Ye Pengfei has to continue to blow. Xiao Ruxue's face has shown a look of disgust. In front of him, this guy with a mouth full of running trains entered the peak resort with strict security last night. It seems that he really thinks too much.

She was surprised. She believed what ye Pengfei said in front of her. With her strong willpower, she escaped. Zhang Heyuan didn't dare to come.

She impatiently waved her hand, "OK, thank you for sending me back last night. This is a reward for you. I don't want a third person to know about last night. You know what I mean."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "is Mr. Xiao trying to bribe me? I'm not one of those people who's open to money. "

Xiao Ruxue snorted coldly and was about to take the money back, but ye Pengfei had already grasped a part of the money and didn't let go. "However, if you don't take the money from general manager Xiao, general manager Xiao must be worried, so I reluctantly disobey my conscience!"

Ye Pengfei, with a look of heartache, takes advantage of Xiao Ruxue's stupefied moment, grabs the money and runs out of the office.

When ye Pengfei went out from the president's office, Lianyu just came to work. When she saw Ye Pengfei come out, she was shocked. She stood in the same place and looked at a loss.

"Ye Pengfei, you What are you doing in general manager Xiao's office? "

Last night, Mr. Xiao went to talk with deputy director Zhang about things. According to the previous habit, he would not go back to the company at night. This is not a place for Mr. Ye Pengfei to sleep at night. Then he came to the president's office and made do with it for one night, right?

Lian yudun feels that the sky is falling. Xiao is good to herself, but she hates men the most.

In front of the man and himself, especially the man who broke into her office, he may have slept in it all night last night.

"Damn, you bastard, how can you do this?" Lianyu is mad. If you let Mr. Xiao know, she will be the Secretary of the president.

With an annual salary of 500000 yuan and a luxury car, where can I find such a job?

Lotus jade red eyes rushed up, she wants to hand tear Ye Pengfei this bastard, where is not easy to sleep, but sleep to the president's office?

Xiao Ruxue usually goes to work very early. Now, even if she goes in and cleans up, the smell of smelly man must be smelled out by her cleanliness habit.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Lianyu is crazy and rushes to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei is 1.8 meters tall and looks down at Lianyu's red face. "Beauty, what's up? If you offer me, I'm afraid not now. I'm going to have breakfast

Looking at Lianyu's puffy eyes, ye Pengfei continued to smile: "Oh, I almost forgot. We can have breakfast together. Do you like steamed stuffed buns with meat or fried dough sticks with soybean milk? I invite you

Lofty and majestic.

However, Lianyu was almost angry. How could there be such a brazen guy in the world? No wonder he was arrested for whoring.

"I I ask you, did you sleep alone in general manager Xiao's office last night When Lianyu asked, her heart was beating.

How she hopes that ye Pengfei can deny this matter, and then she can breathe a sigh of relief and not have to take the blame and resign.

Her hand directly grasped Ye Pengfei's collar, because of the height difference between the two people, this looks funny, but Lian Yu, who is full of rage, has the upper hand for the time being.

"Beauty, although you are general secretary Xiao, I won't be polite to you if you touch me like this. I have to touch it back!" Ye Pengfei looks at Lianyu's catkin and is about to start.

Lianyu is a hind legs, quickly hide in the past, she somehow also learned women's self-defense, how can let this sex wolf succeed.

"You answer what I just said, hurry up!"

"Of course I didn't sleep alone last night."

Ye Pengfei negative answer, Lianyu just a sigh of relief, all of a sudden the heart and raised to the throat.

"Did this bastard not only sleep in it last night, but also take the young lady in?" According to his virtue of being caught whoring, it is not impossible.


Lianyu almost vomited blood.

She subconsciously saw the five hundred yuan in Ye Pengfei's hand. This bastard won't take advantage of it. Did she give the lady's purse?

She was stunned.

Ye Pengfei turned around and was about to walk away. At this time, Xiao Ruxue, who heard the voice in the office, heard the voice of two people, and said to Lianyu in a voice that could be very cold: "Lianyu, are you coming in yet?"

Xiao Ruxue is also flushed, ye Pengfei let Lianyu run across, this matter, really hard to explain, not to mention she now think of Zhang Heyuan that scum is disgusting, don't want to mention it.

"Mr. Xiao, last night..." Lianyu's heart has been fried for a long time. General manager Xiao is in it. Ye Pengfei certainly didn't recruit prostitutes last night. What's the matter with him and general manager Xiao last night?

"Shut up Xiao Ruxue's chest heaves rapidly and closes the office door with a bang.When ye Pengfei went downstairs, the security guards of the day shift had heard that the night shift had told him about his legendary past. They looked at him enviously and bowed to him.

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