It can be said that the immortal bird with the Saint sikongxue not only makes the four demons very angry, but also Han Tong is a panic.

The main thing is that everyone doesn't know about it. The abyss saint is in the hands of the undead bird.

Because of Ye Pengfei's relationship, the cultivation circle does not know nothing about the abyss.

"What's the situation?"

"Why did the undead bird bring Sikong Xue?"

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

Han Tong looked at the scene in the sky, only felt that his scalp was numb.

"The order goes on. All the late Jinxian masters in the friars' League will fight. In addition, arrange the armillary array. "

As soon as sikongxue appeared, the evil demons in the abyss were like beating chicken blood. Countless evil demons would like to rush to kill the undead bird and take back their saint.

But at this time, no matter what Han Tong said, it was too late. He had to choose to set up defense.

The immortal bird didn't care what Han Tong thought. He yelled at the defense line of the abyss, "the devil of the four directions, now I have your saint. If you don't want the saint to die, you'd better take someone back

The undead bird is threatening the four sides demon king loudly. The four sides demon king's face is very blue in an instant.

At this time, the abyss demon has obviously lost his mind.

"Lord demon, please."

"I'll ask for your help. Even if you fight for your life, you'll save the virgin."

"Yes, I, the virgin of the abyss, must not be insulted."


the abyss demon clamors to fight with the undead bird, but Mo Lihai's heart suddenly sinks.

Mo Lihai naturally knows that the undead bird enters Tianfang city and takes the saint away.

However, Mo Lihai also knows that before being taken away by the undead bird, the temple of the saint has been taken care of by the demon army.

The demon army is always the most loyal guard of the Demon Lord.

When the demon army comes out, it represents the will of the Demon Lord.

"The magic army took over the temple, which shows that the Lord has lost patience with the saint."

Mo Lihai said to the other demons in a deep voice. Originally, Mo Lihai meant that Sikong snow could not be saved.

But at this time, the other three demons will not listen to Mo Lihai at all.

"Do you know? If you and I don't fight today, all the demons will regard me four as abyss traitors? "

Mo Lihai was angry in an instant. "Didn't you listen to the orders of the devil Lord?"

"I'm sure we'll listen to Lord mozun's words. But now the devil is not here. "

"At present, the army of cultivation circles is pressing down on the territory. Can we really suppress those city masters just by our four people?"

"If we don't go to rescue today, these people will have countless reasons to disobey us in the future."

The rest of the demons happened one after another, and Mo Lihai was stunned.

"Although it is such a truth, what should be done once the saint is rescued?"

Don't leave Haydn feeling in a dilemma, Saint sikongxue for them that is a hot potato.

"No matter how many people there are, save them."

The rest of the demons declared their position one after another, and then yelled, "immortal bird, dare you fight with me?"

The three demons spoke one after another. In a moment, the morale on the side of the abyss was like a rainbow.

Mo Lihai sighed helplessly. He was also unconvinced and thought, "if the devil is here, how can a bird be so presumptuous here?"

Think of the devil, Mo Lihai can not help a burst of sadness.

It's a pity that the four demons don't have enough prestige in the abyss. Many things can't help themselves.

The evil spirits of the abyss have already rushed up, that is, they rush forward in a rush, regardless of everything.

Undead bird looked at it, ha ha, a sneer, a real fire spit out.

In an instant, a group of evil spirits in the front directly evaporated.

Even the strong in the abyss are hard to resist in the face of the real fire of the undead bird.

When Han Tong saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he said in a loud voice: "rush"

behind him, tens of thousands of monks alliance experts also heard the order and rushed up in an instant.

The immortal bird is besieged by the evil spirits in the abyss. There must be no reason for the cultivation world to watch the excitement. It must be to help the field.

Then, the scene of snow bird's death disappeared.

Fluttering a few wings, the undead bird flew towards Tianfang city.

The undead bird is full of hot flames, and ordinary demons dare not approach it. Even those who are strong in the abyss are very afraid of it.

The immortal bird has survived from ancient times to the present. Its cultivation is extremely pure, and I don't know how many times it has experienced nirvana.In the abyss, I'm afraid even those ancient demons may not dare to say that they are sure to take it down.

Therefore, the undead bird quickly crossed the defense line composed of the abyss demons.

"This can't be done."

"if we let the undead birds rampage in the abyss, how can I face the abyss?"

"Let the ancient demons do it."

the four demons looked at each other and saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Mo Lihai was trying to say something. At this time, the direction of the undead bird's going away instantly sent several breath of destroying the sky and the earth.

"Go and have a look."

The four demons have made up their minds. Anyway, they must join hands with the ancient demons to kill the undead bird on the spot.

Otherwise, the face of the abyss is gone.

The four sides demon king quickly pursued up, just out of the defense line not long ago, a real fire came towards the four sides demon king.

All of a sudden, the demon king of the four sides was surprised and quickly dodged.

The immortal bird looked back at the devil and sneered, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, you know?"

"You hairless beast, you are already in a tight encirclement now. Don't you go and get caught soon?"

Mo Li Hai roared, and then he took out a green umbrella.

Once the umbrella came out, the undead bird was stunned.

"How can the umbrella of Lihuo be in your hands?"

The undead obviously knew this umbrella.

"If you don't know what to do now, you will not be the place to arrest Japan."

Don't leave the sea to open the oil umbrella. You'll be full of confidence in an instant.

Without him, this parasol from fire is a special magic weapon to control the undead birds.

In those years, the immortal bird followed the cultivation world to resist the invasion of the abyssal demons, burned 100000 abyssal demons with real fire, and stung the attack of the demons.

Later, the ancient demon God who was proficient in forging in the abyss was surprised and forged the Lihuo umbrella with the supreme power.

Under the umbrella of fire, the undead bird has no room to play, and finally can only withdraw from the battlefield.

For tens of thousands of years, Lihuo umbrella has been missing for a long time.

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