Meng Xiyan grabs Ye Pengfei's arm, and ye Pengfei feels that her palm is full of sweat.

He just wondered that although the little nurse had a brother who was a soldier, she was an ordinary person. How could she dare to face criminals alone? We should know that they might have murder weapons on them.

Now I know that she just pretended to be calm.

Listen to Meng Xiyan say they this group of people is not easy to provoke, but ye Pengfei does not intend to chase.

Listen to this, there are gangs, so Today, Meng Xiyan is bad for them. They are sure to come. There is a way to solve the problem once and for all.

"Then I won't chase. I can't beat a group of people!" Ye Pengfei laughs.

Holding the little nurse to sit down beside the bed, the two people chatted quietly for a while, only to know that there has been a gang near Binhai people's Hospital for a long time, stealing the patient's life-saving money, which is a cancer. Because they are familiar with the terrain, they can't do anything about it.

Ye Pengfei subconsciously took out a cigarette from his pocket and put one in his mouth.

At the moment, his eyes are shining like fierce wolves. When it comes to the need to make a decision, ye Pengfei usually has such subconscious actions, not because he likes smoking, but because of habit.

However, before he took out the lighter to light it, the touch on his lips suddenly disappeared, and the cigarette in his mouth was ruthlessly taken away.

Ye Pengfei raised his head in surprise, only the cute little nurse in front of the meeting was staring at him with beautiful big eyes.

"No smoking in the hospital!"

Meng Xiyan said this, while quickly close, eyes stare round, full of threat.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "sorry, I'm used to it!"

Meng Xiyan snorted at the tip of his nose. Then he came back and said, "although I haven't been in the hospital for a long time, I have met at least three patients who died of lung cancer. Moreover, I also checked that at least hundreds of patients in our hospital died of lung cancer, and these direct causes are all due to smoking, so If you want to live longer, don't smoke in the future! "

Ye Pengfei can't laugh or cry, but this little nurse has learned from others.

Although know each other is out of kindness, but how can a man quit smoking?

Seeing that ye Pengfei seemed to disagree, Meng Xiyan had to be depressed and said, "well, I know it's hard for you men to quit smoking. My father and my brother used to do the same. I really don't know why you men like smoking so much?"

Referring to her relatives, Meng Xiyan seemed to be in a daze. Then she thought about it. Then she muttered in a complaining voice: "there is a smoking area on the second floor outside. If If you're really addicted to smoking, go there. "

Ye Pengfei was completely stunned, and then his eyes became tender.

This Meng Xiyan is exactly like her brother, knife mouth, tofu heart. Recalling the death of his comrades in arms, ye Pengfei's heart suddenly hurts!

"His sister, I, ye Pengfei, swear that I will protect her with my whole life!" The mist in Ye Pengfei's eyes suddenly came out.

At this time, Meng Xiyan did not know when he had stood up and said seriously, "I have to be on duty later. You can have a good rest here."

Meng Xiyan's face suddenly shows a bright and beautiful smile, then shakes his ponytail and leaves quickly.

Lively and lovely, gentle and kind, what a good girl.

Recalling the female president whom he needs to serve every day, ye Pengfei suddenly has an impulse to cry!

At 6 p.m., the beautiful waiter in the company building is still in the hospital. At this moment, Meng Xiyan has finished work, and ye Pengfei is not at ease, so he quietly follows each other.

Out of the hospital, ye Pengfei's eyes quickly swept for a while, found that there was no danger around.

It seems that those thieves are not in a hurry yet!

Suddenly, ye Pengfei's eyes were awe inspiring. He saw a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, rushing across a street in front of the hospital.

Then, a young woman in casual sportswear with sharp eyes lowered her baseball cap and quickly followed her.

Although has been camouflaged, but see each other's delicate face moment, ye Pengfei still recognized the beauty for the first time, it is policewoman Shen Yanbing!

"No, the girl has been found! And It's a trap

Ye Pengfei was shocked, his eyes were gloomy, and rushed to the past quickly.

"On the upper right, building 1, the third window on the fourth floor and the people hiding behind the curtains on the seventh floor of building 4 are all the accomplices of the criminal. Is Shen Yanbing looking for death?"

At this moment, the scar man has entered the alley of the opposite street. Shen Yanbing is about to follow him, but he suddenly feels the wind coming from behind.


Shen Yanbing's wrist was caught, and then, before Shen Yanbing could react, ye Pengfei quickly pressed it against the wall next to him.

Strong wall Dong!Shen Yanbing was stunned, and his brain was completely blank!

Ye Pengfei didn't expect that Shen Yanbing's lips were so soft, but his eyes didn't stare at Shen Yanbing. Instead, he narrowed his eyes slightly to feel the air speed around him!

Shen Yanbing, as the object of being forced to kiss, almost fainted after discovering that he was the asshole of Ye Pengfei.

Shen Yanbing has an impulse to kill when he thinks that his first kiss, which he has treasured for so many years, was taken away by this shameless bastard.

However, Shen Yanbing didn't even have time to make any move, and an extremely cold breath immediately enveloped her.

Overbearing and strong, absolutely can not have any resistance to the absolute Aura!

Shen Yanbing was like a cave in ice. He felt that his body could not move any more.

Then, she found that ye Pengfei's eyes were very red, as if she had seen a murderer from hell.

Shen Yanbing couldn't help shaking all over, and the color of fear appeared in his eyes.

Ye Pengfei separated Shen Yanbing and said in a cold voice: "on the upper right, building 1, the third window on the fourth floor and the front left, the first window on the seventh floor of building 4 are all occupied. Are you so anxious to die?"

Shen Yanbing was stunned.

But after so many years in the police station, she was quick to react.

He entered the trap of the enemy!

But even so, why did the boy use this way?


It was like the interruption of some mysterious state, and the red in Ye Pengfei's eyes faded away. Then, the dangers around him disappeared quietly.

"These people should have left."

The pressure in Ye Pengfei's heart is relaxed, but he suddenly thinks that he has forced a kiss on Shen Da's beauty, which makes his heart hot.

Seeing that the other side seemed to be on guard, ye Pengfei raised the other side's chin and said with a smile: "I suddenly found that Shen Da police flower is quite beautiful."

Shen Yanbing was scared by Ye Pengfei's abnormal state. At the moment, he saw that the other party had become a hooligan again. His whole body was in a tense state, and finally he untied it.

"Wait The boy just gave himself a strong kiss! And it's killing me to tease myself like that

Shen Yanbing's anger broke out in an instant, and he wanted to strangle the hateful bastard in front of him.

But her face is smiling, and gently embrace with Ye Pengfei, then in Ye Pengfei's ear said: "Ye Pengfei, I remember you."

Then, ye Pengfei twisted his waist.

Hiss ~!

Rao Shi and ye Pengfei have long been the unparalleled warriors on the battlefield. He was also wrung by the sudden pain, and his head was sweating.

"Do you women like to wring people's waist so much?"

"What? How often do you get pinched by women? " Shen Yanbing seemed to win a battle all of a sudden, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's over." Ye Pengfei suddenly froze, his voice trembling slightly.

"What?" Shen Yanbing was stunned.

Ye Pengfei quickly separated from Shen Yanbing and looked at the street in the distance.

As for Shen Yanbing, he turns his head doubtfully, and then he sees a Rolls Royce phantom in front of him. An iceberg beauty in professional clothes is looking coldly.

"Kiss policewoman flower, ha ha Ye Pengfei, how brave he is


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