As soon as Zhang Heyuan said this, the conference hall immediately quieted down. A wise man, of course, knows that Zhang Heyuan's words are bullshit! If there were any additional conditions, it would have been said a long time ago.

Most of the people present were from the upper class of Binhai city. Naturally, they knew Zhang Heyuan's pursuit of Xiao Ruxue. But why did Mr. Zhang suddenly change his mind?

Of course, only a small number of people know that before the meeting, Mr. Zhang was severely beaten in the face by someone, and now he still has the illusion of pain.

In Xiao Ruxue's almost flaming eyes, Zhang Heyuan quickly announced some so-called additional conditions. For example, Yamei company is required to pay up to one billion land transaction fees within three days after the completion of the bidding.

After Zhang Heyuan finished, other people at the meeting couldn't help taking a breath! What's this? Some additional conditions are a disguised suppression.

"Deputy director Zhang, what I said before is a one month to three months period! Even if the bank can't approve the loan so quickly, can't it really extend some time? " Xiao Ruxue said, suppressing her anger.

This land is related to the future development of Yamei company. It's very important for Xiao Ruxue. She can't give up easily.

"No! I'm sorry, it's the decision of the city government! Mr. Xiao, if Yamei can't accept these conditions, I can only talk to the other two companies on behalf of the municipal government! " Zhang Heyuan shook his head, looking selfless.

On the other hand, Liao Zhi and Wang Ming are in full bloom! The two companies have always cooperated with each other. No matter who takes the land in the end, the other side can get a lot of benefits.

The next meeting, pale Xiao Ruxue was completely put aside, leaving only heyday and Yurong for the final fight!

"It's not up to standard!" Ye Pengfei can't help but despise Zhang Heyuan. It seems wise to exclude the main bidding companies from such inferior methods. In fact, it's not up to standard. As long as he goes to the municipal government for an investigation, his fabricated additional terms are absolutely exposed.

At this time, Zhang Heyuan's mobile phone rang. He took it up and looked at it. A sneer flashed across his face.

"As expected! Just now, I was so confused that I was cheated by this boy! "

Before entering the conference room, Zhang Heyuan sent someone to check the details of Ye Pengfei. I just learned that the boy who pretended to be forced was just a new security guard and driver from Yamei company. It was said that he was a distant relative of Uncle Xiao Ruxue.

"But if you lie to me like that, I'll make you pay for it!" Zhang Heyuan sneered at Ye Pengfei.

Zhang Heyuan turned his face, cleared his throat and then said, "I just received the instructions from the top! After urgent consultation, the municipal government decided to auction the land to Yamei. Just some specific matters need to be discussed with Mr. Xiao tonight. I don't know what Mr. Xiao thinks? "

As soon as the words came out, the people on the scene were in a mess again! Is this a meeting or a family game? Instructions from above? Who didn't know the vice mayor was your father!

In full view of the public, Xiao Ruxue was stunned for a moment, then bit her red lips and nodded!

Xiao Ruxue has 10000 reasons not to agree with Zhang Heyuan, but Yamei company has come to this day, which includes her countless efforts. At least she has gone through the storm. Even though she knows that the drunken man surnamed Zhang doesn't mean to drink, she can only go forward with a stiff head.

Today's situation can only be seen step by step.

Zhang Heyuan made the decision, and the meeting was over. Watching the crowd leave, Liao Zhi of Dingsheng real estate's complacent expression instantly became extremely gray. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ruxue finally got it.

Seeing Xiao Ruxue and Zhang Heyuan talking and walking out of the conference room, Liao Zhi's big hand slapped heavily on the table: "mischievous, the man surnamed Zhang demolishes the bridge by crossing the river, he doesn't take advantage of me!"

Wang Ming, chairman of Yurong, lit a special Yellow Crane Tower and said with a smile, "what does general manager Liao mean?"

Liao Zhi was excited by him, and immediately became angry: "it's a big deal. Let's see what he can do with Zhang Heyuan and a woman."

"Don't be impulsive, Mr. Liao. Can't you see the thought of deputy director Zhang? In fact, like us, he wants to be a woman like Xiao Ruxue. In fact, there are only two kinds of results. " Wang Ming's eyes twinkled with wisdom that everything was under control.

Looking at Liao Zhi's expectant eyes, Wang Ming raised a smile from the corner of his mouth: "if you go up, you will be merciless. If you don't go up, you will turn anger into revenge. Don't you understand the truth? No matter how good a woman is, as long as she has played, that's what it's all about. Does Liao always understand? We'll do it again, and we'll make it

"Ha ha Mr. Wang's analysis is very reasonable. " Liao Zhi immediately recalled the smell, and two people's insidious laughter rang out in the conference room.

Ye Pengfei follows behind Xiao Ruxue and Zhang Heyuan, always keeping a distance.

See ye Pengfei, Zhang Heyuan heart more angry, ye Pengfei this broom star, if you don't solve, also can't play at night.

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