Time doesn't wait. Xiao Ruxue's medicine has just started. If he doesn't do it again, there will be only one method that is inferior to animals.

Just to the bathroom, ye Pengfei one hand to hold Xiao Ruxue waist, the other hand, two fingers, but it is into each other's TANKOU.

It's the best way to deal with vomiting before the efficacy is completely up. Ye Pengfei can feel the strange feeling from his fingers, which makes him almost unable to control. The next moment, wow, the beauty in front of him vomites.

Ye Pengfei was unprepared and vomited all of a sudden. Although it was just wine, it tasted rather bad.

"Just throw up!" Seeing Xiao Ruxue spit out the red wine, ye Pengfei is finally relieved. He takes off his clothes with one hand, rinses them on the tap, rinses off the filth, and puts them on again.

At the same time, he flushed Xiao Ruxue with cold water for several minutes, then picked her up.

Holding Xiao Ruxue out of the heyday resort, the two security guards at the door just rushed up, and he was kicked unconscious.

"Mr. Xiao has a good hand." Ye Pengfei put Xiao Ruxue, who looked a little better, into the car and drove the air conditioner to the lowest level. The lower the temperature, the more he could control the residual effect.

A step on the accelerator, Rolls Royce like offline arrow, suddenly rushed up, huge push back feeling let Ye Pengfei mouth showed a smile.

But the next second, he frowned.

So late, I haven't got a foothold in Binhai city. Now with Xiao Ruxue, where can I sleep at night?

if you touch your pocket, it's cleaner than your face. You can't go to the hotel. Do you want to sleep on the street?

All of a sudden, ye Pengfei patted on the forehead, "there is no way out of heaven!"

He remembered that when he just put the contract in his business briefcase, he seemed to see a bunch of keys in it.

"There should be an office in the key. Besides, the building has an elevator. I can save a lot of effort."

Ye Pengfei feels that he is too smart. By the way, the air conditioning of the president's office is also good. The leather seats are greedy when you look at people.

He thought, driving to the building, parking, holding Xiao Ruxue swaggered into the hall, into the elevator.

At night, the security guards of several buildings on the night shift were bored. Suddenly, they saw Xiao Ruxue's Rolls Royce stop at the door. They suddenly got nervous and stood upright.

They belong to the security guard of the building, but they don't belong to the Yamei company. But they are the owners. They have to bow their heads under the eaves. President Xiao hates men the most. If they offend her, they can't afford to walk away.

Ye Pengfei came out of the car with Xiao Ruxue in his arms. Several security guards were tongue tied: "my God, am I right?"

"Well That woman seems to be President Xiao! "

Looking at the figure of Ye Pengfei disappearing in the elevator, the security guards are suspicious.

"You're kidding. It's just that you look a little like him. Who knows that Mr. Xiao doesn't like men the most." A security guard still doesn't believe his eyes.

"Brother Li, who do you think that man is?" The security guard who spoke earlier couldn't help but wonder. The security guard standing opposite him choked.

The oldest security guard finally couldn't help saying: "Xiao Li, Xiao Zhang, judging from brother Wang's 20 years of experience, some women are as cold as iceberg on the outside, but warm as fire on the inside. Maybe President Xiao is such a person."

Security people envy envy hate, ye Pengfei has been holding Xiao Ruxue on the top floor, with the key to open the office door.

Put Xiao Ruxue on the sofa, and ye Pengfei touches her hot forehead. He runs to the bathroom and moistens it with a towel. Then he is relieved.

After Xiao Ruxue is finished, ye Pengfei is not polite and sits on Xiao Ruxue's office chair of human mechanics. He sits down and can't help feeling that rich people are good. This chair is probably very valuable.

Unconsciously, he fell back on the chair and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Ruxue wakes up from the sofa with sweat all over her head. She has a terrible dream. The dream is so real that even when she wakes up at the moment, she is still careful to keep jumping.

Xiao Ruxue clearly remembers her contract to fight for the land with Zhang Heyuan at Dingsheng resort. As soon as she arrives at the room of Yafeng Pavilion, she immediately realizes that something is wrong and calls Ye Pengfei. Later

Later things, Xiao Ruxue has some don't remember clearly, it seems that he drank a cup of wine was under the medicine, the whole body is very uncomfortable.

She was dazed by Zhang he's original spirit, and then she couldn't remember what happened. She had a terrible headache.

Xiao rushue checks her clothes in a hurry. They are in good condition, but there are some light water stains on them.

She tried to move her body again, and could not feel anything wrong. Although she had never experienced that kind of thing, she was an adult woman, not as ignorant as a little girl.

Xiao Ruxue almost jumped up excitedly and murmured in her heart: "I'm ok, I'm ok!"She jumped off the sofa and found herself in the office.

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