He waved his hand to Xiao Ruxue very generously: "Ruxue, you are very tired after the meeting. You should have a rest, take a bath, have a sleep, and have a good spirit. Let's talk about it in the evening. I'll call you when I get there."

Xiao Ruxue couldn't say anything more. Zhang Heyuan had already walked out of the hall and got into the Audi that had been waiting there for a long time.

"Mr. Xiao, where are we going now?" Ye Pengfei is very diligent.

Xiao Ruxue is very worried, "I'll go to the room to have a rest first. You can go to the restaurant to have something to eat and wait for me. Then you can write it down on my account."

She didn't listen to Zhang Heyuan's words, but she really felt tired. By the way, she went to her room to have a rest and think about countermeasures to deal with all kinds of emergencies in the evening. She had encountered this kind of thing countless times, but every time she still felt nervous, had no way, and made a mistake. For her, it might be doomed.

is now a long time from the evening. In the middle, we can plan well, the mobile phone calls regularly, and the wolf spray are ready-made, but we need more preparation for Zhang Heyuan.

When ye Pengfei sees Xiao Ruxue walking into the elevator, he says in his heart that this chick doesn't really plan to wolf into the tiger's mouth, does she? I don't think she is that kind of person.

But then again, many strong women are socialists. They don't know what they think. It's better not to meddle in their own affairs.

The western restaurant next door is owned by the hotel, which provides breakfast for free. At ordinary times, it is also open to guests and the outside world. Ye Pengfei is hungry. With Xiao Ruxue's verbal promise, he immediately runs past. Pan fried beef steak with black pepper pasta watermelon juice,

ordered four spaghetti steaks, and ordered a spaghetti, which is not easy to eat and drink. Baijiu tried to drink some watermelon juice to make up for it. But in a flash, he asked for a few bottles of red wine, but he didn't have any liquor, otherwise he could have a happy life.

Ye Pengfei is eating and drinking. Unconsciously, the world is dark. Just after the last bottle of wine, he hears a string of crisp high-heeled shoes from far to near. When he looks back, Xiao Ruxue is frowning. He looks like he hates iron but not steel.

"Ye Pengfei, do you know what you are doing?" As soon as Xiao Ruxue slaps the table, the whole person is about to explode.

she thought no danger of anything going wrong in the room for a long time. Besides the wolf spray and the fake call, Ye Pengfei, who was waiting for the driver's downstairs, arrived at the specific place of the agreement, and then looked for the opportunity to go to the bathroom to send him the address. If he hadn't come down in half an hour, he would have called the police.

However, it's time for this kind of fire. This guy is drinking. How can he drive like this?

At that time, if caught by the traffic police, you really don't have to face the bastard Zhang Heyuan. However, this tender will surely die.

What's more, there are five empty wine bottles beside Ye Pengfei. Did he drink them alone? This guy's drinking capacity is amazing!

The diners in the restaurant looked at them one after another, and ye Pengfei scratched his head: "Mr. Ye, what's the matter? Don't worry. I feel better when I drink and work. It's no problem driving. What? Let's go now? "

Xiao Ruxue is about to be mad at him, but she can't find another reliable driver for a while, and ye Pengfei doesn't look drunk. She suppresses her anger, hums her head and walks out of the restaurant.

"Niang xipi, she's really hot tempered. To tell you the truth, is she guilty? Then I'm not doomed! "

Ye Pengfei talks to himself, picks the last tomato with his fork and puts it into his mouth. He bites the juice everywhere. He goes through the revolving door between the hotel and the restaurant and goes outside the hotel. He gets on the bus, starts up and finishes in one go.

"It's cool. It's only six seconds for a good car to speed up to 100. It's just different when driving."

Ye Pengfei glanced at a black Audi in the distance and quickly caught up with it.

Without the restraint of Xiao Ruxue, he drove very happily all the way. He almost drove like a racer on the city road. He left and went forward again. The drivers who were stopped by him yelled at him one after another, but he had to convince him of his driving skills. He was absolutely superb.

After walking for about half an hour, Audi A6 drove into a resort. Ye Pengfei stopped at the side of the road. He squinted, lit a cigarette and began to smoke leisurely.

The phone rang before a cigarette was finished.

The rustle of water accompanied by Xiao Ru's low voice: "Ye Pengfei, please come to the gate of Dingsheng Resort and wait for me immediately. If I haven't come out in half an hour, you should call the police immediately."

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