Ye Pengfei remembers that he has investigated Dongfang Lianxiang. Behind the other party, he has something to do with the beilingxue sect. However, ye Pengfei never thought that this sect would come in.

But ye Pengfei soon thought that it seemed that this sect was also looking for Dragon veins.

"Holy mountain, it's a very strange place. Only free women can step on it. There is no male at all. Her body is now preserved in the holy mountain in a special form."

Ye Pengfei immediately asked excitedly, "is he living or dead now?"

"I don't know. I only know that the place is very special. I can't get in at all. My secret method can only be found here. I don't even know where the other party is."

Ye Pengfei was immediately depressed. After all, Shengshan is the home of the other sect. I'm afraid it's not so easy to recapture Qin Xiaoyao's body.

"But no matter how she is, it doesn't matter now."

Ye Pengfei frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

"Because even if the other party really dies, I have a way to revive her."

Ye Pengfei eyes a Lin, very curious, the other side of the authenticity of this sentence!

But ye Pengfei also doubts whether the other party has noticed his intention to kill him, so he tells the secret, improves his chips and makes Ye Pengfei dare not touch him at all.

Ye Pengfei doesn't know how Qin Xiaoyao is now, but can this guy really bring people back from the dead?

"You won't lie to me, will you? Is there such a terrible psychic in the world

However, the other party just sneered and said: "do you think our dead soul guides have such strength? You really look down on our family of dead guides. "

However, ye Pengfei thinks that the other party is obviously a smoke bomb for ye Pengfei. It is very likely that the other party is continuing to play with his body.


Ye Pengfei's heart suddenly rose a strong killing, as if eager to kill each other immediately in general.

But he finally suppressed the killing.

After leaving the hospital, grove and others were waiting outside. When they saw Ye Pengfei, they quickly asked.

"How's it going? Your royal highness

"Let's go back."

In the end, when everyone knew about it, the night of the king of thieves was silent and his face changed immediately.

"Your Highness, the devil was not cheating."

Ye Pengfei complexion Congzhong way: "should not, my body has what he wants, he will not cheat me now."

"But if I just want to inform you that I will not come to Kyoto in person, then he must have done something in your body, so he will come to confirm."

Ye Pengfei nodded and said: "this is very possible, but I don't know what his purpose is."

"Your Highness, the secret of your body is so strange that I'm afraid you don't even know it."

See two people have been saying what the secret of the body, night silent a face of curiosity, but in the end did not ask anything.

"Grove, get ready quickly, and we can set out for the holy mountain! By the way, worried Catherine, they are together. Holy mountain is a place full of dragons and tigers. Ordinary people can't go in at all. "

With that, ye Pengfei's eyes quickly fell on the silent body of the night, making each other's heart jump.

"Your Highness, if you let me steal some small things, I think I'm ok, but I'm afraid I can't go to the North spirit blood cult!"

But ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you that the place is full of women, that is, the legendary daughter country. There must be countless beautiful women. Are you sure you don't go?"

"Ah? All women? " The night is silent, and the eyes are bright.

But he still shook his head: "forget it, I still want to save my life, women are more terrible, I still don't go."

"Is it?" Ye Pengfei sneered and his eyes were extremely sharp, which made Ye Pengfei lose the battle immediately.

"Wuwu Your highness, you can't I'll go. Can't I go? " The silent night is full of tears.


Ye Pengfei went to the company and soon met Dongfang Lianxiang.

"To me?" Dongfang Lianxiang was immediately startled, because she felt guilty when she came to Beijing before, and ye Pengfei has been indifferent to her.

If you come to her suddenly today, Dongfang Lianxiang will be surprised.

"Well, now I ask you, do you want to save yugongliang?"

"Well What do you mean Dongfang Lianxiang's heart beats slightly.

Ye Pengfei said seriously: "it's very simple. I'm going to holy mountain once, so the opportunity has come."

"Ah? You're going there

"Yes, come with me in the evening. Don't delay."

Finally, after informing the other party of the exact time and place, ye Pengfei left quickly.In the president's office.

"Mr. Xiao, I saw Ye Peng fly to the company before."

Although Lianyu hesitated, she said it.

"Oh, what's he doing in the company?" Xiao Ruxue signed her name on the contract and asked without raising her head.

Lianyu said uneasily: "he came to find Dongfang Lianxiang, and then he left. Dongfang Lianxiang also left."

"Well?" Xiao Ruxue was stunned and quickly raised her head, with a slight frown on her forehead.

"Mr. Xiao, there must be something wrong between them. Why don't you call and ask?" Lianyu said quickly.

Xiao Ruxue shook her head and said, "he is mysterious every time. Forget it, I won't interfere with him."

Lianyu nodded, but he had no choice but to sigh in his heart, because he knew that ye Pengfei was flirtatious and obviously misunderstood.

At about 8:30 pm, ye Pengfei and yesilent met Dongfang Lianxiang at the airport.

"Wow Niu Niu What a beautiful girl Silent at night, even when the saliva, a very greedy look.

"Hello, brother Pengfei."

Dongfang Lianxiang completely ignores the silence of the night, and goes straight to Ye Pengfei, looking very intimate. Like a couple, she walks straight ahead, leaving the silence of the night in the wind.

"I'll go, boss. This dog food is too much..."

The night shook his head helplessly and had to follow.

But the truth is that Dongfang Lianxiang asked Ye Pengfei: "what do you do in beilingxue?"

Ye Pengfei said seriously: "save Yugong."

"Well, I don't believe it." Dongfang Lianxiang doesn't know each other's temperament.

But ye Pengfei said with a smile: "how can I not care if she is in trouble now? You know, I'm a man who will pay for my kindness. "

"Yes? But why do you do it now? "

"Because I have been looking up the data of the North spirit blood cult before, so I can be sure. Finally, everything is ready now, so I am ready to do it directly."

"Is it?" Dongfang Lianxiang's face is full of doubts, still a look of disbelief.


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