The young male doctor, who had several acne on his face, fixed Meng Xiyan on the wall, made a wall thumping posture, and looked affectionate. He almost smothered Meng Xiyan to death.

"Dr. Wang, I'm sorry. I'm off work now. Can you let me leave?" Meng Xiyan lowered his head and held some utensils in his hand, but he did not dare to see the young male doctor at all.

Otherwise, in case the other party uses some dirty moves, such as kissing, Meng Xiyan will have a nightmare in his life.

Who knows, the doctor said with a smile: "sunset Are you shy? "

Meng Xiyan's face is strange, and he is depressed in his heart. If it wasn't for considering that this is a hospital, I'm afraid Meng Xiyan would have yelled insults.

And this male doctor, Meng Xiyan, has only seen each other once, and is not familiar with him at all. As soon as he comes up, he says some strange things. There is something wrong with his head!

However, it is also at this moment.

A strong and steady voice suddenly rang out.


Not far away, ye Pengfei came quickly.

And at the moment, ye Pengfei's face was obviously angry.

"What does he want? Do you want to be my sister? I want to die

Ye Pengfei walked over quickly with poor vision.

After Meng Xiyan saw Ye Pengfei, he immediately seemed to see the Savior, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Brother Peng Fei!"

Meng Xiyan wrongly called, small mouth slightly flat.

Pox brother male doctor turned his head in doubt, and then saw Ye Pengfei stormed over, not from a frown.

Soon, ye Pengfei came to the man, and then he took the other party's collar and waved out with a fist.


Meng Xiyan suddenly exclaimed, and the doctor, who was teasing him, had fallen to the ground, covered his nose and said, "you You hit me

Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick a way: "hit you again how?"? I don't think you deserve to be beaten! "

"You How can you be so unreasonable? " After the doctor was beaten, he wanted to say something hard, but when he saw the cold light in each other's eyes, he suddenly became soft.

Ye Pengfei laughs. Just like this, he is also qualified to be a young master's sister.

But Meng Xiyan said quickly: "I'm sorry, Dr. Wang, that My brother, he didn't mean it? "

"Your brother?" Tease elder brother male quickly to get up from the ground, immediately looked up and down, this just way: "this guy where looks like your elder brother, is your elder brother?"

Meng Xiyan blushed, while ye Pengfei hummed coldly: "brother, what do you care? Get out of here

"You Douge man was very upset, but soon found that the clothes on the other party's body were stall goods, and immediately laughed: "Xiyan, which construction site does your brother work near? It seems that the recent migrant workers are not easy to find a job. My uncle's family happens to have a company, but now he is a warehouse keeper with a salary of 1800. Do you want your brother to have a try?"

Seeing that the other side had a sense of superiority, ye Pengfei immediately laughed.

Meng Xiyan also looked at his brother angrily and said, "Doctor Wang, don't look down on people. My brother works in a big enterprise, not a migrant worker."

"Oh, it's still a big business. Which big business is it? Is it Lan Xiang? Or in which assembly line work ah, wear so poor stall goods, or meaning to pretend to be a big enterprise? Xiyan, don't be cheated by some cheaters. "

"You Meng Xiyan is very angry. When she first met Ye Pengfei, she thought that he was a migrant worker from somewhere nearby. But when she saw the bear driving an Audi, she was so polite to Peng Feige. Naturally, she would not believe that Peng Feige would cheat her.

Ye Pengfei a Leng, I go, is this young master really so like migrant workers? Ye Pengfei was depressed in his heart, but he didn't want to explain it to this kind of person.

Tease brother male see ye Pengfei don't answer, still think poke in the other party's mind, at the moment in the heart.

"Xiyan, I saw that your best friend Xiaolan had a chanel bag two days ago. It's very beautiful. It's more than 30000 yuan, but I think it's more suitable for you. If you come with me now, I'll give you one tomorrow. As for your brother who is a migrant worker, I'm afraid he can't afford a year's salary. Hehe... "

Meng Xiyan can't stand it any more. He takes Ye Pengfei's hand and goes away.

But ye Pengfei moved in his heart and despised them. There is a saying that women's bags are sometimes their faces.

Why don't you buy a Chanel for Xiaoyan?

Wait until the two people out of the hospital, Meng Xiyan obviously some angry.

"Sorry, brother Peng Fei."

But ye Pengfei said with a smile: "Xiaoyan, tell me honestly, when you first met me, did you think I was like a migrant worker?"

Meng Xiyan face a red, then subconsciously nodded, and then quickly shook his head."Ah! Sorry, brother Peng Fei, I didn't mean to. It's just that your clothes and shoes are very old and look a little lazy, but your people are so handsome. " Meng Xiyan quickly said a word, but then a red face, obviously already aware of his heart.

Ye Pengfei almost wanted to laugh, then said: "so, I still have the capital."

Meng Xiyan quickly raises his head and stares at Meng Xiyan bashfully.

After that, ye Pengfei also thought that his shirts and underpants were white or yellow and wrinkled when he was abroad. His shoes were also very old, and his contempt was a bit different.

"It seems that it's time to get yourself a suit."

Because ye Pengfei has let brother Xiong leave, ye Pengfei takes Meng Xiyan to eat and go shopping in the evening.

During this period, Meng Xiyan's best friend made several phone calls to her, and was fooled by Meng Xiyan several times, which made her very confused.

When ye Pengfei thought of the doctor's words at night, he wanted to laugh. Isn't it a chanel bag?

Do you really think I can't afford it?

However, if you swipe the card, you need to sign it.

And ye Pengfei

"I didn't want to recall them. Now that I have thought of them, I will face everything bravely."

Thinking of this, ye Pengfei quickly took out a black card from his body.

What did the woman say at the beginning? This card is a centurion card of Swiss bank.

As for funds It seems to be a billion dollars!

Ha ha It's a lot of money!

But for the sake of my sister, it's time to bring flowers.

Ye Pengfei suddenly began to laugh.


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