Xiao Ruxue now feels very depressed. A few days ago, she received a call from her hometown saying that she wanted to introduce someone to work in the company.

There are all women in Yamei company. It's very difficult to arrange for a man suddenly. But it's my uncle Xiao Dachun who spoke. He once had a great kindness to his family. Even when his Yamei company just started, he relied on Xiao Dachun's care, and he certainly can't refuse.

I heard that the man named Ye Pengfei came back from the army. Let him be a security guard at the gate of the company.

"Hello, who's calling?"

Hearing that there is no voice on the phone, Xiao Ruxue can't help frowning. Just as she wants to hang up, suddenly there comes a woman's voice.

"Hello, Miss Xiao Ruxue. This is Lu'an branch of Binhai Public Security Bureau. I'm Shen Yanbing, captain of criminal police team."

From the public security bureau?

Xiao Ruxue can't help but wonder what happened when people from the Public Security Bureau called.

"Well, our branch received a mass report that someone was engaged in prostitution near the bus station. Then we found a prostitute named Ye Pengfei in the action. He said that he was an employee of your company and needed you to come to the Public Security Bureau..."

Shen Yanbing looks at Ye Pengfei with a smile on his face and says on the phone.

Call you ya again proud!

Heard Shen Yanbing's words, ye Pengfei almost vomited blood, what is the whoring personnel!

When Xiao Ruxue heard this, she almost fainted and went whoring? Who is the person introduced by my uncle!

"Sorry, officer Shen, we don't have this person in our company!"

Xiao Ruxue reluctantly restrained the impulse of swearing and returned coldly.


As soon as Shen Yanbing wants to speak, he hears a beep voice coming from the phone. The other party has hung up.

"People say they don't know you. What else do you have to say?"

Shen Yanbing looks at Ye Pengfei with a cold face and says.

Ye Pengfei is speechless. This is a very obvious answer. Who will admit that the boss of a company has heard that an employee who has not been employed has been arrested for whoring and let himself go to bail!

But Xiao Ruxue doesn't admit it. Who will bail himself out? Will he really be detained for 15 days?

Shen Yanbing seems to have guessed Ye Pengfei's idea. She knocks on the table, with a sneer on her face. She says, "if you want to go out, you can get 5000 yuan bail. However, I don't think you will be bailed in Binhai City, will you?"

The trough!

"Let me make a phone call!" said Ye Pengfei

Five thousand yuan was not money at all for him, but now he didn't want to use those accounts and relationships, otherwise he would have no need to secretly come to Binhai city and ask Xiao Dachun to find him a security job.

It seems that we still have to call Xiao Dachun and ask him to ask the manager of Yamei company to bail himself.

"I'm sorry, no detainee is allowed to contact the outside world!"

Shen Yanbing said lightly, for this man, she didn't know why, she felt hate teeth itch, have such a good opportunity, naturally won't let go.

Hearing Shen Yanbing's words, ye Pengfei suddenly lowered his head. The long hair on his forehead covered his eyes. No one could see what he was thinking.

However, Shen Yanbing suddenly felt that the temperature around him seemed to be a few degrees lower. The atmosphere seemed to freeze in a moment, and the killing was terrible. The man in front of him seemed to suddenly become a wild beast, which would eat people at any time.

But the feeling flashed by and disappeared in a moment.

It's just an illusion!

On Shen Yanbing's white forehead, a few drops of cold sweat oozed unconsciously.

Ye Pengfei slowly raised his head, his face is still hanging a silk uninhibited smile, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, he just had a moment, moved the intention to kill, but fleeting, just an ordinary policewoman with a small temper.

But the atmosphere between them was silent again, and no one spoke for a moment.

All of a sudden, a melodious sound of music sounded. It was Shen Yanbing's mobile phone.

Shen Yanbing some flustered picked up the mobile phone a look, actually is just that elegant beauty company female president Xiao Ruxue's telephone, some surprised to pick up.

"Officer Shen, I'm sorry. I'm Xiao Ruxue. Just now I asked my assistant, ye Pengfei, who is really an employee of our company. I want to ask, since it's a civil case, it should be able to be released on bail. I'll let my assistant come to Lu'an branch later. By the way, Zhang, deputy director of Binhai Public Security Bureau, and I have an appointment to have tea next week, and then I'll ask officer Shen to join us Ah

Xiao Ruxue's speaking speed is very fast, and after that, she hangs up directly, which seems to be impolite.

But in fact, Xiao Ruxue was already suppressing her anger in her heart. According to her character, she decided not to take care of Ye Pengfei.

But before Xiao Dachun's words, she was still in her heart. She said that ye Pengfei was a close nephew of him and hoped Xiao Ruxue could take good care of him.Xiao Dachun's kindness to her family will never be forgotten. Therefore, she resisted nausea and made this call to Shen Yanbing. At last, she was afraid that Shen Yanbing would not let anyone go, and slightly mentioned the relationship between the next deputy director Zhang.

"Lianyu, you'll go to Lu'an branch later, take some cash and bail a man named Ye Pengfei!"

Xiao Ruxue side over perfect face, to side a female secretary said.

Looking at the cell phone hung up again, Shen Yanbing was silent for a few seconds.

She didn't expect Xiao Ruxue to call again and mention the relationship between director Zhang. Of course, with her background, she naturally doesn't care about director Zhang. In her twenties, it's not just hard to be a first-class police inspector.

However, she looked up at Ye Pengfei again. This young man is too mysterious. With such high skill and the famous cold female president of Yamei company, she can't see through.

But even this time, if we meet again next time!

Shen Yan snorted coldly and said, "just now Xiao Ruxue from Yamei company called. Someone will come to bail you later. You are lucky!"

"Thank you, officer Shen. I was wronged."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile.

See ye Pengfei a face tired lazy smile, Shen Yanbing also lazy to speak again, tidy up the things on the next desk, directly toward the outside.

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