The gossip in the camp, Sikong snow completely ignore, even if it is to her prestige damage, Sikong snow also don't care.

What Sikong Xue has to do now is to show the enemy that they are weak, and then weaken all the city masters who are threatening him.

Han's pursuit of life is just the beginning.

An hour later, Han Zhuoming also received the news.

Knowing that his ten thousand elite soldiers died, Deacon Ruolan was also killed, Han Zhui almost didn't collapse.

Although this is not all the fighting power of Han Zhuoming's men, the ten thousand elites are the family members that Han Zhuoming worked hard to cultivate. Especially deacon Ruolan, it's not just deacon.

"Order all the troops and follow the city leader to wipe out the bloody bandits."

Han Zhuoming is very angry, so he is ready to take all the people to hunt down the bandits.

There was a lot of noise. Naturally, it couldn't hide from the other city leaders in the camp.

Before Han Zhui gathered his men, the whole camp also received the news, which caused an uproar.

However, Han Zhuoming hasn't gathered all his hands here, so Sikong Xue comes.

"The city master, why are you doing this?"

Sikongxue looked at Han Zhuoming, "can't you say that the city master of Zhuoming can't even distinguish the great righteousness at this time? At such a critical moment, how can we lead all our men out of the camp? "

Han Zhuoming's face changed several times, and his heart was even more angry.

"Holy daughter, the bandits are arrogant. If they are not thoroughly eradicated this time, there will be some trouble in the future."

Sikong snow now occupies the angle of righteousness, although Han Zhuoming does not want to hear, but it is not good to disobey.

"We will arrange for other city masters to deal with the affairs of bandits. The most important thing for you now is to defend your defense line. "

Sikong Xue coldly looked at Han Suiming, "no matter whether you are convinced or not, this line of defense can't let the friars cross."

Han Zhuoming was naturally not satisfied. He sneered: "the deacons of our city master died in the war, and ten thousand elite soldiers were destroyed. Do you want to make arrangements with other saints

"Han pursues his life"

Si Kongxue's face suddenly turns cold, and her tone is also extremely bad.

"I have ordered you to exterminate the bandits. Now, instead of exterminating the bandits, you've done it again and again at the expense of your troops. How shall I punish you for such a delay? "

Sikong Xue snorted coldly, "don't you pay attention to my saint?"

Han Zhuoming's expression suddenly stagnated, but sikongxue didn't give him any chance to speak. Instead, he said, "where is Deng Ziming?"

Among the city masters, a big bellied one came forward.

"You muster the elite quickly, and you must wipe out the bandits."

"As for Han pursuing his life and delaying the war, the crime is unforgivable. From now on, you are not allowed to leave the camp. "

Sikongxue finish, moriran look to South Korea.

Han chase life moment a sneer, is about to attack, but soon found several extremely strong breath instantly lock him.

Han Zhuoming yells in his heart that it's not good. He looks around at the city masters who are also loyal to the devil, but he sees that they don't want to help at all.

Sikong Xue snorted coldly and left.

In any case, now sikongxue is the highest commander in the camp, and also occupies the name of Dayi.

If Han Zhuoming dare to defy, then Sikong Xue can fight Han Zhuoming on the spot.

Sikongxue has not only a group of followers, but also the support of ancient demons. This power can not be ignored.

Especially for the latter, if Han Zhuoming dares to say no, he will definitely be different at the moment.

After struggling for a long time in his heart, Han Zhuoming could not but reluctantly return to the camp.

"Listen, everyone, stick to the defense line. If you let the friars take advantage of the situation, you will be responsible for the consequences."

After sikongxue returned to the camp, he sent a cold voice to all the campsites.

The consequences are at your own risk. Those city lords who are directly under pressure are out of breath.

Deng Ziming, meanwhile, did not dare to be slighted. He quickly transferred 20000 elite soldiers from the camp and four strong men to lead the team. He quickly left the camp to kill the bandits.

Twenty thousand elites, plus four strong men, are all Deng Ziming's wealth.

if these people all died,

Deng Ziming could even deploy troops from his own city, but he was just a group of few. At that time, the strength will drop very quickly. If you don't pay attention, there is a risk of annexation.

Si Kongxue made a calculation in the camp, and then laughed.


not to mention all kinds of small movements on the other side of the abyss defense line, it can be said that ye Pengfei is still slowly on his way with the devil at this time.

Ye Pengfei with the devil continued to close to the city, as a result, the devil began to dawdle.For the devil, now he is like this. Once he returns to Tianfang City, he will definitely die.

Therefore, the devil can only do everything possible to delay time.

How can ye Pengfei not know what the devil is thinking in his heart?

It's just that ye Pengfei didn't break it.

"I'm tired. I need to rest."

On this day, just less than 20 miles away, the devil began to be reluctant.

Ye Pengfei looked back at the devil with a funny look. "If you are in such a situation now, if you fall into the eyes of those strong people in the abyss, I guess they will lose their chin."

"I have no cultivation now, and I'm still seriously injured. It's not easy for me to walk 20 Li."

After that, the devil found a huge stone to lean against and began to shut his eyes.

With a smile, ye Pengfei fell on the boulder and said with disdain, "what about the pride of a few days ago? It's a little funny, isn't it? "He cried one by one

The devil didn't reply and responded with silence.

Ye Pengfei is also used to this. These days, ye Pengfei finds the opportunity to ridicule the devil. Most of the devil responds to Ye Pengfei in this way.

"After all, I don't know what happened to the front line now."

"Think, Si Kongxue should have controlled the abyss?"

Ye Pengfei said curiously there, and the devil's brow jumped wildly.

"Forget it, I'll get you some water, and you'll find all kinds of excuses later."

Ye Pengfei sighed. Did you invite a Bodhisattva home?

When ye Pengfei left, the originally closed eyes of the devil suddenly opened his eyes, with a sneer on his lips.

Behind the devil, an invisible evil was slowly absorbed into his body.

The devil is practicing...

when the devil devoured the cultivation of the acquired Holy Spirit, he led to a powerful reaction, and the meridians in his body were broken and his cultivation was lost.

But after all, it's the devil. It's full of vitality.

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