"Ah? It's you Outside Liao Zhi's ward, after two bodyguards saw Ye Pengfei, they immediately faced the enemy.

Because the man in front of them is the guy who knocked them out yesterday?

Ye Pengfei is also too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he takes action directly.


Ye Pengfei's palm is extremely fast, as if hit two people's neck, these two people immediately fainted.

Brother Xiong can't help but smack his tongue behind him. Ye Shao is a cow. If he doesn't agree, he'll be stunned. There's really no one left.

Walking into the ward, ye Pengfei sees Liao Zhi lying on the bed with a dispirited look. In front of the bed, there is a beautiful young woman in a cheongsam weeping quietly.

There are flowers and fruits everywhere in the room. Obviously, many people have come to see them.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

At the moment, Liao Zhi is still chanting this sentence, and his voice is full of despair.

As for the beautiful young woman, although she was very sad on the surface, ye Pengfei could see at a glance that the young woman was obviously pretending.

Moreover, just half an hour ago, the beautiful young woman had sex with a man.

Of course, this man will not be Liao Zhi who is dead and lying on the hospital bed, so There is only one possibility.

Liao Zhi is wearing a big green hat on his head!

Because the door was suddenly opened, the beautiful young woman in Qipao noticed the movement and quickly turned her head.

Immediately, after seeing that ye Pengfei and his wife seemed to be just ordinary people dressed up, they quickly frowned and said, "who are you? Zhige, he's not in a good mood now. He doesn't want to be disturbed. "

Ye Pengfei raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on Liao Zhi's face. He raised his chin and said, "Liao Zhi, are you chanting a mantra? Curse yourself to die soon? "


On hearing this sound, Liao Zhi almost shoots up from the bed like lightning. Looking at Ye Pengfei is like looking at a monster.

As for the beautiful young woman in Qipao, she thought that this man was coming to find fault, and immediately chided, "where's the smelly boy who dares to be wild here? The bodyguard outside, break his leg for me, and get out of here! "


Liao Zhi waved his hand and slapped the beautiful young woman in the face, and quickly roared: "go to your mother, do you want to die? Dare to talk to Ye Shao like this


Less leaves?

The beautiful young woman was slapped by Liao Zhiyi and fell to the ground, covering her face. She thought that she had met someone important.

Even though she was very wronged, she still got up quickly and said with a face of grievance: "Ye Ye Shao, I'm sorry. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. Please Please forgive me

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "Liao Zhi, you are very tough."

Liao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then roared at the beautiful young woman again: "get out of here. You are not allowed to come in without my order!"

The beautiful young woman covered her face and left quickly, but there was a trace of hatred in her eyes. However, when she came to the door and saw the two bodyguards fall to the ground, she was shocked.

Seeing the other party leave, Liao Zhi immediately gets out of bed, then plops, and kneels down in front of Ye Pengfei.

"Ye Shao I was wrong Wu... "

With Ye Pengfei next to Brother Bear, suddenly silly.

After all, Liao Zhi is the boss of Dingsheng real estate. In the past, brother baoxiong was lucky to meet each other, but he couldn't even say a word. Even far away, brother baoxiong and others still had to show great respect.

I wish the other party could have a word with me, then I would feel very honored.

But now, such a big boss, even kneeling in front of himself, a face of fear, oh, no, kneeling in front of Ye Shao!

But even so, Brother Bear thought, he is with Ye Shao, kneeling toward Ye Shao, isn't that equivalent to kneeling toward himself?

This is a morbid pleasure for Brother Bear!

The big boss of heyday real estate has knelt down to himself. Just think about it, Brother Bear will be very happy. I believe that wherever he goes in the future, it will definitely be a big talk.

Of course, brother violent bear just wanted to think about it. He quickly came to one side and poured water for ye Pengfei.

As for Liao Zhi, after crying for a while, he immediately said in a loud voice: "Ye Shao, if you have any orders, just tell me, I will do it. I dare not delay it. Ye Shao, help me, Wuwuwuwu..."

"Sure enough!" Brother violent bear is moved in his heart. It seems that the boss of heyday real estate is also poisoned by Ye Shao, and he looks depressed. He must be terminally ill and will not be saved.

Ye Pengfei said that he would give him treatment in advance the next time he was about to get sick, and he would only need treatment once a month later, which is hard to satisfy for brother baoxiong.


As for Liao Zhi's request, ye Pengfei had a mysterious smile on his lips from beginning to end. It took a long time for him to say his conditions.Let Liao Zhi know something about Zhang Heyuan's father, the vice mayor, through his relationship with him.

For example, whether Vice Mayor Zhang abused his power, whether he kept his mistress, and where is the illegitimate child that was spread before.

On hearing Ye Pengfei's question, Liao Zhi's face suddenly turned white.

"Ye Shao, you You are trying to force me to death

"Oh? Why do I want to kill you again? "

Ye Pengfei joked.

"Oh, hello Ye Shao, Vice Mayor Zhang, how can you and I move? Ye Shao, you must think twice! "

"Is it?" Ye Pengfei looked at brother Xiong thoughtfully.

Brother violent bear understood, immediately took out a knife from his body, and made two gestures, with a fierce face.


Liao Zhi was immediately afraid.

Ye Pengfei chuckled and took out his cigarette and put it in his mouth.

This time, brother violent bear is quick in his eyes and hands. With a click, he gives a point to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei a Leng, some can't laugh or cry, this fierce bear elder brother is really a qualified younger brother.

After some deliberation, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "as far as I know, three months later, he will run for mayor. Vice Mayor Zhang is not the only candidate. In this case, there must be political opponents."

Liao Zhi's face suddenly changed, and he immediately understood each other's meaning.

If there is such evidence, those opponents will surely be eager to push Vice Mayor Zhang down.

"In fact, I met with Vice Mayor Zhang before. He was an old fox with deep mind. I don't think we can easily bring him down. As for his mistress and illegitimate son, they have been sent abroad for a long time. As for the country, even Zhang Heyuan doesn't know."

Ye Pengfei eyebrows a pick, not bad, this vice mayor Zhang so conscious!


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