Plop, this was the last sound Qin Zhao heard before being completely swallowed by the dark icy water. The biting cold water made him shiver several times before he sank to the bottom. When he opened his eyes, it was dark all around. He couldn't see anything except a little light from the hole in the ice when he broke through the ice. He scratched around the bottom of the lake a few times, but he didn't touch anything.

Qin Zhao let his body lie flat, his limbs kept pushing and pulling, and slowly floated up with the buoyancy of the water. Just when he was about to reach the bottom of the ice layer, he suddenly felt the lake water slightly turbulent a few times, making his body tremble. Slowly drifting away from the ice hole where he came in, he knew that someone had jumped down again, and at the same time made him understand that the reason why he couldn't touch Fu Mingzhu was because of the vibration when he entered the water, coupled with the Her own struggle caused her to leave her original position.

The water is very cold, as cold as Qin Zhao's heart. He doesn't know how long Fu Mingzhu can support in such an environment, and whether he can hold on when he finds her. His only hope now is to look forward to Fu Mingzhu After entering the water, she instinctively launched her own desire to survive, and was able to survive until he found her...

Qin Zhao's hope is indeed very reasonable. A lady like Fu Mingzhu who comes from an aristocratic family may not be able to distinguish five grains, but she will definitely be proficient in fitness items such as horse riding, golf, and swimming, even if she wants to die with all her heart , but when surrounded by the cold and dark world, the great fear prompted her to have a strong desire to survive, and immediately let her hold her breath naturally, without struggling blindly like a person who can't swim , just subconsciously let the * relax, and then try to find the 'way to come'.

It's a pity that Fu Mingzhu's environment at this time is by no means in a swimming pool with rippling blue waves, but at the bottom of a lake covered with ice. Even if she really didn't want to die, she tried her best to float towards the surface of the water, but the ice , It was like the gate of hell that crossed the sky. After she pushed hard, not only did she not retreat from the ice, but she sank to the bottom of the lake again, and her heart began to panic.

Fu Mingzhu was very scared, very scared. When she floated below the ice layer for the ninth time, the cold water had taken away all her strength, making it a luxury for her to even touch the ice layer with her hands.

I'm about to die, but in fact, isn't death to me exactly what I'm after? But why do I feel unreconciled? Is it because of human instinct for survival, or something that I can't let go of... The cold water froze Fu Mingzhu's body in a few minutes, and even made her Her mind was frozen, and she could feel her body sinking and sinking, and the only thing she could do was to follow what the swimming coach taught her, hold her last breath, and wait for the possible rescue .

Where is he, did he come to save me? I don't know how long it took. Fu Mingzhu, whose heartbeat had almost stopped, suddenly thought of this question in her already rigid mind. She suddenly felt that she was ridiculous and stupid, so stupid that she wanted to cry , so stupid that she wanted to use her last breath to exhale the last breath in her heart... At this time, her lips, which had been frozen for a long time, were suddenly pried open by a wooden and somewhat soft thing, and then a The air with a little heat was exhaled into her mouth, making her thinking, like the sunshine tearing through the dark clouds, suddenly alive.

He came, it must be him, he did not give up on me.

Fu Mingzhu couldn't see, even couldn't feel that someone was covering her mouth with *, but the hot air like the sun made her firmly believe: Qin Zhao is here, and when she is about to step into the door of death, bring her With a trace of heat from the sun, it came.

How great is human potential, and how many mysterious phenomena in this world cannot be explained by science. For example, Fu Mingzhu, who has been in ice water and rested for nearly 20 minutes relying on experience, is already in a half-dead state. After thinking that Qin Zhao came, the potential in her body exploded instantly, making her abruptly take back the steps towards death, and those hands that had been frozen for a long time, miraculously hugged the man's neck.


Qin Zhao, whose physical strength and willpower had already reached the verge of exhaustion, unexpectedly touched a person's body at the last moment when he was about to break through the ice. It is concluded that this is Fu Mingzhu.

After hugging Fu Mingzhu, Qin Zhao immediately pried her mouth open with his mouth, giving her a breath to cross into the dantian, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that his neck was hugged by her, and he let him hug her in great ecstasy. Her waist floated below the ice layer, and she raised her right fist and hit the ice layer fiercely. After the force was exerted on the fist, their bodies fell rapidly, but he shot up again without stopping... Again and again, the ice layer was finally cracked by him.

(When writing this paragraph, Sunshine has checked in detail the information about underwater survival and the maximum force of hitting underwater, but only got some very vague results. For this reason, I will make a special note here. I hope Knowledgeable book friends, don’t accuse Sunshine of pretending to understand, everything is to enhance the storyline, forgive me,)

Crack, Qin Zhao finally broke open a hole in the ice layer that could be bigger than a person, and then lifted Fu Mingzhu up. When he felt light in his hand, he immediately reached out and grabbed the ice layer, and suddenly rushed out. On the surface of the water, he just opened his mouth and took a big breath, and then passed out when his eyes went dark again. He had no choice but to tense his nerves, and finally relaxed after breaking through the sky...

"Quick, quick!" Amidst a series of yells, people frantically carried Qin and Fu to the shore, and carried them into the living room of Fu's family at the speed of a surprise battle. In the living room, someone had already prepared They bought hot soup, blankets and the like, and the temperature of the air conditioner has been adjusted to the highest level. Some people even found an iron basin, and there was a strong flame burning in the iron basin.

