his daughter: "Go home and get a hammer Come……"

"Come up, come up!" A burst of ecstatic bluffs interrupted Fu Rushan's words. He hurriedly bent down and looked down, and saw a hand protruding from a hole in the ice, and the officer next to him hurriedly grabbed it. He pulled it up and pulled it up hard. Zhou Xun, with a livid face, collapsed on the bank under the guardrail, trembling all over, gasping for breath.

"How is it!" Someone asked loudly.

"Look, I can't see anyone..." Zhou Xun was speechless after a long period of lack of oxygen in the ice water.

"Hurry up, quickly pull him up and bring him home!" Fu Rushan roared, "The rest of you should tie ropes around their waists and keep going down!"

"Oh!" The dozen or so people below agreed in unison, and rushed Zhou Xun, who was trembling, to the ground, and two officers supported him and rushed towards the villa.

Crash! There was another sound of water, and another hand stretched out of the water, and the officers dragged people out again in a panic. This time it was Di Ying, who was as pale as Zhou Xun, panting with his mouth wide open. After taking a few deep breaths, he said tremblingly, "You can't see anything below. It's pitch black. The water is very, very deep and very cold!"

After Fu Rushan heard this, his heart was as cold as the water of the lake. People like Zhou Xun Diying, who are proficient in water skills, are like this. What's more, Fu Mingzhu, who threw herself into the lake a long time ago, is much worse than these two people. Also, don't Looking at Qin Zhao's fight just now, he was able to handle more than a dozen people alone, but in this environment, I'm afraid he is not as good as Zhou Xun Diying.

Listening to the shouts of people running back and forth, Ye Qingling stared blankly at the surface of the water, how she wished that the next person to come out of the water would be Qin Zhao, whom she hated, hated, cried, and loved so much, but After a few more officers with ropes tied around their waists went into the water, the four ice holes still looked like demon eyes, looking at her coldly with the sarcasm she used to look at Fu Mingzhu.

As far as Ye Qingling was concerned, the only person present who regretted as much as Ye Qingling was Fu Xiaodie. It was her instigation that put Fu Mingzhu in a dilemma. It was the good water quality that made it back desperately, but Fu Mingzhu and Qin Zhao, who jumped off first, have not moved until now, as if they have been completely swallowed by the lake with four big mouths.

Time, while several groups of officers went into the water and came up again, every second passed by, making Fu Rushan feel that it passed extremely slowly, and at the same time, he asked his daughter beside him in a low voice: "Xiaodie, since your aunt threw herself into the lake How long has it been since now!"

"Yes, it's been more than ten minutes!" Fu Xiaodie stared at the four ice holes, and just finished answering absent-mindedly, she immediately realized what her father meant by asking this question, and called out tremblingly: "Dad, Dad , Aunt, Aunt, are they..."

"Ah!" Fu Rushan sighed, turned around and asked Tang Yuanqing, "Old Tang, how long do you think a person can last in the water under the ice before they lose consciousness!"

"Generally speaking, if you wear ordinary clothes and keep still, you can only tolerate five or six minutes in ice water. In fact, due to the low temperature causing a person's limbs to be numb and incapacitated, or because of fear and blind struggle, most people will survive in five minutes. Died in the muddy water in Nakachi, of course, if it is a person with good water quality, he can keep calm because of instinct, and if he gains heat by moving his limbs, he can survive for ten minutes, but what I said is that he can breathe Situation... The current situation is that Ms. Fu and the others are all under the ice. Even if they gain heat through physical activity, but they don't have enough oxygen supply, it may be difficult to survive for five or ten minutes. However, you don't need to, Commander Fu. Worry, some people can stay alive by holding their breath, as long as we rescue them in time, they still have hope!"

The officers below frantically smashed on the ice that was not too thick but not too thin. As the ice continued to break, the four ice holes disappeared, and there were three more officers with ropes tied around their waists. Swimming into the water like a fish, it also brought Ye Qingling's hope, but at this moment, Tang Yuanqing's words shook her dizzily like a thunderbolt: It has been more than ten minutes, and they haven't come out yet .

