"Zhaxiren, you bastard, want to pit me?"

As soon as ye Pengfei returned to his room in the hotel, he began to question zhaxiren.

Zhaxiren immediately had a sad face and said pitifully, "benefactor, I didn't mean to. At that time, I only calculated one step. Later, I found that it was a circular robbery. When I wanted to remind you, it was too late."

Later, zhaxiren quickly said: "now that you are back, doesn't it mean that you have escaped the cycle of killing and robbing, benefactor?"

"Hum, if I hadn't been vigilant, I could still stand here and talk to you?" Ye Pengfei a face of discontent, looking at zhaxiren full of disgust.

"Well, hurry up and take me to see your elder martial brother." Ye Pengfei quickly urged.

Zhaxiren immediately confused force, looks very embarrassed.

"Benefactor, actually I don't know where my elder martial brother is now. All I know is that he will come to Kyoto at the beginning of the first month to meet a guru! "


Ye Pengfei immediately a Leng, did not expect that the person of Dajue temple did not cheat him.

"Benefactor, actually I have worked out some things, so I want to advise you." Zhaxiren cold not Ding came up with such a sentence.

Ye Pengfei immediately a Leng, quickly asked: "advise me what?"

"Benefactor, you'd better leave Kyoto as soon as possible. Last time you met something unimaginable I'm afraid there are all kinds of harms. "

As soon as ye Pengfei's face changed, it's unimaginable that he was referring to the strange Buddha statue and mysterious old monk in Dajue temple.

"Why is it so harmful? Do you know something? "

Zhaxiren's eyes flickered. He didn't dare to look at Ye Pengfei's eyes at all. He could only continue to persuade him and said: "benefactor, I can only calculate so much, so I hope you can leave Kyoto. "

"Well, you don't want to leave until you see your elder martial brother."

Suddenly, zhaxiren became sad again, as if he had accepted his life.

Ye Pengfei and others spent that night in Tianjin, but that night, ye Pengfei couldn't sleep.

He always felt like he was in a conspiracy.

But ye Pengfei was very confused about the faceless man who came to kill him at this time.

If the other party wants to do it, why do they have to wait until now.

Also, why are there so many dragon veins?

Is there any connection?

In this way, when continuous problems appear in front of Ye Pengfei, his brain is blank.

Almost the whole night, ye Pengfei was thinking about this problem, so that he couldn't sleep at all.

The next day.

Ye Pengfei finally returned to the capital. Of course, zhaxiren was also brought back by Ye Pengfei.

As a result, grove hurriedly found him and said that there was something important.

"Your Highness, the owner of the dead guide has appeared."

"What?" Ye Pengfei's face changed.

"Your Highness, he is already in the capital. Obviously, he has important news."

"Well, I'll be there now."

Ye Pengfei's expression was a little anxious, obviously very concerned about the queen.

Basong, the master of the mysterious force, is full of his own aura. He can make it look like hell wherever he goes.

When ye Pengfei came here, he found that all the curtains had been pulled up, and the other side had been hiding in the dark, which made Ye Pengfei feel his scalp exploding.

Fortunately, ye Pengfei judged from the familiar breath of the other party that the other party was Basong.

"Here you are?"

The other side's voice is extremely harsh, very low and hoarse, which is really uncomfortable.

But ye Pengfei said seriously: "is there any clue?"

"Now that I'm here, it means I'm ready." Basong said with no expression on his face, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

Ye Pengfei's breath was so short that he lowered his voice and said, "where is she?"

Basong's face was calm, and he leaned slowly towards Ye Pengfei.

"I have to check your health." The other side's cold eyes are really frightening.

Ye Pengfei's heart is awe inspiring. As expected, the other party has done something wrong with his body, otherwise he would not have that mysterious power before.

But ye Pengfei can't attack at all, otherwise, what will Qin Xiaoyao do?

No way, ye Pengfei had to deliberately said: "my physical condition has something to do with her."

"It's natural."

Behind, ye Pengfei began to surround Ye Pengfei, reciting various incantations.


All of a sudden, ye Pengfei found that the wind around was blowing, as if there were any complaints, which made his scalp numb.Poof!

A moment later, the other side suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, looking at Ye Pengfei, a face of disbelief.

"This How is that possible? "

Basong looked at Ye Pengfei, his face was unbelievable, as if he had seen some terrible monster.

Ye Pengfei's heart a joy, is it not the other side in their own body move what conspiracy did not succeed?

"No way Absolutely impossible... "

The other side is constantly nagging, as if how can not accept this fact.

Ye Pengfei coughed and said: "that What's wrong with my body? "

Basong then realized his previous gaffe, and ye Pengfei also guessed that it was mostly the last ceremony that put something in his body.

How on earth did he resist the other side's magic?

Is it the cup of God?

Ye Pengfei immediately thought that he was afraid of the other party's manipulation last time, so he held the God cup tightly.

"This Ba song wants to plot against you. OK, when you find Xiao Yao, you evil family of monsters, just wait for the end."

Last time, ye Pengfei saw each other's family with countless dead children. Who knows how many evils this family has done over the years.

To destroy their family is also to get rid of harm for the people.

"Is it over?" Ye Pengfei asked tentatively.

However, the other side did not speak at all, just closed his eyes, his body was full of evil light.

Ye Pengfei immediately thought that the other party should still be recovering. He had been waiting for a long time before he finally opened his eyes.

Ye Pengfei worried and asked, "how about it? Are you ok? "

He was worried about the other side, just for Qin Xiaoyao, otherwise, who would pay attention to the devil?

The other side did not speak, but look at each other's eyes in the essence Mang, should be full of blood resurrection.

"How's it going? Can you tell me now? " Ye Pengfei asked sincerely.

Bassoon nodded and said, "she is in the holy mountain!"


Ye Pengfei was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.

Because isn't that the headquarters of Beiling blood cult?


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