The moment she saw Qin Zhao protruding from the ice, Ye Qingling collapsed on the ground, and watched him being carried into the Fu's house foolishly. The tears that seemed to have been shed just now were crackling again. Fall in front of the eyes.

"Sister Qingling, they will be fine!" Fu Xiaodie walked to Ye Qingling's side, bent down and took her hand: "Let's go in too!"

"Yeah!" Ye Qingling nodded, and slowly stood up with Fu Xiaodie's help. Just when she was about to take a step, she stopped: "Xiaodie, you go in first, I have to make a phone call first!"

"Okay, then hurry up!" Fu Xiaodie agreed, and quickly ran to Fu's house. After running a few steps, she suddenly turned around and shouted with a smile: "Sister Qingling, your he is really good, I like such a man!" After speaking, she flew away like a butterfly without looking back.

"Uh, there are already enough people who like him, so don't join in the fun!" Ye Qingling shook her head dumbfounded, and hurriedly took out the phone...

To say that in this world, the drink that Qin Zhao hates the most is probably wine, but in order to make him recover as soon as possible, the gang of soldiers pried open his mouth and poured him a glass of white wine, and he was still sixty Too much intensity Moutai, the result? Before the strong wine dripped into his stomach, a certain man woke up from the hotness, coughed suddenly and sprayed out the wine, and immediately sprayed Zhou Xun, who was pouring the wine, all over his face.

"Hey!" After Zhou Xun was sprayed all over his face, instead of complaining, he said cheerfully, "I said drinking is better than soup! He woke up after just one drink!"

"Cough, cough, actually, I like you pouring me plain water the most!" After coughing twice, Qin Zhao grabbed the blanket around his body with both hands and sat up straight: "Where is Fu Mingzhu? How is she?"

"Miss Fu has been carried upstairs, and the military doctor has followed, don't worry, she should be fine!" Zhou Xun turned his head and glanced upstairs.

"How do you know she's okay? Has she woke up!"

"You're fine, so of course she's fine!" Zhou Xun replied confidently: "Captain Qin, don't worry! Women are much stronger than men in terms of endurance. When I carried her in just now, I once I checked her pupils, they didn't dilate, she was just frozen!"

"Oh, I hope so!" Seeing the presence of the old god Zhou Xun, Qin Zhao also relaxed a little, at this moment, he saw Fu Xiaodie running past, and quickly shouted: "Fu Xiaodie! "

"Ah!" Fu Xiaodie turned around in surprise.

"Help me to see Fu Mingzhu!"

"Okay!" Fu Xiaodie nodded vigorously, her face flushed suddenly, and then she walked over quickly. While Zhou Xun and others were stunned, she hugged Qin Zhao's neck and kissed him on the cheek, and then Turn around and run to the second floor stairs.

Damn, buddy, you are too awesome! To let Xiaodie, a girl who is only in the third year of high school, kiss you, isn't this seducing an underage girl? Zhou Xun and the others watched Fu Xiaodie 'fly' up the stairs stupidly, then turned around in unison, looking at Qin Zhao with disbelief in their eyes.

"You all saw it!" Qin Mouman, who also didn't know what was going on, felt very uncomfortable being stared at by these people.

"Well, we have all seen it!" Zhou Xun and others replied.

"I didn't let her kiss me!"

"Well, we all saw it!"

"She kissed me on the initiative!"

"Well, we all..."

"Can you put it another way, please!" Qin Zhao closed his eyes helplessly, and lay obliquely on the floor covered with blankets. At this time, Ye Qingling, who had finished calling Suning and others, had red eyes. She ran in and saw that Qin was still lying there, so she quickly squatted down and hugged him in her arms, her soft cheek pressed against his face, crying: "Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao, Can you open your eyes, ah! Open your eyes, I'm so scared!"

"It's okay, I can't die!" Qin Zhao twisted his body: "Don't watch these guys make such intimate actions, okay, they just watch and don't give money!"

"Xiao Zhao..." Ye Qingling's pale face was flushed with a blush, and she didn't lift her head: "It's all my fault, I won't be jealous anymore to save face, I hope Mingzhu will be fine!"

"Don't be like this. You are jealous because you care about me. I understand this. Besides, I was the one who caused this. How could I blame you? Don't worry! Mingzhu will be fine!" Qin Zhao stretched out his hand for her Wiping the tears on his cheeks, he said softly, "Don't cry! After Mingzhu is fine, don't forget to ask General Fu for the debt, it's our pension money!"

"What time do you still remember this!" Without waiting for Ye Qingling's reaction, Zhou Xun said indignantly, "It's all about money and life!"

"You know shit!" Qin Zhao gave him a white look: "It's my principle to be a man who wants money but not life. I don't have money. If I don't have money, how can I support these wives and lovers!"

"Being shameless to such an extent, you have the guts!" Zhou Xun stared wide-eyed and stayed for a long time before saying this, but he was thinking in his heart: If it wasn't for seeing your wife guarding you, I would have to clean it up You pause, but, is it really because of this principle that I found such a charming wife, then will I change in the future...

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