Ye Pengfei took out the black card with a complicated look, and then took a deep breath.

Using this card means using those relationships!

Then, I believe that in the near future, the former Longting members will gradually return from other countries and rush to Binjiang city.

But he is no longer the night king of the past!

Because that war, suffered heavy losses, strength less than one tenth of the past!

The enemy of Longting is always in the dark. If he is careless, he will be doomed!

"What a tough decision!"

Finally, ye Pengfei chose to face it bravely.

Even if it did happen again, he was not afraid.

Throw away those boring thoughts, ye Pengfei put away the card.

When the amount of money reaches a certain level, it's really just a bunch of figures. A billion dollars of money can make many people crazy just by thinking about it.

However, once his comrades in arms blocked the most lethal bullet for him, then his relatives would naturally have to be taken care of by Ye Peng.

"Let's go, Xiaoyan. Brother Pengfei will show you around the mall."

Ye Pengfei looks like a wealthy local tyrant, which makes Meng Xiyan happy secretly.

But she didn't know that ye Pengfei was going to buy something for her. She thought it was just a simple stroll, and she was very happy to be with her.

however, in the next half hour, when Ye Pengfei repeatedly took her to all kinds of luxury clothing stores, perfume shops, and bag shops to buy all kinds of expensive items, Meng Xi Yan immediately became dumbfounded.

"Brother Peng Fei, how much is this dress? Thirteen thousand? Oh, my God

"Brother Peng Fei, the price in this shop is terrible. I'm a little dizzy. Let's go."

"Eh? Sixty six thousand Brother Peng Fei, I I, I want to be quiet. "

Finally, after visiting several stores, Meng Xiyan finally came out like a dream.

But when she found that ye Pengfei's hand, I do not know when already several more bags, immediately silly.

"Brother Peng Fei, you When did you buy it? "

Ye Pengfei pretended to be serious: "just now."

Meng Xiyan quickly picked up the clothes in those bags and almost fainted.

"Thirteen thousand, twenty-four thousand, thirty-seven thousand..."

Meng Xiyan was disordered in the wind, and then said with a trill: "brother Peng Fei, this thing Can we return the goods? "

Ye Pengfei

Seeing ye Pengfei's face muddled, Meng Xiyan really didn't know what to say.

"Brother Peng Fei, you You really don't have to. These things, really, are too expensive I, I'm just a little nurse, really... "

In Meng Xiyan's voice, there was a cry.

She was born in an ordinary worker's family. After her mother gave birth to her, she died early. She, her brother and her father were dependent on each other.

But just when she was in junior high school, her father also died, which is undoubtedly a major blow to Meng Xiyan.

Later, her brother became a soldier, while Meng Xiyan went to a health school.

But even so, Meng Xiyan is still a good student in school with excellent grades. After graduation, Meng Xiyan went to a hospital in the local area, and finally came to Binjiang people's hospital because of the help of his neighbors and his own efforts.

In Meng Xiyan's heart, she is just an ordinary girl, but she never thought that she would meet Peng Feige who is so kind to her.

For her, the other party gave up their lives, regardless of their lives, and now, they spend so much money for her.

Meng Xiyan was so moved that she didn't know what to do. She really felt that these things were too valuable, and even made her have the idea that she didn't deserve Peng Feige.

Seeing Meng Xiyan's head down and tears in his eyes, he was at a loss. Ye Pengfei also felt that he was too hasty. After thinking about it, he suddenly felt a move in his heart.

"Well, Xiyan, I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I'm a local tyrant!" Ye Pengfei said solemnly.

Meng Xiyan

After thinking about it, ye Pengfei said boldly: "in the past, I got a lot of money abroad for some special reasons. How to say, this figure is a bit huge. I'm afraid it will take me ten or eight lives to spend it. But now I have only one person. I really don't know how to spend it. By the way, I'm so poor that I only have money left."

Meng Xiyan chuckled, then blinked her beautiful big eyes, her small mouth was slightly flat, and she obviously didn't believe it.

Seeing Meng Xiyan's suspicious eyes, ye Pengfei coughed and went on.

"Well, that, you know I'm not good at spending money, otherwise, I wouldn't dress so differently. This is not just because the number is a little huge, so I want you to help me spend some money and lighten the burden. Xiao Yan, if you don't want to, you can agree to Peng Feige's request. I really have too much money to spend. "Meng Xiyan was a little embarrassed, and then said in a low voice: "brother Peng Fei, don't say that. It's a shame."

Ye Pengfei laughs, and then finds that the two people passing by are pointing at him, as if they are looking at idiots.

But ye Pengfei is not angry at all, because he finds that Meng Xiyan smiles.

"Eh, Xiaoyan, you look so beautiful when you laugh, like a fairy." Ye Pengfei immediately pretended to be surprised.

"Brother Peng Fei!" Meng Xiyan immediately complains. Her unspeakable coquetry makes Ye Pengfei happy.

"Well, well, since you are so intimate, I'll promise brother Pengfei to buy something for you today. It's very painful. Don't refuse!"

"They are not so friendly. Brother Pengfei is dead!" Meng Xiyan is extremely shy, but ye Pengfei teases her and makes her feel sweet.

Finally, Meng Xiyan had to stammer: "that, does brother Pengfei really have a lot of money?"

Ye Pengfei, like a chicken pecking rice, nodded his head and said, "yes, no matter how much money is spent, I have to spend it. And now I just want to spend money for a beautiful and lovely super beauty in front of me. It depends on whether a big beauty agrees?"

Hear ye Pengfei so praise her, Meng Xiyan face blush, small mouth micro drum, some weak way: "Pengfei brother cheat, I have Pengfei brother said so beautiful, Pengfei brother too can coax girls."

Ye Pengfei a face shocked way: "really good beautiful, people love, flowers see flowers, well, don't this expression, in the end agree with or not."

Meng Xiyan then raised his head and stared at Ye Pengfei. He took a deep breath and said, "you can't buy expensive ones. Besides, brother Pengfei, you have to ask for my advice. Also, brother Pengfei, you have to change your clothes. Although I don't know how to choose those expensive clothes, I will choose them carefully. "

Ye Pengfei laughs. I can't wait.

"Thank you for my little sister


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