Demon Zun has been looking for an excuse to delay these days, mainly to seize the time to recover.

Although the channels in the demon Zun's body have not been fully recovered, at least there is no problem in his cultivation.

With a little cultivation, the Demon Lord put the painting on him for the first time.

That painting is not only for the devil to control the abyss, but also to hide the breath of his body, which makes people not aware of the fluctuation of cultivation.

In Ye Pengfei's eyes, the devil has become a useless person. With this painting to cover up the breath, naturally, there is no problem at all.

The only pity is that ye Pengfei went out to look for water and soon came back.

It's only a short time for the devil to practice. It's not meaningful at all.

"Let's go. It's a knife to stretch your head, and it's a knife to shrink your head. This kind of dawdling will only make me look down on you. "

Ye Pengfei urged demon Zun, and then went on.

The evil Lord's eyes flashed away, but it was soon hidden, and then he buried his head to keep up with Ye Pengfei.

They walked on for a long time, and met a team responsible for escorting supplies on the road.

"Did you hear that? Recently, roving bandits have reappeared and plundered a lot of goods and materials. "

"It's not just materials. It's said that tens of thousands of law enforcement teams have been killed. Even the strong ones have died more than a dozen."

"These damned bandits..."


the evil spirits escorting supplies directly ignored Ye Pengfei and the devil. They talked and talked as they walked, with a sigh on their faces.

When the devil heard the news, he naturally turned pale.

No one knows what happened to the bandits better than the devil.

"Sikongxue, I didn't expect you to be so stupid. You're leading wolves into the house, you know?"

It's a hate in the devil's heart. It's a pity that even if he recovers a little cultivation now, it's useless.

Now the devil, let alone go to the abyss defense line to kill sikongxue, sikongxue can kill him by looking for a subordinate.

"I'll bear it."

the devil looked at Tianfang City, and he actually had a chance of life.

Tianfangcheng is in danger, but it's also an opportunity for the devil.

As long as the demon can enter the city smoothly and join the demon army.

The demon army is loyal to the demon lord and is his personal guard. In the whole abyss, the only one that the demon lord really trusts is the demon army except the four demon kings.

However, the devil now dare not gamble.

Because as long as the devil comes up in Tianfang City, countless people will come to kill him.

I'm afraid it doesn't necessarily give the devil the chance to join the demon army.

"How can we successfully join the demon army?"

As long as we can let the demon lord and the demon army join together, then he is sure to get out of the siege. At that time, find a remote place to hide, it won't be long before he can return.

Demon Zun has a lot on his mind, but he doesn't notice at all. Ye Pengfei, who is walking in front of him, has a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Smile is very shallow, but there is an intriguing sense of both.

They walked a short way forward, and ye Pengfei's face suddenly changed.

The devil Zun was also stunned at the back, and there was a big sound in his heart.

Ahead, a strong breath came.

But this breath is not a strong attack, but, it seems that some ancient treasure breath leaked.

If it is normal, the devil will be very happy. After all, there are not many people who can forge magic weapons in the abyss. Many magic weapons are left behind by various sites.

The appearance of each site can strengthen the strength of the abyss.

However, now the devil's power has not been restored, the strong of the abyss are all guarding the defense line, and there is only one monk around.

"Treasure of this world"

Ye Pengfei looked back at the devil with a smile.

The devil browed wildly. What he was most worried about finally happened.

Ye Pengfei is a monk. It's useless to take the magic weapon of the abyss. But being useless doesn't mean that ye Pengfei won't have any ideas...

after all, what he can't get can be destroyed.

Ye Pengfei, the devil, is very clear.

He can really do this kind of thing.

"What do you think of?"

Ye Pengfei looks at the devil with a smile. The devil yells in his heart.

"Yes, that's what you think. Let's go and have a look. "

Ye Pengfei doesn't care about the devil, and flies forward quickly.

Demon Zun gnawed his teeth in the rear, and he could only catch up quickly.

Just in front of them is only a hundred miles, a hole is slowly protruding.The pit is very big, which is no less than when zhoutiancheng site was in this world.

Ye Pengfei came here with the devil. He could not help saying, "you are really poor in the abyss, but if there is a treasure, it must be buried in the earth."

Look at the cultivation world. All kinds of mysteries are self-contained. This abyss is good. If you want to find a site, you will become an archaeologist.

"Don't be so wordy"

The Demon Lord was black and felt very bad.

At this moment, demon Zun wanted to restore his cultivation immediately, and then killed Ye Pengfei with one palm.

It's too much for me, especially at the thought of Ye Peng's purpose of flying here.

But at this time, the devil really can't stop Ye Pengfei, so we can only follow him to have a look.

"What is this site?"

Ye Pengfei took a look at the devil, but the devil turned his eyes and refused to answer Ye Pengfei's question.

"If you don't say it, I'll find it myself."

Ye Pengfei also smiles. Look at the devil. Do you know what this site is called? Is it important?

As long as there's treasure in it, that's OK.

Ye Pengfei jumps directly from the site, and the demon lord hesitates and falls down with an extremely indecent posture.

Now on the surface, the demon Zun has lost all his accomplishments, and the site is also a certain distance from the ground. If you want to go down, you can only wallow around...

this height has no problem with the physical strength of the demon Zun. In this way, the demon Zun doesn't have to worry about causing Ye Pengfei's suspicion.

Looking at the devil on the ground, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "devil, you are also interesting."

Disheartened devil, cold hum, ignore Ye Pengfei's joke.

After a look at the ruins, the devil is also at a loss.

To tell you the truth, the devil didn't answer Ye Pengfei's question before. Besides that he didn't want to answer, he didn't know which city was the site.

In ancient wars, the abyss, like the cultivation world, had faults.

For many things before ancient times, the devil can only guess through a few words of legend.

If not handed down, then the devil is not clear.

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