What's the matter? The iceberg beauty fainted!

Zhang Heyuan had planned the next development in his mind, but he was a little confused by the current change.

Just then, he heard a crackling sound and a scream outside the door. He was curious and couldn't help looking at the position of the door.


Just at this moment, a powerful force suddenly hit the door.


The red wooden door was like a kite with broken line. It lost its shackles and fell down. It fell heavily on the floor of the room. Behind the door, a figure stood.

Zhang Heyuan was shocked. Has he ever seen such a scene? Is it still human? With one's own efforts, directly open all the screws on the retro mahogany door of Yafeng Pavilion.

How strong is this? If you were a man, wouldn't all the bones of your body be broken?

In his mind, the scenes of the delta army chasing criminals and breaking into the door in those Hollywood movies suddenly came to mind. Did the special forces be alarmed by the fact that he drugged Xiao Ruxue.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I surrender. My father is Zhang Xianzong, vice mayor of Binhai. "

Zhang Heyuan was so scared that he squatted on the ground, holding his head in his hands and shouting hysterically.


A voice came into his ears, and Zhang Heyuan fell to the ground in fright. "The gun went off. I'm going to die. I have a wonderful life. So many beautiful girls and so much money..."

The next second, he did not feel the slightest pain, quickly got up from the ground, looked all over, and he was not hurt.

"Ha ha ha, I'm ok, I'm ok..." Zhang Heyuan cried out excitedly, but his eyes saw the man standing at the door, and his whole face turned black.

Ye Pengfei is standing at the door with a cold smile, looking at him with an idiot's eyes.

"It's a long time since Zhang Heyuan's speech. There's no need to continue. In addition, it doesn't make sense from the distance. Before, ye Pengfei should still be cleaning up the minions outside. What Zhang Heyuan said should be out of his hearing." If ye Pengfei doesn't go to Xiao Ruxue, first confirm whether she has something to do.

When Zhang Heyuan saw Ye Pengfei, he was furious. A little driver was so angry that he dared to come to Dingsheng resort to die?

He immediately yelled out of the door, "come on, come on, somebody, grab this guy, break his hands and feet, throw him out!"

He called a few times, but the door was quiet and there was no response at all.

Ye Pengfei holds Xiao Ruxue and glances at Zhang Heyuan: "don't shout, save your strength. Think about how to climb out here and cry for help later. I won't help you fight 120."

Ye Pengfei checked Xiao Ruxue's body, but he frowned. He came fast enough. Unexpectedly, Zhang Heyuan's grandson had already started.

Looking at the fainting Xiao Ruxue, her eyes were like silk, and her mouth gave out that kind of light humming sound that made people feel like mosquitoes.

Just outside the door to a five did not sweat, but now feel the sweat on the forehead, "this medicine, the simplest way is that what, but, brother this gentleman, how can take advantage of the danger?"

In fact, ye Pengfei does not feel that he is a gentleman. What he worries about is that Xiao Ruxue will kill herself when she recovers her consciousness.

I'm a man with professional ethics. How can I do that? He thought and shook his head, simple method is not good, so we have to use complex method.

Looking at Ye Pengfei holding Xiao Ruxue, sometimes frowning and sometimes smiling, Zhang Heyuan, who was ignored, immediately jumped: "hick, who do you think you are? Mr. Liao's bodyguards are all gold medal fighters. It's up to you. "

Zhang Heyuan didn't believe the boy in front of him. If he had the strength, would he need to be a driver? Go underground and play black boxing at will, and earn hundreds of thousands every minute.

Ye Pengfei looked at Zhang Heyuan, like looking at an idiot: "I thought you were just arrogant, but now I find that you are a fool to the core."

After that, Zhang Heyuan was stunned for a moment, and then roared: "son of a bitch, I'll kill you!"

With that, Zhang Heyuan picked up a vase from the door and rushed up to smash the boy in front of him.

"It's up to you?"

At the moment when Zhang Heyuan flew over, ye Pengfei moved. He stood up with Xiao Ruxue in his arms, raised his leg and kicked Zhang Heyuan's belly!

Zhang Heyuan fell to the ground and screamed like a pig. Almost at the same time, ye Pengfei stepped on Zhang Heyuan's left wrist, making Zhang Heyuan unable to struggle.

All at once, the action is like flowing water, without any drag.

"If I see your idea of Xiao Ruxue again, next time, it will be your three legs!" In his eyes, ye Pengfei was fierce. With a fierce force, Zhang Heyuan's wrist was broken!Zhang Heyuan cried bitterly for his father and mother, but now he was really afraid. He believed that the villain in front of him absolutely did what he said.

"The other hand's not broken. Sign the contract." Ye Pengfei picks up the contract and looks at Zhang Heyuan's painful face full of snot and tears after signing. Then he kicks him away and rushes toward the bathroom with Xiao Ruxue in his arms.

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