Xiao Ruxue, one of the four beauties in Binhai City, President of Yamei group.

Xiao Ruxue, the youngest CEO of Kyoto University and a business returnee who went to the UK to study, has always been extremely proud and indifferent in the eyes of the media and employees.

Yamei group, an enterprise created by Xiao Ruxue, can rise rapidly in Binhai city in a few years, and enjoy reputation both at home and abroad. It can be imagined that Xiao Ruxue has top talent in the business field.

The youngest entrepreneur is also a super beauty. Under all kinds of titles and honors, there are countless people who pursue Xiao Ruxue. Among them, there are many excellent young men from the top families in Binhai city.

Even in the political, business and military circles, the name of the iceberg goddess is also very popular!

However, it is the goddess in the eyes of the public.

After ye Pengfei saw it, because he couldn't stand Xiao Ruxue's powerful aura, he burst out for the first time: "eh, that Xiaoxuexue, why are you here? "

Snow, snow?

When hearing this obviously flirtatious address, Xiao Ruxue couldn't believe her ears.

She is the president of Yamei group and the iceberg goddess with countless halos. How could she be called so intimate in front of so many people?

But also the most annoying hooligan bastard Ye Pengfei!

For a moment, Xiao Ruxue's heart suddenly rose a desire to kill!

Similarly, as a temporary guest star, Lian Yu, a driver and assistant, just opened the door and came out. When she heard this name, she almost staggered under her feet.

"Snow? Did I hear you right? Ye Pengfei is such a jerk that he dares to call our president xiaoxuexue. It's just... "

All of a sudden, a breath colder than ten thousand years of ice filled Xiao Ruxue's body, making his close assistant shiver.

There are many people on the street, all with a look of surprise and inexplicable, have discussed.

"Why, I just felt a cold wind coming over me

"Yes, it's summer now. It's so evil that the wind blows everywhere."

"Yes, I have goose bumps!"


Xiao Ruxue stares at Ye Pengfei on the other side of the street. If her eyes can kill people, ye Pengfei has already been shot through the heart and become a dead target.

As for Shen Yanbing beside Ye Pengfei, he also wants to strangle Ye Pengfei alive!

Just now, when ye Pengfei forced her to kiss her, this scene was obviously seen by Xiao Ruxue. He is a public figure with a good face. He and Xiao Ruxue also have several acquaintances. They are the four beauties in Binhai City, and they have always cherished each other.

Now, he was forced to kiss by the other party's staff, and it was still in the presence of the other party. Shen Yanbing wanted to kill Ye Pengfei!

Xiao Ruxue stares at Ye Pengfei until the other side "wrongly" lowers his head. Then he looks at Shen Yanbing and hums coldly: "let's go!"

Rub, rub, rub!

Xiao Ruxue is walking on high heels, imposing, just like an angry queen!

The passers-by on the road are photographed by Xiao Ruxue's strong atmosphere, and they have to retreat. Such a beautiful and noble flower, without certain courage and strength, how dare they come forward to chat up?

As Xiao Ruxue's personal assistant, Lianyu carries a gift to see the waitress. Although Lianyu is also a very beautiful beauty, her hot figure is just set off by her ol work clothes, which makes many men swallow their saliva.

But with Xiao Ruxue, the perfect goddess, Lianyu was too dim.

Xiao Ruxue is also wearing ol work clothes, but she has noble temperament, beautiful face and slender figure. It seems that everywhere she goes, she is perfect and destined to be the focus of attention.

However, even so, at the moment, Lianyu still doesn't look depressed. Instead, she is a typical urban white-collar elite with a high chin and a strong air.

"Even as a foil, it's not something ordinary people can afford."

Lianyu's heart, proud to say this sentence.

Then, because of Ye Pengfei, a smile slowly appeared in the corner of the intellectual beauty's mouth.

"Ye Pengfei, it's over!"

Lianyu follows Xiao Ruxue's steps and walks in the corridor of the hospital, but she is always thinking about how the president will punish the boy who doesn't know how powerful the world is.

Knowing Xiao Ruxue's temper, Lianyu deliberately said: "president, although Ye Pengfei is a bit of a rascal, he came out of some ravine after all. As the saying goes, it's easy to blame for his bad habits when he comes out of the poverty."

Xiao Ruxue didn't look back. She hummed coldly: "do you think I haven't seen people from the mountain village? There are many college students in our company who come out of the mountain village. Who is like him who makes trouble for me every day? He is now an employee of our company, but also my driver, representing the image of our company! At work, I went to kiss the policewoman flowerAs long as you think of the previous picture, Xiao Ruxue's anger is rising in her heart, and her pace is speeding up.

And that's Shen Yanbing, the leader of the criminal investigation team. A few days ago, he asked Lianyu to bring the other party out of the Bureau. Only a few days later, the other party was staring at Shen Yanbing.

Lianyu took Xiao Ruxue's expression into her eyes. As soon as she turned her eyes, she followed up and said, "president, ye Pengfei is really arrogant. Our company group has never met such a rogue before. It's just abusing our company's employees. Now even you don't pay attention to the president. President, we have to find a way to solve it That's the problem

Lianyu has no good feelings for ye Pengfei. Seeing that ye Pengfei is so lawless, she has long wanted to expel him. Seeing that Xiao Ruxue doesn't like him, Lianyu is happy to add fuel to the fire.

"This bastard, I must teach him a lesson!"

Xiao Ruxue looks angry and goes to the elevator. After pressing the button, she lifts her legs to enter the elevator.

The last time Zhang Heyuan incident happened, the other party saved her. Xiao Ruxue didn't hate Ye Pengfei so much, but this guy makes trouble every day, and now he still teases and kisses policewoman flower, which is a shame to their company.

Lianyu went into the elevator and continued: "president, ye Pengfei, I don't think it's suitable to stay in an enterprise like ours. As your assistant, I have the responsibility and obligation to suggest to you that ye Pengfei..."

Lianyu didn't go on, because she had seen that although Xiao Ruxue hated Ye Pengfei very much, ye Pengfei seemed to be some relative of Xiao Ruxue. If she dismissed him, I'm afraid Xiao Ruxue would not be able to explain to his relatives. Ye Pengfei has the final say in deciding what decision to make for


Sure enough, Xiao Ruxue's forehead frowned, but after a moment, he said with a sneer, "it's just a Ye Pengfei. I don't believe it. I can't cure him!"

Xiao Ruxue's eyes are like knives. At the moment when the elevator is opened, several nurses can't help but look frightened when they see Xiao Ruxue. Then they all lower their heads and stand aside to make way for a road. They are extremely afraid.

Rub rub rub!

Xiao Ruxue, with her legs and lotus jade, released a strong aura and crossed with them.

Until a moment, a few little nurses, who seemed to be frightened, dared to whisper.

"What a terrible look."

Then, they looked at each other's back from a distance and quickly moved away, as if they were afraid of being discovered by each other.


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