This is undoubtedly a kind of murderous atmosphere that seems to destroy everything!

When ye Pengfei felt this murderous moment, he immediately thought of the news zhaxiren told him before.

He's going to have a murder tonight!

So he has been waiting, waiting for the arrival of the robbery.

Ye Pengfei seems to think that he has found the source of the robbery when he discovers that the woman named Xuanxuan is abnormal. So when the other party says that she is here to kill herself, ye Pengfei is very relaxed.

But he never thought that it was just to hide people's eyes and ears.

Chen Dawei is the real killer!

"Damn Zhaxiren, you don't fool me! "

At this moment, ye Pengfei almost greets each other's ancestors one by one.


At last, a thin blade suddenly opened its mouth.

This moment, as if to achieve the general drill countless times, the speed can be described as lightning.

Ye Pengfei seems to have seen death. The feeling of depression is like meeting Huang Xuanfu!

But at that time, it was because of the great disparity of strength, and at this moment, it was because of the sudden change of things, as if death had crossed your shoulders.


At the critical moment, something called instinct appeared in Ye Pengfei's body.

Then, ye Pengfei's legs even went straight into the earth, making him short.


Ye Pengfei's cheek across a shallow trace, blood slowly overflow out.


Ye Pengfei's face is full of fright, how also did not expect, unexpectedly can meet the faceless person here.


Ye Pengfei suddenly sprang up, and countless pieces poured down all around, but those who had no face resolved all these one by one.


The other side suddenly pulled the camouflage, revealing the face Ye Pengfei had seen before.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "this is what I am familiar with. It's good. It's good."

However, the other side said in fluent Chinese: "dark king, do you think this is who I am? It's a big mistake. "

"Oh? Do you have another face? Come and see what surprise you can give me. "


The other side changed and suddenly showed a Chinese cheek.


Ye Pengfei's face changed wildly. He turned out to be the man who used to be the general manager of Xu's group!

"I see. From the beginning, you have been using the Xu group. The purpose is to go to the ancient tomb and get what you want, right?"

"Yes, so I survived in the tomb."

Ye Pengfei narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I see. No wonder you know me so well. Wait Don't you have the dragon vein

"Ha ha ha Yes, I did. "

"No, since you got it, why do you have to stay in Binjiang to do other things?"

"Well, who told you that there are only two dragon veins?"

Ye Pengfei was shocked: "is there anything else?"

The other side didn't speak, but ye Pengfei said with a gloomy face: "what's the relationship between the Dragon pulse and the mystery of longevity?"

"Ha ha ha You're dying. You don't want to know so much. "

But ye Pengfei sneered, "is that right? You think you can kill me? "

"Who knows?"

As soon as the voice fell, the faceless disappeared.

But ye Pengfei gave a cold hum and caught up like lightning.

Shua Shua!

Two people constantly shuttle in the forest, soon came to a dense forest.

"Dark king, how about your graveyard here?" The master's face is full of smile.

Ye Pengfei nodded and said with a smile: "it's not bad, master. You've chosen a good burial place for yourself, but you have self-knowledge."

"Well, I'm not going to talk to you. Let's die."


With each other's voice just fell, a terrible force immediately emerged in Ye Pengfei's body.

Immediately after that, the strong breath rushed out in an instant.

"Ha ha ha Then let's have a good fight! "

Ye Pengfei laughs wildly, and shows the strength of triple seal groove thoroughly.


The faceless man suddenly drinks and rushes to Ye Pengfei's body. He directly collides with Ye Pengfei's vigorous Qi with the strange power of ancient yoga.

Bang bang!

Pa Pa!

They kept fighting, and in a flash they handed over hundreds of moves.

Click, click

As a result, under the powerful collision of the two people, the trees around were broken one by one, and the stones were flying around, which almost made the place flat.In this way, half an hour later, the two were still fighting, but the area was in a mess.

"Ha ha ha Dark king, I didn't expect your strength to make such great progress. It seems that I underestimate you, but it's a pity that you still have death! "

With that, there was a burst of noise in the other person's body, and he used the ancient yoga to the extreme.


In the other party's body, the violent air burst out instantly, which was many times more powerful than last time.

However, ye Pengfei just a smile, after breaking the third layer of seal, he is no longer the same day's Ye Pengfei!

"Mountains and rivers are broken!"

Suddenly, the whole space seemed to be oppressed by super pressure, as if it would explode at any time.


Finally, the strongest moves between the two collided heavily.


The faceless man is still drinking, and his face is full of cruel and excited look. The Buddha sees the sad scene that ye Pengfei is about to die in his own hands.

However, the next moment, boom, the other side's body as if hit by an atomic bomb in general, quickly flew out, has been bumping through many trees, do not know how many, finally stopped.


In the end, the faceless man fell to the ground and vomited blood at the corners of his mouth. But after a convulsion, his eyes suddenly burst out and he was no longer alive.

"Your strength is really strong, but it's a pity that you met me."

This time, ye Pengfei carefully checked each other's body and found that the other party was dead. After burying the other party, he went back to the hotel.

Ye Pengfei was relieved to see that both girls were still there.

It seems that the Faceless Man has some integrity.

"Well? Mr. Ye Pengfei, Mr. Chen, what about them

After coming out of the hot spring pool, Xiao Ruxue asked in great doubt.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "they may have gone back."


Kyoto, in some attic.

"Mr. Ye, the news from Tianjin is coming."

"He said Ye Shengqiu looked out of the window at the whole scenery of Kyoto and asked without expression.

"Mr. Ye, the faceless one has died, and Huizi Yuechi has also died in the hands of Ye Pengfei."

Ye Shengqiu nodded, as if he had expected the whole result.

"Ye Pengfei, you are really strong! Good. There will be a battle between us sooner or later. I hope you can still have such strength at that time! "

Ye Shengqiu raised his head and looked in a certain direction. The cold light in his eyes flashed by.


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