Ye Pengfei goes to the door of the police station, turns around and tells Shen Yanbing that if Xiao Ruxue wants someone, he will try to put it off until tomorrow. Anyway, he doesn't have 24-hour detention authority.

Shen Yanbing glared at Ye Pengfei and said, "where are you going, you little boy? I don't know how Xiao Ruxue, the president of the company, can have relatives like you. "

"Oh, the investigation is quite clear. Even Xiao Ruxue is my relative?"

Ye Pengfei's joking expression immediately said, "I'm doing something big. Anyway, she has developed a new product. So I'll do more market research. I don't have time to waste now."

Shen Yanbing rolled his eyes and said without expression: "I don't care about Xiao Ruxue, but don't forget our agreement!"

Ye Pengfei immediately turned his head and blinked at Shen Yanbing.

"Don't worry, baby, I will love you all my life! I promise I won't change my mind

"Go to hell!" Shen Yanbing would like to kick the bastard, and the latter will run away immediately.

For a moment, ye Pengfei appears in another street, and then pats to light the cigarette.

It's quiet all around. Sometimes people pass by on the street, but there is no exception. They all look at Ye Pengfei very quickly. They always feel that ye Pengfei is very mysterious.

After smoking a cigarette, ye Pengfei came to the end of the street and saw an Audi coming from a distance.

Ye Pengfei threw the cigarette end into the garbage can accurately, and then began to think about Zhang Heyuan.

Now a Biao is still in the hands of brother Xiong. Although Zhang Heyuan is flustered now, he should also take action. So before the other party makes enough response, he should also meet Zhang Heyuan's number one younger brother.

Soon, Brother Bear appeared in front of Ye Pengfei in his car, and then got off quickly to open the door for ye Pengfei.

After entering the car, ye Pengfei looked out of the window and said carelessly, "what happened to that a Biao?"

In the rearview mirror, brother Xiong frowned and said in a low voice, "brothers, all the means we should use have been used, but this guy's mouth is very tight. There is no evidence against Zhang Heyuan for the time being."

"Is your mouth tight?" Ye Pengfei smiles. In those years when he was fighting abroad, he never saw any kind of iron men, but in the end, under the forced confession of the organization, he all opened his mouth.

There are no exceptions!

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said with a smile: "in fact, I know what he is worried about, because if the big tree of Vice Mayor Zhang does not fall, Zhang Heyuan will always have a chance to turn over. So this a Biao is very smart. He knows that once he says it, even if we let him go, he will die!"

Brother violent bear may also think of this, showing an anxious look and said: "it's really tricky. Ye Shao, the deputy mayor is a big man. Once he says something, I'm afraid that how he died will become unclear."

Ye Pengfei said with a cold smile: "the deputy mayor is indeed a big man, but the big man is not the man himself, but his title, which is the right given to him by the government. But if this person, for some reasons, such as corruption, abuse of power, once his title is no longer, he may not be as good as an ordinary citizen, and even countless people want to spit at him, and then jump out and step on him! "

"No more titles?" Brother Chuang Xiong, who caught hold of this keyword, couldn't help but jump out of his heart and sweat on his forehead.

"Ye Shao, could it be that You want to... "

Ye Pengfei's eyes were cold and he interrupted: "take me to see a Biao!"

"Yes Brother fierce bear shrinks his neck. How dare he ask more.

But, that's the vice mayor. Ye Shao dares to fight even the vice mayor's idea. This That's too bold.

However, ye Shao is right. No matter how big an official is, once he is found to be corrupt, perverted the law and abused his power by the government, he will end up as a prisoner.

About ten minutes later, brother baoxiong took Ye Pengfei to an abandoned garage.

A Biao was wearing a vest, shorts, baked on two pillars, covered with blood, shrugged his head, extremely weak.

Next to a few younger brothers see Brother Bear and ye Pengfei appear, quickly forward, a face of shame.

"Ye Shao, brother fierce bear, this guy's mouth is very hard. He has fainted several times, but he just doesn't say it."

Brother violent bear was a little upset. He felt that he had lost face in front of Ye Pengfei. He immediately scolded these people and said that they were useless. It was a shame.

Ye Pengfei went over and looked at them, and said with a smile, "some prisoners will faint through various means in order to alleviate their pain. These people have been specially trained. No wonder they are not

"Ah? Is there another way? I'll go, this Ya's, he's, deliberately pretending to be dead! "

"Wake him up! Ye Shao wants to ask now. " Brother violent Bear looked at his words and said quickly.

"Yes, yes Several younger brothers immediately brought water and splashed it on a Biao's face.

Perhaps the cold water stimulated his nerves, the other side's body immediately trembled a few times, then slowly raised his head.His face was covered with bruises and blood, which obviously had undergone a lot of tests.

After seeing ye Pengfei, a Biao suddenly laughs, as if he had expected their meeting for a long time.

"Here you are It's me who belittles you. "

A Biao said these words difficultly, his face looked a little decadent, depressed and a little resentful.

Ye Pengfei stares at a Biao and says with a smile: "I know what you are thinking, waiting for Zhang He to save you. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed! "

Abio's face remained unchanged, showing disdain: "if you have any skills, just use them."

Ye Pengfei raised his eyebrows and said: "seriously, I don't want to use punishment. If possible, I have more than 100 ways for you to open your mouth. What you say now is to say that after you have been tortured, you still say! Why do we have to choose the second result? What's more, I heard that I'm running for mayor

If you say before, let a Biao disdain at all, but the last sentence, but let a Biao's eyes quickly narrowed up. But soon, abio covered up his expression and said with a smile, "what's the relationship between running for mayor and me?"

Ye Pengfei turned his lips and said, "of course, it does matter. If vice mayor Zhang falls down because of something, do you think his political opponents will not step on him? Once Vice Mayor Zhang is finished, his son, Zhang Heyuan, will be finished! So, you know, say what you know, and I can think about saving my life. "

"I don't know anything."

After that, abio closed his eyes.

"Why?" Ye Pengfei sighed helplessly. It seems that he has to extort a confession once.


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