Two hours later, in an intensive care unit of Binjiang people's Hospital, Liao Zhi, who was pale, looked at the notice of critical illness sent by the bodyguard. His eyes darkened and he almost didn't faint.

Liver function and kidney function are not normal. There is an inexplicable chronic poison in the body, which is rapidly spreading. At present, the ingredients are unknown, and there is no treatment plan.

Several medical experts, all frowning, almost told him that he was hopeless!

Liao Zhi's eyes are lost and he stares at the ceiling on his head. He is in despair.

"It's exactly the same as what ye Pengfei said before! The hospital can't check it out at all. Can't anyone save themselves except this damned bastard? "

Liao Zhiyue thinks that he is more and more afraid. He is still a middle-aged man. He has suffered a lot along the way. Now he is able to make great progress and make a career. How can he become an underground ghost so willingly.

"Ye Pengfei, you devil, why, why do you do this to me, wuwuwu..."

Liao Zhi's tears suddenly burst out. Even Zhang Heyuan didn't dare to inform him of the incident. Otherwise, if the other party was not happy and didn't treat him, he would be finished.

As for Zhang Heyuan, who is also in this hospital, at the moment, he is still on the phone to his subordinate, a Biao.

"Ah Biao, ye Pengfei is very good at fighting. It seems that he is a top special forces soldier, so the person you are looking for must not disgrace me. Besides, you must catch them alive."

"Don't worry, young master. It's just a small special forces soldier. I'll arrange it now."

Zhang Heyuan just laughed, then hung up the phone, and his mouth showed a grim smile.

"Ye Pengfei, this time, see how you die!"


After leaving Liao Zhi, ye Pengfei looks at the bank card in his hand and slowly smiles. He believes that as long as Liao Zhi is not stupid, he will not freeze his account or change his password.

To the bank ATM to withdraw money, ye Pengfei thought about the next plan.

For example, the first thing is to find a place to live.

Last night, he slept in Xiao Ruxue's office, but that's because Xiao Ruxue was in a coma. Now, Xiao Ruxue, a high cold iceberg beauty, is completely in a rational state, and ye Pengfei will not hold any hope any more.

Moreover, this beautiful president seems to be stubborn and arrogant. If it wasn't for his friendship with Xiao Dachun, I'm afraid Ye Pengfei would have slipped away.

"Hum Hum... "

In his trouser pocket, the mobile phone suddenly rings, and ye Pengfei takes it up to have a look.

Xiao Ruxue?

Ye Pengfei is about to press the answer button, suddenly, the screen flashes a few times, and immediately goes black.

"I'll go, what a broken cell phone!"

Ye Pengfei pressed twice again and found that the mobile phone could not be turned on.

"Please, don't drop the chain at the critical moment."

Ye Pengfei has an impulse to vomit blood. Xiao Ruxue puts down her position and calls herself. As a result, the broken mobile phone is turned off. What do people think?

Sure enough, in another part of the city, Xiao Ruxue listened to the beep of the phone, with an unbelievable face.

"This bastard, turn off the power?"

Xiao Ruxue dials Ye Pengfei's number again.

For a moment, a pleasant recording came from the phone: "the number you dialed has been turned off."

"Ye, Peng, Fei!"

Xiao rushue gnashes her teeth and almost throws her cell phone out in anger.

Before she left the hospital with Lianyu, but later she thought that the guy had no money on him. If he did anything again, he would have to disgrace their group company in the name of Yamei group.

So Xiao Ruxue is ready to pity him and overdraw his salary by several hundred yuan. Who knows, this guy even has his cell phone turned off.

In the office, Lian Yulian, as the assistant to the president, said: "don't be angry, president. I said before that this guy can't be used to it, just let him suffer first, otherwise, he won't have a long memory."

Xiao Ruxue took a deep breath: "this month's salary will be deducted by half."

Lianyu is very happy. Originally, ye Pengfei's salary was 4000 yuan. Xiao Ruxue decided to deduct half of his salary for the waitress. Unexpectedly, if he deducted half of his salary now, there would be only 1000 yuan left. With that guy's temperament, I'm afraid that he will be deducted soon.

"Ye Pengfei, you deserve to be arrogant!"


On the street, ye Pengfei saw that the mobile phone was broken, so he went to a mobile phone repair shop to repair it.

The owner of the repair shop took a look at Ye Pengfei's mobile phone and said with a smile, "young man, you have used this mobile phone for so many years, and many parts are aging. Hurry to buy a new one."

Ye Pengfei sighed that he was a good friend who had been with him for seven or eight years. He didn't expect that he would be gone. However, ye Pengfei was not a person who liked the new and disliked the old. He quietly put away his mobile phone and went a long way before he finally saw a mobile phone store that looked very tall."Macintosh?"

Ye Pengfei thinks about it and despises Xiao Ruxue. What he holds in his hand also has this thing.

Anyway, the mobile phone is broken, so buy another one.

After a while, ye Pengfei walked into the experience store, and the high-tech level came.

"He can afford apples where he comes from."

"Thousands of dollars, don't touch it

Next to the two heavy make-up, florid woman a look of disdain.

Ye Pengfei frowned and bought a mobile phone. What can't afford it.

These two women look down on people too much, don't they?

Soon, ye Pengfei went to the counter and was surprised at the price.

"I'll go. It's more than 7000. Why is it so expensive?"

Two gorgeous women hear ye Pengfei's cry of surprise, immediately a burst of disdain, obviously more confirmed Ye Pengfei is the fact of the bumpkin.

However, the staff of the experience store were very kind to explain its various functions to Ye Pengfei, and did not treat Ye Pengfei differently because of his clothes.

Ye Pengfei also quickly felt some high-tech of this mobile phone. He picked it up and played with it. As expected, it was very different from his old friends.

In addition, the staff is a beautiful girl, and ye Pengfei is in a good mood.

"It's a good phone for me."

Ye Pengfei put on a look of comparison and smashed the ten thousand yuan in his pocket on the counter.

Beautiful girl in front of a bright, just now she was just to get familiar with their communication skills, and did not hold any hope for ye Pengfei, did not expect that the other party was a low-key rich man.

More than ten minutes later, the bill was printed out, and the other party carefully explained a lot of precautions to Ye Pengfei, saying that if there was anything he didn't understand, he would just come and ask directly. Ye Pengfei, with a smile and a bag, walked out of the experience store with great proportion.

As for the two gorgeous women, already face up, gray left here.

Until a moment, ye Pengfei just laughed and said: "it seems that the feeling of pretending to be better is also very cool."

Ye Pengfei takes out his mobile phone and makes a call to Xiao Ruxue.

After connecting, Xiao Ruxue's roar came from the phone immediately: "Ye Pengfei! Why didn't you answer the phone just now and dare to turn it off! "

Ye Pengfei immediately wronged: "Mr President, my mobile phone was broken before, and I just bought a new one!"

"What did you say? I bought a new one. Didn't you say there was no money before? " Xiao Ruxue that anger in the heart, so say, before the other party has been deceiving oneself?

Ye Pengfei immediately silly, really don't know how to explain, he can't tell each other, his money is robbed.

On the phone, Xiao Ruxue's mood obviously fluctuated violently. For a moment, she took a deep breath and said, "now, immediately, right back to the company. In half an hour, I want to see your people! Otherwise, you know the consequences! "



Listening to the busy tone on the phone, ye Pengfei had a big head.

Xiaoxuexue looks pretty, but she is so stubborn!


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