After Xiao Ruxue handles the affairs of the waitress, she takes her assistant Lianyu out of the hospital.

Soon, Xiao Ruxue saw Ye Pengfei with a smiling face in front of Rolls Royce phantom!

"President, are you out? Shall we go back to the company now? "

Ye Pengfei completely seems to have forgotten what happened before, and he looks like a dutiful old driver.

In fact, it's not that ye Pengfei loves this job very much. The key is that ye Pengfei has no money in his pocket now. Xiao Ruxue is his only golden rice bowl.

Don't lose your golden job.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiao Ruxue's voice was cold and she walked quickly by Ye Pengfei's side.

Soon, Xiao Ruxue pressed the anti-theft lock, opened the door and went in.

The driver snatched the seat quickly.

"Well Miss Lianyu, actually I'm not tired. You don't have to help me drive? Why don't you sit in the back or let me drive? "

Lianyu said with a smile, "now I'm going to attend an important business meeting with the president. Go back by yourself."

Then, with a bang, the door closes and leaves, which makes Ye Pengfei totally stupid.

"It's over. I don't have half a cent on me. Where do I sleep at night?"

Ye Pengfei wants to cry without tears, then thinks of the previous waitress, and quickly goes to the hospital.

Soon, ye Pengfei saw the waitress, but the other party is now resting, ye Pengfei is not easy to disturb.

"It seems that it should be all right."

Ye Pengfei smiles, but when he is ready to leave, he suddenly meets Liao Zhi and his two bodyguards in the elevator.

"Liao Zhi? What is Liao Zhi doing here? Could it be that... "

Ye Pengfei's mouth was hooked, but he didn't expect that Zhang Heyuan was also here.

"Well, have you seen Liao Zhichang's memory?" Ye Pengfei slowly went upstairs. Soon, Jiangning night saw his two bodyguards in a senior ward on the fifth floor.

Ye Pengfei's eyes flickered. He didn't want to disturb each other, so he quickly came to the window of the corridor and jumped.

After a while, ye Pengfei climbs to the wall and comes to the window of Zhang Heyuan's room. He just hears Zhang Heyuan's gnashing of teeth.

"Ye Pengfei! This hillbilly, who has done bad things to me many times, must die

Zhang Heyuan's voice was icy cold, as if there was a volcano in his heart.

As soon as ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed, Zhang Heyuan did not give up.

Liao Zhi quickly said: "this ye Pengfei is really bold, but he should have a heavy identity besides a poor relative of Xiao Ruxue."

"What identity?" Zhang Heyuan asked suspiciously.

Liao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "my bodyguards are not vegetarians. Many people have been on the road. According to them, this ye Pengfei is very likely to be a very powerful special forces soldier!"

"Special forces!" Zhang Heyuan's eyes narrowed and said with great disdain: "what can special forces do? No matter how much he can fight, it's just one person! In a team of hundreds of people, I think he dares to be arrogant? "

Later, Zhang Heyuan said that he would use some underground forces to show Ye Pengfei some color.

Ye Pengfei extremely disdains, comes how many, he receives how many!

But the next two people's words, but let Ye Pengfei suddenly angry.

It turns out that this Heyuan just wants to play with Xiao Ruxue, and after getting tired of it, he says that he can let Liao Zhi taste it!

Ye Pengfei was angry at that time. Unexpectedly, this Heyuan was such a scum!

"In that case..."

Later, Liao Zhi leaves with two bodyguards. With a cold hum, ye Pengfei quickly moves away from the window.

About ten minutes later, Liao Zhigang just got on the bus and found Ye Pengfei sitting beside him.


Liao Zhi was scared to pee at that time. He didn't know how the other party got into the car.

"Bodyguard!" Liao Zhi yells quickly, only to find that there is no movement outside.

Ye Pengfei's hand, pressing each other's arm, said with a smile: "if you shout again, maybe the next moment, you will lie on the ground like them."

Liao Zhi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and then he said, "you What do you want? "

Ye Pengfei said with a smile, "it's not what I want, it's what you want? I hear you're going to move me? Ha ha I always like to cut down the roots! "


Liao Zhi was almost afraid to cry. He trembled and said, "brother ye, please don't kill me! It's Zhang Heyuan who wants to move brother Ye. You, brother ye, as long as you let me go, I will do whatever you want me to do. Wuwuwuwu... "

Ye Pengfei laughs and takes out a silver needle from his body. There are some black things on it. Then he stabs Liao Zhi's body.

Liao Zhi was not scared to death!

But ye Pengfei laughs, carries the true Qi, enters each other's body quickly.Liao Zhi suddenly became extremely frightened and said, "you What have you done to me? "

Ye Pengfei said slowly: "don't panic. It's just that you've been poisoned. And this kind of poison is made by me. I'm the only one who can detoxify it, and I'm the only one who can detoxify it with genuine Qi. Any drug treatment is invalid. I'll treat you once a month in the future. If you don't have Xiao Ruxue's bad idea any more in three years, maybe you'll get better I can consider giving you permanent treatment! "

"You You Liao Zhi almost cried, but he did not dare to say anything arrogant.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "of course, you can also choose to go to any big hospital, but I believe they will treat you as an incurable disease! By the way, I need to consume a lot of real Qi when I help you to treat poisons in the future. I'll give you a half discount, one million at a time. "

It's not ye Pengfei's deliberate blackmail, but ye Pengfei's true Qi has accumulated over time. It's less than one million yuan to treat this guy.

Liao Zhiyu cried without tears, but suddenly he seemed to think of something. He quickly took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Brother ye, could you please help me cure it in advance? Here's a deposit of five million! Password six zeros! If it's done, I'll pay your old family in one lump sum! "

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be sincere, but it's a pity that my poison can only attack once a month, and there's no way to eradicate it. I want to help you cure it in advance. I'm sorry, I don't have that ability!"

"Brother Ye!" Liao Zhi really cried this time.

Ye Pengfei said with a cold smile: "Liao Zhi, you are a smart man. Don't do stupid things. If you don't want to die with Zhang Heyuan, ha ha You know

With that, ye Pengfei disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

Liao Zhi could not help shivering all over, and his face was more frightened.


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