Li Huo umbrella is forged from the bones of an extremely rare Warcraft in the abyss. It is extremely cold and Yin, which is similar to the Jiuyou formation.

However, unlike Jiuyou array, Lihuo umbrella can only block the real fire of undead birds. The Jiuyou formation is to suppress the real fire of the undead bird. It's hard for the undead bird to unite the real fire.

Of course, with the talent of molihai, if you want to set up Jiuyou array, don't think about it.

The appearance of Lihuo umbrella really makes the undead bird a little depressed.

After all, under the umbrella of Lihuo, the undead also suffered a lot.

"Not yet?"

In the rear, several ancient demons came after the undead birds and formed a situation of encircling them.

Mo Lihai saw this, and his heart was suddenly fixed. He communicated with the ancient demons while yelling at them.

The immortal bird suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and then rushed to the sea.

A real fire directly spray to molihai, molihai see, quickly hold up from fire umbrella.

As soon as Lihuo umbrella was opened, there was a cold breath. Even Mo Lihai himself could not help shivering.

Seeing Mo Lihai open his Lihuo umbrella, the immortal bird's eyes suddenly lit up.

Without him, the power of this parasol is absolutely different from that of the last encounter of the undead bird.

"Lihuo umbrella is not forged. You have not reached the level of demon God. Even if you get it, you can't give full play to its power."

Although the immortal bird's real fire was blocked by Lihuo umbrella, it was only in that moment that Mo Lihai's face turned pale.

After running the Lihuo umbrella with all his strength, Mo Lihai's evil spirit suddenly emptied. With his cultivation, he could only support for a moment.

The evil spirit needed for this parasol is really out of the ordinary.

Although zhenhuo can't break through Lihuo umbrella, with Mo Lihai's strength, he will soon be defeated because his accomplishments can't support him.

"Come and help me quickly"

Mo Lihai gave a hard cry, and his heart was constantly crying.

To be honest, he didn't expect to be so outrageous.

The other three kings woke up in a flash and quickly extended their help.

However, when the three people helped to transport evil Qi in the past, their faces suddenly changed.

This parasol from fire is more like a bottomless hole for the four demons.

The evil spirit in the four people's bodies was just cleaned up in the blink of an eye.

"Sorry, today, you can't stop me."

The undead laughed and continued to spit out his true fire.


The four demons only felt a buzz in their mind. The next moment, they flew out one after another.

One by one, they vomited blood in the air. It seems that they were seriously injured.

Undead bird see this, is also not polite, four real fire instant into the body of the four evil kings.

Then, the undead bird went straight back to the demon city.

When the undead birds fly away, the ancient demons who came from the zhoutiancheng ruins are late.

"Damn, I let the undead escape."

"Don't chase the poor. Let's see how they are."

The abyss demons rescued the four demons, but at this time, the four demons had fallen into a coma.

"It's the poison of heart fire."

the abyss devil felt the situation in the body of the four demons for a moment, and then exploded in an instant.

The poison of heart fire is quite poisonous.

For the abyss demons, it is extremely deadly.

The poison of heart fire will slowly attack in the body of the four demons. Each attack will be extremely painful, and each attack will make their cultivation slowly fall.

Moreover, once it cannot be suppressed, it may be incinerated into air at any time.

"Take it back to the camp first"

sikongxue said faintly, not knowing when she appeared behind the ancient demon God.

For the appearance of Sikong snow, the ancient demons did not have the slightest accident, but calmly brought the four demons back to the camp.

Obviously, the abyss God had a deal with the undead before.

The four demons and the abyssal demons had formed a potential attack on the undead bird, and we were not far away.

However, the abyss demons came late after the four demons were seriously injured by the undead bird. It's absolutely impossible to say that there's nothing fishy about it.

Si Kongxue and the ancient demon God returned to the defense line, which caused an uproar.

The saint was rescued, but the devil was seriously injured and unconscious.

This result was unexpected to all.

"Your holiness, now the cultivation world is in a fierce situation. It seems that it is going to swallow up my abyss. At this critical juncture of the abyss, I would like to ask your holiness to take charge of the overall situation. "

In everyone's heart a burst of doubt, a city Lord suddenly said aloud.As soon as the city master finished, several more city masters came out to respond.

Sikong Xue took a look at these city masters, but said modestly: "my saint's ability is not enough to undertake this important task."

"The saint is deeply loved by everyone. In the abyss, you are the only one who has the ability now. So please don't refuse. "

The city master was the first one to support Sikong Xue. You don't have to think about it. He naturally supports Sikong Xue.

So, in the face of Sikong Snow's refusal, he said again without thinking about it.

"Yes, saint, we should put the overall situation first, and please take charge of the overall situation."

In an instant, many city masters have come forward to express their views.

Of course, about half of the city masters did not speak out.

These city masters, not to mention how loyal they are to the devil, but at least one thing is certain. They are absolutely afraid of being beaten by the devil.

Time and time again, when he saw that the situation was gone, he turned the tide. Moreover, one card comes out, one more frightening than the other.

Therefore, they are determined to pay attention, the devil will never die, never make a statement.

Of course, with the support of the other half, it's almost the same for Sikong Xue.

"Well, since everyone is so gracious, it would be a bit hard for the virgin to refuse again."

Sikong Xue said hypocritically, and then he sat on the throne impolitely.

"Everyone, go back first, and continue to prepare for the war. Don't let the cultivation world exploit the loopholes."

Sikongxue silently wrote down those silent city masters. Next, it's time for her to be bold.

After all the city masters retreated, the abyss demons said with a smile: "Lord Tianxi has come back. This time, if the devil dares to appear, Lord Tianxi will not be polite to him any more."

"So, sikongxue, just let it go and do it well."

After the abyss demons came back in Tianxi, it seemed that they had the backbone at that moment.

Sikong snow nodded, "you elders rest assured, Sikong snow will never forget who gave all this."

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