Half an hour later, Shen Yanbing brings Ye Pengfei back to the Bureau.

Of course, before that, Xiao Ruxue always said that ye Pengfei certainly did not do anything wrong, most of it was a misunderstanding.

It can be seen that Xiao Ruxue actually cares about ye Pengfei, which makes Ye Pengfei feel a little warm.

However, in the face of iron evidence, Shen Yanbing did not give ye Pengfei an opportunity to explain.

What's more, Shen Yanbing brought Ye Pengfei back to the Bureau for another purpose.

In Shen Yanbing's office.

"Should I call you ye Da hero, or should I call you ye Da Lao?"

Shen Yanbing's eyes are frivolous, his arms are back on the desk, and his face is full of banter smile.

She didn't bring ye Pengfei into the interrogation room, which is also on behalf of her sincerity.

Ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed gradually, but he pretended to be stupefied and said: "Shen Da's beauty is very beautiful today, which makes my brain confused. I don't know what Shen Da's beauty really means."

Shen Yanbing immediately recalled the last time ye Pengfei forced her to kiss her, and suddenly said angrily, "Ye Pengfei, don't pretend to be a fool. How dare you say you didn't participate in the gang fight in the suburb today? I didn't expect that a little nurse would reveal your identity. It turns out that you are behind the bear. "

Ye Pengfei's heart jumped. It seems that he was careless.

I didn't expect to be noticed by the police so soon that my old skills have degenerated a lot.

Of course, ye Pengfei will not admit it.

"The bear? Who is the bear Ye Pengfei made an extremely exaggerated appearance, and then said: "Shen Da Mei Mei, you use your sexy little butt to think about it. I came to Binhai the day before yesterday. How can I know people on the road in such a short time, let alone Even if they know each other, why do they want to listen to me? "

Shen Yanbing was also stunned for a moment, because ye Pengfei really just came to Binjiang. Everything has a trace to follow, but the problem is, wait What did this guy just say? Sexy little ass?

"Ye Pengfei, you want to die!"


Shen Yanbing rushed up with one punch.

However, in Ye Pengfei's eyes, Shen Yanbing's fist is completely soft.


Ye Pengfei grabs each other's wrist and goes to his own arms!


Shen Yanbing falls in Ye Pengfei's arms. His soft body makes Ye Pengfei's heart ripple.


Shen Yanbing struggled a few times, only to find that it was in vain. The boy trapped her to death, making her completely unable to move.

"Asshole! Let go of me

Shen Yanbing is shy and angry. He has never been so close to a strange man.

The last time he was forced to kiss by the other party, it was just that. Unexpectedly, this time, he was hugged by Ye Pengfei again. Shen Yanbing felt extremely frustrated, and he almost wanted to die.

"As long as you don't do it again, I'll let you go!"

"You'd better let me go early, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Well, I'll count one, two, three, and I'll let you go, but if you do it, ha ha You know

Shen Yanbing did not answer, but with a stubborn look staring at him.

Ye Pengfei began to shout.




Ye Pengfei immediately released Shen Yanbing, who also looked at Ye Pengfei with a smile.

But then, ye Pengfei sweating on his head and hissing in his mouth!

Ye Pengfei looked down and saw that Shen Yanbing had twisted 360 degrees on his waist.

"Shit, let go! You want to kill me. " Ye Pengfei cried out.

"Promise me a condition and I'll let it go!" Shen Yanbing directly began to cheat.

"You Ye Pengfei was completely defeated, Li Ma said: "what conditions, quickly say ah."

Shen Yanbing quickly came forward and said frankly: "cooperate with the police, take down the sixth master and make contributions for you."

"I'll go! I'm not guilty? "

"Huh?" Shen Yanbing immediately added gravity, and his threat was expressed in words.

Ye Pengfei in the heart that angry ah, Li Ma way: "OK, I'm afraid of you."

Shen Yanbing just let go of Ye Pengfei, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Ye Pengfei quickly lifted his shirt and found that the place where he didn't twist was bruised.

"Captain Shen, are you ashamed to use this method?"

Shen Yan was red on the ice, but he quickly quibbled, "I like it, I'm willing. Can you manage it? Anyway, you promised me that a gentleman's word is hard to catch up with. Ye Pengfei, you can't cheat me. Next, you have to cooperate with us at any time as required by our police. Do you understand? "

Ye Pengfei was depressed and said, "ah, I really don't know what you like about me? Am I really handsome? But I always depend on my talent. "Shen Yanbing was almost elated: "narcissistic! Arrogant, you are handsome! I think it's bad! "

Ye Pengfei was too lazy to quibble, and then asked: "well, you've got the sixth master's clue. What do you need me to do?"

Shen Yanbing directly took out a piece of information, which was full of sixth master's personal information.

Liu Ye, 56 years old, has three sons and two daughters. On the surface, he sells building materials. In fact, he is a drug lord.

In Binhai City, it has a deep roots and has a lot of interactions with many forces. Even some business tycoons will escort it, making the police have no evidence.

Ye Pengfei gives a cold smile. Since everyone says that Liu Ye is a big drug lord, it must not be groundless.

In this case, the other side will always show some horse's feet.

What will ye Pengfei do? As long as he doubts, it's enough!

"By the way, how do ordinary senior officials need to step down? What is the general way to step down? " When ye Pengfei thought of the vice mayor's question, he suddenly asked casually.

Shen Yanbing quickly vigilant: "what do you want?"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "just ask. Don't be so sensitive, OK?"

Shen Yanbing rolled his eyes and said: "the common ones are corruption, taking bribes, keeping mistresses, or abusing power and embezzling public funds. As for the way, in order to give the government and the country face, it's usually double regulation. Go directly to the other party's home and take it away. As long as it's double regulation, it's generally over. "

Ye Pengfei nodded and then asked, "I heard that I'm going to run for mayor recently, right?"


Ye Pengfei takes out his cigarette and lights it for himself.

Since there are many vice mayors to run for, and there is more than one, Zhang Heyuan's father always has several political opponents.

"What the hell do you want?" Shen Yanbing warned, "Ye Pengfei, if you want to live, you'd better give me some peace. Don't think I don't know what you've done these two days! Zhang Heyuan was beaten by you. "

Ye Pengfei suddenly surprised, this little girl is a detective? I know everything.


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