"Auntie, Auntie..."

Xiaofeng quickly called twice, but there was no sound of qinluo in the sky.

Compared with being with Ji Changshu, Xiaofeng is obviously more willing to follow qinluo, but qinluo doesn't come and go, and doesn't seem to take Xiaofeng with her.

After getting no response, Xiaofeng has to turn her eyes to Ji Changshu again.

After such a fuss, Xiaofeng, who had no distinction between good and evil in his heart, now vaguely understood that there are some people in this world who are different from their mothers. They will hurt themselves, roar at themselves, and say something that scares them.

But even if she understood this truth, where could she go, a five-year-old girl, in such an endless snowy field?

Looking back at the countryside?

But she didn't know the direction. Even if she knew the direction, could a five-year-old child walk out of the snow with her feet?

Go to find my father, ye Pengfei?

But where to start?

The road ahead is dim. In Xiaofeng's little heart, he tasted helplessness for the first time.

After a moment's hesitation, Xiaofeng turns her eyes to Ji Changshu. Seeing that he is still lying on the ground, Xiaofeng feels soft and shouts from a distance: "big, Uncle Are you ok? "

After waiting for a while, Ji Changshu didn't respond. Xiaofeng bravely climbed a distance to the cave and called out: "uncle, Uncle..."

The other side still didn't respond. This time Xiaofeng was more courageous, and she gently moved her body toward Ji Changshu. As she approached, she was startled by the scene in front of her.

Ji Changshu fell to the ground, his face as white as a dead man. His hair, eyebrows and face had been frozen by the wind and snow, and even his limbs were covered with a thick layer of frost.

It's not the first time that Xiaofeng has seen a dead man. As the daughter of a cultivator and the empress of Feng clan, Xiaofeng has seen a dead monk more than once in Wangxiang city. She even buried the body of a monk herself.

So, seeing this scene, Xiaofeng is not as flustered as an ordinary little girl. Instead, she quickly steps forward and reaches out her immaculate hand to explore Ji Changshu's breath.

"I'm out of breath!"

Xiaofeng once heard his mother say that under normal circumstances, when a person's nose is out of breath, he is dead. But this is just for ordinary people. Sometimes such common sense can't be used on practitioners, because most of them have amazing vitality. Even if the body is destroyed, the spirit can revive again.

Xiaofeng doesn't know what spirit is, but she understands a truth from her mother's words that people can be saved.

Immediately, Xiaofeng didn't even think about it. He immediately took out a jade bottle from under his green shirt, poured out a red elixir from the bottle, climbed up to Ji Changshu's stiff body, and reached for Ji Changshu's mouth.

According to my mother, this red pill is called shengzaohua pill. It can kill human flesh and bones. It's a life-saving elixir. It's extremely precious. Even my mother doesn't have many of these pills.

This pill and the jade vase in Xiaofeng's hand have been carried by her since she was a child. It is said that the pills in it were made by her father. Besides this pill, there is also a dagger that her father once used.

Shengzaohua pill is very precious, but Xiaofeng, who is still young, has no distinction between the noble and the humble. In her opinion, human life is often the most precious thing.

Ji Changshu's body has been frozen like a stone by the wind and snow. Xiaofeng has used several times, but still can't open his mouth.

After thinking about it, Xiaofeng finally takes out a dagger from his arms, puts the dagger in Ji Changshu's mouth, and then pries Ji Changshu's mouth for a long time.

It's just that xiaonizi doesn't know how to handle it properly. In addition, this dagger is too sharp. She cuts off Ji Changshu's teeth, even her lips.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I'm trying to save you. You Don't blame me. "

Xiaofeng looked at the teeth cut off for himself, some guilty, and some innocent murmured.

Fortunately, Ji Changshu's body has been frozen at the moment, his teeth and lips have been cut off, but there is no blood flowing out, which makes Xiaofeng feel more or less comforted.

Finally, the pill is fed into Ji Changshu's mouth. Once the pill enters, it immediately softens and disappears in Ji Changshu's mouth.

After that, Xiaofeng squats beside Ji Changshu's body and waits quietly.

She doesn't know if Ji Changshu will come back to life and wake up after taking shengzaohua pill, and she doesn't know if Ji Changshu will threaten to kill herself and take the blood from her body.

She just felt that if this uncle died like this, it would be very pitiful. In the past, her mother often told her that although people are rich or poor, there should be no difference in life. Only ordinary and great standards can be used to measure life.

Xiao Xiaofeng can't understand the meaning of her mother's words, but she knows that the reason why her mother said so is that she wants to be a kind person.Xiaofeng has been listening to her mother since she was a child. In the environment where she grew up, everyone likes her very much and wants to treat her as her own daughter. It is precisely because of this growth environment that we cultivate Xiaofeng's kind and naive character.

The cold wind is still outside the cave, and the snow in the sky is falling more and more. Maybe it's because Xiaofeng has archaic blood in her body. Although the snow keeps falling, it's like deliberately splitting her, and there's not a snowflake on her.

After waiting for a long time, Ji Changshu still doesn't wake up. Xiaofeng is worried. She turns to see that the bonfire in the cave is still burning. After thinking about it, she decides to put Ji Changshu's body near the bonfire. Maybe it will make him warm.

However, Xiaofeng is too small. She has no strength at all. She holds Ji Changshu's frozen hands and uses up all her strength to lift his body for several centimeters.

It's just a few centimeters, but it's already making Xiaofeng tired.

But even so, Xiaofeng didn't give up. She sat on the ground for a rest, then stood up again and continued to drag Ji Changshu's body. Rest, go on, rest, go on After several successive breaks, Xiaofeng finally drags Ji Changshu's body to the side of the campfire.

Looking at the frost and snow on Ji Changshu's face fading away beside the fire, Xiaofeng can't help showing a smile of satisfaction.

It's getting dark, the campfire is not clear, and I don't know how long the snow will last.

Looking at the falling snow outside the cave and listening to the whistling cold wind outside, Xiaofeng suddenly thinks of her mother.

"I don't know what happened to my mother? There are also aunts, two aunts and three aunts They can't see Xiaofeng, and they don't know if they will worry. "

In Xiaofeng's memory, she has never been away from her mother for such a long time. When she went there, her mother would always follow her. This time, it was the first time that she and her daughter separated for such a long time.

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