Just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, Xiao Ruxue saw Ye Pengfei sitting on the office chair, next to his desk. The bastard's head tilted to one side and drooped towards the armrest of the chair.

She almost screamed.

She had never spent the night in the same room with a man when she was an adult, but now she is living in the same room with her lonely man and daughter who just met Ye Pengfei at night.

Xiao Ruxue subconsciously will go forward to pull up Ye Pengfei.

How dare this asshole sleep in my office?

"But why did he show up in my office?" As soon as Xiao Ruxue thought of this problem, he was stunned.

In her mind floated a truth that she had to accept - it was Ye Pengfei who saved me!

I called Ye Pengfei tonight, and now they are living together in the same room. Although I didn't experience the twists and turns, it's obvious that ye Pengfei must have arrived at the peak Resort and saved himself from Zhang Heyuan's clutches.

"He must have been fighting with the security guard of Dingsheng resort to save me from sleeping so sweetly. He killed seven people to get me out of Yafeng Pavilion. In order to make me sleep better, he gave me the sofa, but he had to rest on the chair."

Xiao Ruxue is a strong woman, but she is also a woman. Even though her appearance is cold, her heart is always burning with fire. Like those ordinary girls, she hopes to meet a suitable person at the right age and spend the rest of her life together. However, the reality makes her extremely disgusted with men.

At that time, my mother was very sick, and my father was still busy in the company. That man was always very busy. When she was a child, her peers were enjoying father's love and family happiness, she was just a lonely child.

Before her mother left, she still called out her father's name, but when the heartbreaker came back, her body was already cold.

Xiao Ruxue still remembers that at that time, she was only 15 years old. When her father came back, she didn't rush up like an ordinary child, holding her father and sobbing that her mother had gone.

She sat in front of the hall, quietly looking at the middle-aged man who was surrounded by a group of black suits. Her hatred was unforgettable. From then on, Xiao Ruxue began to hate men.

It was a deep hatred.

She still doesn't understand that her mother married that man, but she was sick, she was not in bed, she died, clearly knew there was no chance, why still called his name.

Mother is too cowardly, so, in the eyes of that person is dispensable! Therefore, Xiao Ruxue secretly swears,

remembering that name, Xiao Ruxue feels disgusted. Therefore, she has saved all the money that the man has given her since high school, and she will not refuse all the opportunities he has given her to improve.

She went to a famous university, studied abroad, and later founded Yamei company. At this stage, every step is extremely difficult, but she gritted her teeth to survive.

Only live better, can completely get rid of him, get rid of the man called father, and then, revenge for his mother.

Xiao snow brushed her tears and took out the anti wolf spray from the bag and placed it under the cushion of the sofa, then lay down again.

The night is very quiet. The light in the room is on quietly. There are women's slight breathing and men's light somniloquy on the sofa and chair.

When ye Pengfei wakes up, he is frightened by a dull bang. He looks for his gun in a panic and shouts eagerly: "enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Almost fell off the chair.

Xiao Ruxue was holding an ancient inkstone in her hand. Looking at his movements, she bit her lips and almost laughed.

"This bastard, he watched too many movies and was attacked by the enemy. I really thought he lived in the war years." Xiao Ruxue secretly despises Ye Pengfei and thinks that he is really funny.

However, she is still face, face if frost, tone with no emotion: "Ye Pengfei, last night what is going on?"

"Oh, Mr. Xiao, you wake up!" Ye Pengfei wiped a mouthful of saliva, stood up and stretched.

There was a flash of anger in Xiao Ruxue's eyes, "I asked you what happened last night? Do you hear me

She in front of the staff, the most annoying is that others ignore their own words, ye Pengfei committed a taboo.

"Last night, nothing happened, just When I arrived at Dingsheng villa, I saw that you were struggling to get out of the villa. The dog thief Zhang Heyuan was still following you. He told you not to go

Ye Pengfei's face doesn't change color and his heart doesn't jump. Last night, he was forced to let Xiao Ruxue know that it was too big. At that time, it was not good for her. After all, he had offended others and had a different identity background.

"And then?" Xiao Ruxue holds her chest in her hands and turns her eyes. She is thinking about the credibility of what ye Pengfei said.

"Then, I said I called the police. Zhang Heyuan, the sex wolf, asked the security guard to beat me. Is he the kind of person who was beaten passively? At that time, I was treading on the Yin Yang Taiji dog and holding the beads of life and death... "

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