In the final analysis, Ji Changshu is also a human being. After living for thousands of years, he has seen too much danger in the world. On the contrary, such a person is more likely to be moved by an innocent child.

He stood up, regained his strength, and then left the cave with Xiaofeng.

He didn't dare to touch Xiaofeng, or even hold her hand. He just felt that his body full of sin should be far away from Xiaofeng, and a little closer to the clean and shameful Xiaofeng was a kind of abominable blasphemy.

He took Xiaofeng with him for several days. Until his cultivation recovered, he used Zhenyuan to take Xiaofeng. They flew to Zhongzhou.

Because he is not at ease with Xiaofeng, the blood devil always follows them. He doesn't leave until he is sure that Ji Changshu won't hurt Xiaofeng.

On this day, the two finally entered the Zhongzhou area. Several of the men in the main temple sensed the smell of Ji Changshu and soon came to meet him.

"Welcome back to daozhongzhou."

"Palace master, during your absence, Xiyan was in charge of all the affairs in the Lord's palace. Not long ago, we found that there were two people from the outside wind clan who entered buluocheng, together with a white tiger beast. Xiyan set up a big battle in the mountains outside buluocheng and planned to kill them together. Now that the master of the palace has returned, this matter needs to be decided by you. "

A member of the main shrine reported to Ji changshuhui.

Ji Changshu just glanced at these people, waved his hand, and said: "all of them have been withdrawn. The general assembly of killing saints and the battle array of Fu Sha Feng clan have been withdrawn for me. From now on, the Lord's temple will no longer be the enemy of Feng clan and those foreign families."

"This..." A few people in charge of the temple were stunned and thought they had heard wrong.

"Why, don't I understand enough? I said, "withdraw, and the Lord's temple will be dissolved together. From then on, there will be no lord's temple." Ji Changshu said angrily.

"But if we do this, we are not afraid of the temple..." The man who is talking now is worried.

"The temple? Hum Whether it's a temple or an immortal temple, if the God King really wants to blame him, he can come to Lao Tzu. If he can't get out of the temple, he's not afraid of him. "

Ji Changshu waved his hand and ignored these people. He took Xiaofeng and continued to go to the city. All he did was leave these men in the same place, at a loss.

"Little girl, your parents and I had some festivals. After I take you to find Ye Pengfei, I will leave here immediately. I will live in seclusion from now on and no longer care about the world."

Ji Changshu suddenly turns back to xiaofengdao.

"Ah Why? " Xiao Feng some don't understand of ask.

Ji Changshu sighed and said, "I've done a lot of bad things, but I'm really a person with bad karma. The reason why you saved me is because you didn't know the grudge between me and your parents..."

Ji Changshu hesitated for a moment, perhaps because of selfishness in his heart, he didn't tell Xiaofeng what happened in that year. He just said, "anyway, you just need to remember that I have no intention to be an enemy to your parents. The sins I committed in that year can't be cleared. If you see ye Pengfei, he has to kill me to vent his anger and let him come to me 。”

"Why? Why does father want to kill you to vent his anger? "

Xiaofeng is even more puzzled. She doesn't understand what's wrong with Ji Changshu and her father. She is ready to kill when she meets him.

Ji Changshu just shook his head.

It's late at night now, and they are not far away from the city.

After a while, a roar came from the mountains outside the city.

"It's Xiaobai, it's Xiaobai's voice!"

Hearing the roar, Xiaofeng immediately recognized Bai Sheng's voice. She anxiously asked Ji Changshu for help and said, "uncle, Xiao Bai is so hard. Go and save him."

Ji Changshu is not moved. He doesn't like other people in the wind clan, including Bai Sheng. He only cares about Xiaofeng.

He can give up the hatred with Ye Pengfei because of Xiaofeng, but he can't because of Xiaofeng's words, he risks to save a beast.

"Uncle..." Xiaofeng was obviously anxious and called again.

At this time, the sound of Chang Feijian's voice was almost strong when she heard it.

At the moment, Xiaofeng is behind Ji Changshu. He feels that the flying sword is attacking him. Ji Changshu is shocked, but he doesn't dodge immediately. He's afraid that once he dodges, Xiaofeng will hit the sword immediately.

Immediately, Ji Changshu's right finger suddenly points out.

This finger looks ordinary, but it contains great power.

One refers to the square and the other refers to the heaven and earth. This is Ji Changshu's famous magic power, namely, the one without square.


The finger force collided with two flying swords. A loud sound, like a bell, vibrated in the impact, accompanied by bursts of sound waves, suddenly spread around.Ji Changshu is not far from the impact place, the sound wave suddenly diffuses, just makes his body slightly shake.

However, although he did not hinder, but the Xiao Feng behind him was miserable.

Xiaofeng's petite body was directly lifted out by the spreading sound wave, just like the fallen leaves in the strong wind, flying high.

Ji Changshu was surprised. She jumped and immediately held Xiaofeng in her arms. She was shocked and said, "little girl, are you hurt?"

His voice was trembling, obviously very frightened, for fear that Xiaofeng would be hurt.

"Uncle, I'm ok..."

Although she said so, but Ji Changshu clearly see Xiaofeng mouth is golden yellow blood overflow, obviously hurt not light.

Xiaofeng is only five years old, and he has no accomplishments at all. The other side's just sword is not to take Ji Changshu's life, but to deliberately stir up this sound wave, in order to hurt Xiaofeng in this way.

After understanding this, a wave of anger was like a volcanic eruption, which broke out uncontrollably. His eyes were about to crack. He angrily looked back at the sky in front of him and said in a deep voice: "son of a God, if you want to kill me, you will come straight at me. Why do you want to hurt a child?"

"Well! I can't imagine that Ji Changshu, the head of the Imperial Palace, has a kind heart and a soft hand. "

At the same time, a woman in a white holy robe slowly fell from the sky.

The holy white robe is the white robed emissary of the temple, but this white robed emissary is different from the five that ye Pengfei met last time.

Last time, the five white robed deities covered their faces with long robes and did not show their real bodies to others. However, this person directly showed his face. From the details, we can see that this person's status is higher and his cultivation is stronger than that of the last five white robed deities.

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