Half an hour later, under the extreme cruelty and shocking extortion of confession, the young man named a Biao finally lowered his arrogant head.

Just at the moment, he has been tortured to be not like a human, a strong death!

Ye Pengfei successfully gets all the information he wants. He cleans his hands, takes out a pair of scissors from the basin and puts them aside. Then he takes the handkerchief from brother Bao Xiong and wipes it.

It's just brother Xiong's eyes full of fear and his legs shaking, which undoubtedly exposed his mood at the moment. As for the previous younger brothers, they had already been scared to shiver all over, and they couldn't even have the courage to look at Ye Pengfei!

How cruel! It's so violent! It's bloody!

Those methods of extorting confessions are so cruel that they can't be described in words. Just think about it, it's like watching a nightmare. Is there a devil in Ye Shao's heart?

They couldn't help but be curious. They looked at Ye Pengfei, and then their hearts trembled.

It's the same as other people, but why, just feel afraid?

Ye Pengfei naturally put several people's expressions into his eyes and said with a smile: "before I asked you to go out, saying that you may not be used to it. It's you who asked to stay. No wonder I did."

A few people immediately a pair of mourning face, where did they think of, this leaf little still have so terrible method of extorting a confession.

"Well, my means are generally used on the enemy. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Pengfei smiles, then takes out a few silver needles from his body, and gives a Biao a few needles to make sure that the other party won't die.

As for Zhang Heyuan's information, it really makes people very angry.

Zhang Heyuan is a lecherous man. He used his power to force many young students, female teachers and subordinates. He even made some videos and sometimes even asked his friends to play together.

In addition, Zhang Heyuan personally or indirectly killed two people.

One is the father of a female student. He sued him because of his angry daughter's experience. As a result, he was pressed down by the other party, but he was in an accident. The female student was also insane and was put into a mental hospital.

Another is the husband of Zhang Heyuan's female subordinates.

At that time, they played stimulation and went to other people's home. As a result, they were found by the female subordinate husband who suddenly returned. In a rage, they fought and killed each other in Zhang Heyuan.

As for the other party's bodies, they were all handled by a Biao, who was disguised as falling down from the downstairs and falling to death.

"Zhang Heyuan, ha ha I'm a scum. "

Now he finally understood that a Biao's mouth was so hard. The information he got from each other's mouth alone could make Zhang Heyuan die several times.

Of course, this a Biao, in fact, is not without a little ingenuity.

He was afraid that one day, Zhang Heyuan would lay hands on him in order to hide those secrets forever, so he secretly copied many videos of forcing female students from each other.

There were also two recorded evidence that he was asked to kill and dispose of the body.

And a Biao will put them in a friend there, every month will give each other some money, ask each other to keep.

And he was told that once he disappeared or had an accident, he would ask the friend to take them to the police station.

Ye Pengfei didn't expect that this guy was very careful, but since he knew the information of that person, it should not be difficult to get these evidences.

With these, Zhang Heyuan is waiting for the end.

Of course, the premise is that the backer behind Zhang Heyuan has to take the lead!


"Ye Shao, I have the recording and video."

In a remote rental house on the outskirts of the city, ye Pengfei and brother Xiong successfully got the recordings and videos.

As for a Biao's friend, he was also black and blue, lying on the ground dying.

"Ye Shao, what shall we do now?" Brother bear suddenly asked, feeling a little excited.

To overthrow a vice mayor, if someone dared to beat him in front of him before, he would slap him in the face, and add: "such a big man, you can talk about it."

But now, seeing that ye Shao is smoking, he seems to have unspeakable self-confidence all over his body. Brother Bear suddenly feels that if ye Shao said this, maybe it's really possible!

Ye Pengfei spits out a circle of eyes leisurely. He looks at himself with adoration on his face. Ye Pengfei has no choice but to smile.

"Don't look at me like that. The reason why big people are big people is that they have the power that ordinary people can't reach. Even if I have these evidences in my hand, it seems that Zhang Heyuan must be finished. Sometimes, when the power reaches a certain degree, in their eyes, he says what this is, what that is? They can even say it's a forgery! "

He was stunned and immediately flattered: "Ye Shao is Ye Shao. Even what he said is so thought-provoking. What do you mean is that everything is not clear now, and the key is Bring down the vice mayor? "Ye Pengfei shook his head and did not answer.

In fact, when an official's position reaches a certain degree of weight, he is not alone, but a faction.

So What about the support of those officials in the province?

If they want to run for mayor, what is the energy behind them?

Therefore, these things must be considered by Ye Pengfei.

"Go to peak real estate!"

Ye Pengfei strides out of the door. Brother Xiong is stunned. I'll go to Dingsheng real estate. It's a big enterprise!

Wait Isn't that Mr. Liao's territory?

Yesterday ye Shaocai said that the other party was poisoned by him, and no one could solve it except him.

However, Liao Zhi is a big boss after all. He should not give in so easily.

Half an hour later, ye Pengfei appeared in front of a luxury building.

Dingsheng real estate is a very big enterprise in the whole Binjiang city. Liao Zhizhi, the boss of Dingsheng real estate, can see his skill and strength.

Ye Pengfei asked brother Xiong to wait outside, and then walked into the building.

I didn't expect that Liao Zhi, the boss of Dingsheng group, was still lying in the hospital.

Ye Pengfei can't laugh or cry. Is Liao Zhi really waiting to die every day in the hospital.

"Well, after talking with Liao Zhi, it's time to pick up the girl from work."

At the thought of that lovely little nurse, there was a trace of warmth in Ye Pengfei's eyes. Later, he came to the people's hospital again with brother Bao Xiong, and soon appeared outside Liao Zhi's ward.


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