"Old Tang, call and send the army to come with the corresponding equipment to prepare for a large-scale search. In addition, let the soldiers stop and stop launching, and quickly prepare long-handled bamboo poles and other equipment..." Fu Rushan looked down, staring blankly. After a while, finally said this sentence.

When he uttered these words, in fact, his hope for Qin and Fu's survival was shattered. Although all the officers are still working hard, and even Xiang Jun has already gone down, the ice surface they smashed is only 1% compared to the entire artificial lake, and each of them has already gone down several times. In the water for the first time, when the cold wind blew, his face was completely livid. At this time, it must have been more than twenty minutes since Fu Mingzhu fell into the water!

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Tang Yuanqing knew that Fu Rushan's order would actually start the later stage of salvage work. He was silent for a moment, and just about to turn around, he was grabbed by a cold little hand.

Grabbing Tang Yuanqing, Ye Qingling knelt down in front of Fu Rushan with a thump, and hissed, "General Fu, please let people go down again! Don't give up on rescuing them. I dare say, Xiao Zhao is still in the water." Work hard!"

"Madam Qin, General Fu's order is not to give up on rescuing them!" Tang Yuanqing pulled Ye Qingling up with a little force: "You have also seen that although our soldiers are all working hard, they never stop fighting one after another!" The action of launching into the water, but because the lake is frozen and the water is severely hypoxic, we must mobilize a large number of people with special ice-breaking tools..."

"How long will it take for them to arrive!" Ye Qingling asked anxiously.

"It will take about half an hour!" Tang Yuanqing said with a guilty conscience.

"Half an hour!" Ye Qingling's hope that had just been raised was shattered again. If she knew that Tang Yuanqing's half an hour was just an exaggeration, she might faint directly.

"Look, look, over there..." At this moment, an officer suddenly pointed at the ice in the distance and shouted, all eyes followed the direction he pointed.

On the ice surface tens of meters away from the shore, a fist-sized ice cube was flying up from the ice layer. After a pause for a few seconds, another piece bounced up. Then, a hand appeared in people's sight After appearing in the middle, it fell again, and then smashed another piece of ice into the sky...

Someone can be so good as to break through the ice with their fists under the ice.

After seeing all this, these naval elites who lived on the water all year round were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Hurry up, go over here!" Xiang Jun was the first to react, and immediately roared and ordered to his subordinates: "You scolded me, why are you so fucking stunned? Why don't you go over quickly, you need two people It’s best to slide over the past between two people, be careful not to step on the ice layer!”

"Oh!" The two officers yelled in unison, ran along the bank to the unspoiled ice, lay down on the ice, and slid over like swimming.

Time seemed to stand still, everyone forgot to breathe and stared at the two officers, and when they quickly slipped to the place where the hand appeared, a person's head protruded from under the ice, it was a woman with a pale ashen face , eyes closed.

"It's Auntie!" Fu Xiaodie jumped up with her fists clenched when she saw Fu Mingzhu poking out of the ice.

That's right, this person is Fu Mingzhu, and the two officers didn't care about offending them at this time, they directly grabbed Fu Mingzhu's hair, and dragged her out of the ice hole. Immediately, she was slid past The two officers who came dragged and slid towards the shore with the fastest speed.

Crash... A sound of water that could not be heard on the shore was probably the best sound Ye Qingling had heard in her life, because she saw a person, a person with tightly pressed lips, waiting The two officers stretched their hands into the ice hole and jumped out from under the ice layer, carrying ice water at one end.

"Xiao Zhao, that's Xiao Zhao, hold him quickly!" Ye Qingling shouted excitedly, she wanted to run over, but was grabbed by Tang Yuanqing: "It's dangerous over there, you just wait here !"

"Fuck, man, you can still charge up by yourself after so long!" Fu Xiaodie shouted while jumping, but suddenly felt a chill on the back of her neck, she hurriedly turned her head, and saw her father watching him coldly. She was so frightened that she stuck out her tongue, leaned on the fence by the lake with her chin in her hands, and didn't dare to yell anymore.

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