Xiaofeng Du a small mouth, thinking of their own mind.

"Little girl, come with me. I'll take you to see your father, ye Pengfei."

At this time, a strange voice suddenly came from outside the cave.

Xiaofeng looked up and saw a handsome man in a red robe at the entrance of the cave, looking at himself with a smile.

"You are..." Xiaofeng asked in doubt.

If put in the past, Xiaofeng will not care about each other's identity, but after today's experience, Xiaofeng center has more or less a sense of preparedness.

"Bloodthirsty into a devil, others call me the ancestor of blood devil." The blood devil said with a bitter smile.

Just hearing the name, she knew that it was not a good person. However, Xiaofeng had no such prejudice. She looked at the blood devil with her big eyes open, and was surprised: "you Is that my father's best friend, the blood devil

"Best friend?" The blood devil ancestor couldn't help but Leng for a while and said with a bitter smile: "maybe it is."

Xiaofeng has heard from her mother and other people about ye Pengfei's deeds with the blood devil's ancestors. On the contrary, Ji Changshu's deeds are rarely mentioned. After all, Ji Changshu once hurt the wind and waning moon. It's an enemy relationship. It's not suitable to talk about it with children.

In Xiaofeng's mind, no matter how the other party's name bluff, as long as it is Dad's friend, that is his own friend.

"But This uncle is still injured and needs to be taken care of I, I can't leave him Xiaofeng hesitated for a moment and said.

The blood devil came forward and directly kicked Ji Changshu. He turned Ji Changshu's body upside down and said in disgust: "the devil wanted to kill your father, but now he wants to kill you. Why do you want to save him?"

Xiaofeng screams and goes to check Ji Changshu's body. When he finds that it's OK, he angrily looks at the blood devil and says, "he can't move. Why do you do this to him?"

Xiaofeng's kindness is a bit stupid. Ji Changshu threatened to kill her before. Now Xiaofeng wants to help Ji Changshu instead, which is extremely stupid.

However, the blood devil did not get angry. Instead, he took a deep look at Xiaofeng. On Xiaofeng's body, he saw his sister Qingtian's appearance.

When I was not sensible before, isn't Qingtian the same as Xiaofeng now?

"Xiaofeng, do you know? There's nothing wrong with being kind, but you can't be stupid. This man wanted to kill you just now. Have you ever thought that if you save him, he still wants to kill you? "

"Saving people is a good thing, but saving bad people is a bad thing."

Blood devil ancestors go to Xiaofeng side squat down, the way of sincere.

In fact, the blood devil did not know that if he spoke these words to Xiaofeng in two years, maybe Xiaofeng would understand his words, but now Xiaofeng is only five years old, and he has no idea of good and evil. In her opinion, everyone is a good person. Even though Ji Changshu threatened to kill her just now, she never thought of Ji Changshu as a bad person.

Like Xiaofeng's idea, if you put it on any adult, it's absolutely a fool and a virgin who does harm to others and yourself. But Xiaofeng is really only five years old. How can he understand the dangers in the world?

Xiaofeng shook his head stubbornly and said, "but I can't watch him die like this Uncle blood devil, I'd like to see dad with you, too, but... "

The blood devil Laozu nods and stands up. He knows that as an adult, he can't interfere with Xiaofeng's growth too much. Sometimes, no matter how much truth you tell her, it can't be compared with her personal experience. Only after experiencing the harm of this thing, can he know what can't be done and what can be done.

The blood devil didn't say much. Instead, he left the cave directly. However, he didn't leave. Instead, he lurked nearby and observed the situation in the cave all the time. As long as Ji Changshu woke up and dared to do harm to Xiaofeng, the blood devil would immediately appear and kill Ji Changshu.

After Ji Changshu just fell to the ground, his breath of life became weak, and finally he died. In fact, it was not because of qinluo's "Tianmu murders", but because of what qinluo said before.

Even Ji Changshu, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, is just a mole ant in front of Ye Pengfei and Qin Luo, which is totally unacceptable to Ji Changshu.

He is not fragile, but can't see hope. The crushing of life level is not acceptable to anyone at all. Therefore, Ji Changshu simply extinguishes his breath of life and chooses to die.

However, Xiaofeng doesn't understand this truth. She thinks Ji Changshu died because he was hurt, so she won't spare any effort to save him.

Frost and snow gradually melted, Ji Changshu's body moved, then he coughed and woke up.

Under the campfire, Xiaofeng was overjoyed. He hurried forward and asked with concern, "uncle, you've lived. It's so good."

Ji Changshu vaguely sees Xiaofeng's concerned eyes. He is stunned. Suddenly he feels like being struck by thunder. His body trembles and falls to the ground again.

Xiaofeng was surprised. He reached out and patted Ji Changshu on the cheek. He asked with concern: "uncle, uncle, don't die. You said you would take me to see my father. You can't just die."Ji Changshu was lying on the ground, motionless. He felt that his mouth was dry and intolerable. Then he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow". After a slow time, he turned to see Xiaofeng and said with a weak bitter smile, "I was going to kill you just now, but you still saved me, little girl. Are you too stupid or too kind?"

At the moment, Ji Changshu has no chance to kill just now. On the contrary, he is more like a poor old man on the verge of death. Maybe it is because of this that he can say these words that are totally not in line with his style.

"I, I..." Xiaofeng couldn't answer.

Ji Changshu scolded: "you are really stupid!"

Even so, Ji Chang's face showed a smile, struggling to get up, staring at Xiaofeng's small face, which was like a powder carved jade, and his eyes, which were full of innocence, a kind of inexplicable emotion that never felt before, suddenly rose from Ji Chang's heart.

In this inexplicable mood, there are guilt, remorse, regret, and so on. The only thing that doesn't exist is the strong killing opportunity before.

"Ye Pengfei really gave birth to a good daughter." Ji Changshu sighed in his heart.

I don't know why, Ji Changshu suddenly feels like she's relaxed, because the little girl in front of her once hated and killed Ye Pengfei. At this moment, she's all gone.

At the moment, he no longer has hatred for his former enemy, ye Pengfei, but raises a trace of heartfelt respect.

"Let's go. I'll take you to see your father. I didn't cheat you this time. I really took you to see him." He said with a smile.

Hate down, Ji Changshu only feel the world is vast, once those in the heart of the obsession, at this moment appears to be so ridiculous.

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