
Shen Yanbing only felt that in the dark, he subdued himself and took his pistol. Is this a misunderstanding?

Suddenly, Shen Yanbing felt that his hand on his neck had been released.

She took a big step, then turned around and aimed the gun at the man behind her.

I found that the young man had raised his hand and squatted in the corner with a bitter face.

Before the dumbfounded several criminal police also responded, all pulled out the pistol, surrounded up, the muzzle of the gun to Ye Pengfei.

"Hello Raise the muzzle of the gun, and it will be over when it really goes off! "

Ye Pengfei gently moved his body to avoid the muzzle of the gun, and kindly reminded him that Shen Yanbing's pistol had been opened.

"Who are you?"

Shen Yanbing's face is livid, and he stares at Ye Pengfei and asks with gnashing teeth.

"I'm just an innocent victim..."

Ye Pengfei quickly stood up, pointed to the charming woman on the bed and said, "I don't believe you ask her!"

"Get down!"

Shen Yanbing yells at Ye Pengfei.

"Squat down, squat down What's so fierce

Ye Pengfei's face is full of grievances.

Shen Yanbing turned her eyes to the shivering woman on the bed, and noticed that the two young people who fell on the ground, and of course the man with a horse face, who was stunned and kneeling on one side, had more and more amazing light in his eyes.

In fact, her heart has been basically clear, but see the two people lying miserable, in the end who is the victim!

"Bring them all back with me!"

Shen Yanbing waved his hand and hummed coldly.

The color of the bitter smile on Ye Pengfei's face became stronger.

In the interrogation room of Lu'an branch of Binhai Public Security Bureau, those men who disguised themselves as police officers had come to their senses. They didn't even need to use any means. They all talked about the crimes like bamboo tubes. Ye Pengfei left a deep impression on them.

In another interrogation room, ye Pengfei has been handcuffed and handcuffed to a steel pipe with a thick arm, and the position is very vicious. Just in the middle of the room, he can't squat down and stand up straight. This is a special method used by the police to deal with Lao Youzi.

"Officer Shen, I said it was just a misunderstanding. Don't treat me like this..."

Ye Pengfei already knew the name of this beautiful female police officer in front of him, pitifully said.


Shen Yan snorted coldly, but he was secretly pleased. This young man's skill is so terrible. There must be something inside. Maybe he is an international criminal. Do you really think he can escape his own eyes!


Shen Yanbing knocked on the table with his slender fingers and said in a cold voice.

"Ye Pengfei..."

"Where are you from?"

"Yejiagou people from Shanyuan province and Dongshi!"

"ID card out!"

Seeing ye Pengfei's reply, Shen Yanbing's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light.

"In my trouser pocket, I can't reach..."

Ye Pengfei is still a poor look.


Shen Yanbing didn't think of this either. In order to prepare to pry open Ye Pengfei's mouth, she was prepared to use some means, so she didn't let others be present.


Shen Yanbing's pretty face was covered with frost. She went straight forward and turned over in Ye Pengfei's pocket.

But there was nothing but a few notes and a bag of Red River cigarettes.

Without waiting for Shen Yanbing to speak, ye Pengfei took the initiative to say: "in the butt pocket..."


Shen Yanbing suddenly became angry, subconsciously pinched her hand into a phoenix eye hammer, and hit directly at Ye Pengfei's waist.


Hearing Ye Pengfei's cold hum, his face turned pale and his body curled up. Shen Yanbing was a little flustered in his heart, and his hands were really heavy.

However, when I think of the frivolous action of Ye Pengfei in the leisure center, I immediately balance my mind and take it out in his buttock pocket. I really have an ID card.

Looking at the words of Ye Pengfei printed on the wrinkled ID card, Shen Yanbing's face suddenly shows a sneer smile. This ID card, with her eyesight, is a fake!

"When you buy your ID card, remember to find a better workshop. This kind of rough and shoddy stuff is also a good idea to bring out?"

On hearing Shen Yanbing's words, ye Pengfei suddenly straightened up, with a hesitant look on his face.

"Well, the ID card should be real..."


Shen Yanbing almost wants to laugh. He doesn't even know whether the ID card is true or false!

Run! escaped convict!

A few words suddenly appeared in her mind. She was very excited. Unexpectedly, she caught a big fish just by catching a fake policeman!But she reacted instantly. He was pale just now, and now he's recovered?

Knowing that he was almost cheated by this guy just now, he was very angry and kicked Ye Pengfei, but he secretly admired this guy's fighting ability.


Shen Yanbing directly turns on the computer next to her and is ready to look up the information of this ID card. Although she is sure that this ID card must be false, she wants to make ye Pengfei dumbfounded and speechless after seeing the results.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

knocked on several keyboards and entered the public security internal access system. Shen Yanbing directly entered the ID number.

However, after a few seconds, Shen Yanbing's eyes slowly widened and his mouth opened into an O-shape.

name, ID number, photo, identical, this crumpled look, is the crudely made things, is actually true!

Seeing Shen Yanbing's expression, ye Pengfei's heart is also down. He says in his heart that although Xiao Dachun is unreliable in all kinds of ways, this ID card is thanks to no problem. Otherwise, I'm going to go to the pit.

"Hey, officer Shen, is the ID card OK?"

Ye Pengfei smiles to Shen Yanbing.

Shen Yanbing was stunned for a few seconds. Then she turned her head and looked at Ye Pengfei. She said coldly, "ID card is OK, but you must have a problem!"

Ye Pengfei is completely speechless. Does the girl have such a small mind.

"What are you doing in Binhai?"

Shen Yanbing continues the trial.

"Well, an elder in my hometown introduced me to Yamei company as a security guard. I didn't cheat you. The boss of Yamei company knows about it!"

Ye Pengfei is also a little anxious. He is afraid that Shen Yanbing will entangle him again.

Yamei company?

Shen Yanbing almost laughed angrily. This guy, even if he lied, could find a reliable one. Yamei company is the largest cosmetics company in Binhai city. Even Shen Yanbing bought his own cosmetics there.

And it is said that the company is full of beautiful female staff, how can it hire such a lewd male security guard.

"Really, I have the mobile phone number of the boss of Yamei company. If you don't believe me, you can call to verify it?"

Ye Pengfei is busy.

Seeing the appearance of Ye Pengfei, Shen Yanbing hesitated. Is what this guy said true?

She went over and looked for something from ye Pengfei's trouser pocket just now. As expected, there was a piece of paper with a number on it.

"If you lie, I'll arrest you!"

Shen Yanbing coldly said to Ye Pengfei, and then began to dial that number.

A few seconds later, the phone was through, and there came a crisp, cold voice.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Ruxue, President of Yamei company. Who are you?"

It's true!

Shen Yanbing looks at Ye Pengfei in amazement. He just looks at this guy with a proud smile on his face.

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