The disappearance of mozun brings a little bit of haze to Ye Pengfei, who is fighting against skeletons and beasts.

"Devil, it seems that I'm not at ease."

Ye Pengfei clubbed his chin and murmured to himself.

To be honest, at this time, if it wasn't for the thousands of skeletons and beasts holding Ye Pengfei in check, ye Pengfei would have turned over the whole world.

Once the devil's freedom is allowed to recover its strength, needless to say, the first thing is to find Ye Pengfei and Si Kongxue for revenge.

The cultivation of the devil himself is unfathomable. Only one last step is needed to advance to the existence of the Holy Spirit the day after tomorrow. In case of this failure and a blessing in disguise, the whole cultivation world will be completely finished.

Moreover, even if the devil doesn't break through smoothly, and there is the mysterious skill that hongyunjin dedicated to the devil, the threat of the devil to the cultivation world is still enormous.

If you let the devil return safely, ye Pengfei will be hard to protect Sikong snow.

"Keep the gate of this small world."

this is the death order given by Ye Pengfei to Lingke. As long as the devil is still in this small world, he will have a chance of life.

In addition, ye Pengfei is still gambling.

What's the bet?

The bet is that mozun prejudges Ye Pengfei's prejudgment.

To put it simply, mozun thinks that ye Pengfei may quickly go to search after he knows he is missing, and even leave this small world. And the devil, just to the contrary.

"Although it's a little too late for time, it's impossible to leave this small world because the strength of the Demon Lord has not yet recovered."

After ye Pengfei comforted himself in his heart, he calmed himself down and stayed to deal with the skeleton and beast.


in fact, ye Pengfei was right. At this time, the devil really didn't leave the small world.

From the beginning to the end, the devil did not want to completely leave this small world.

After the demon Zun was thrown into the valley by the spirit shell, he moved quickly and kept on following the tracks of the skull and beast.

Although most of the skeletons' footprints have been covered up by the yellow sand, the number of skeletons is extremely large, and many of them are not covered up.

The demon Zun followed the tracks of the skull and beast, and he was very alert on the road.

It is because of this that the Demon Lord will avoid the detection of the shell. Because, at that time, the spirit shell always thought that the devil would practice in situ.

From ye Pengfei's large-scale killing of the skeleton war beast, demon Zun has been moving forward.

In three days, although the speed of the demon's progress was not fast, it was not very slow.

While ye Pengfei is still busy dealing with the skeleton war beast, the devil has already crossed Ye Pengfei and directly came to the mountain.

"Here, it is obvious that there are signs of fighting, that is to say, loena has been here."

Standing under the mountain, the devil's eyes were shining.

On the high mountains, scorched traces can be seen everywhere. It's like being bitten by a dog. If the devil hasn't figured out what's going on, he will live in vain for tens of thousands of years.

"I just don't know what Luo ye Xiao'er has got on this."

the devil is so worried that he obviously doesn't want to get anything good from ye Pengfei. It means that ye Pengfei may lose something good.

"Bastard... How dare Ann deceive me like that?"

When the devil was in doubt, a roar came from the mountain.

Hearing this voice, the devil suddenly got a boost.

"Is there anyone else in this world?"

"I think it's behind the scenes to control those war beasts, isn't it?"

"Well, that would be great."

The devil almost didn't laugh, because his skill is still available at this time.

Find the person who is behind the scenes and devour him. At that time, my cultivation will be completely restored.

Even if you can't defeat naluoye immediately, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection.

Demon Zun's face is to smile to open a flower, walk toward that high mountain directly.

In the mountains, there is a rapid condensation of virtual shadows.

"Who are you? How dare you break in here? Don't you know that this is a forbidden area? "

The virtual shadow is not solid, but when speaking, it is very dignified and has a kind of soul catching power.

The devil's heart was awed, and then he was ecstatic.

It's better to be strong. The stronger he is, the better it will be for him.

The body of the demon Zun is still the same strength as before, and has not declined because of the lack of cultivation. Therefore, at this time of the devil, as long as it is not the acquired Holy Spirit, the tower can bear."I'm a member of Tianfang city. By chance, I'm here."

Demon Zun in the heart secretly a sneer, afterward at will compiled an identity to that empty shadow to say.

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Ying asked again, but there was a little bit of greed in her tone.

Although Xuying can't leave the mountain, it is integrated with the mountain. From the moment when the devil set foot on the mountain, Xuying explored most of the devil's information.

The physical body is very strong, but the cultivation is general. Even worse, it's rubbish than ordinary demons.

Such a person is undoubtedly the best for the virtual shadow.

The physical body is very strong, which means that Qi and blood are quite good. For the virtual shadow, there is no doubt that it is a great tonic.

"Look for opportunities and set foot on the top."

What kind of person is that? Naturally, the joy in the other person's tone was instantly heard. So, without the slightest hesitation, he said again.

"I have some opportunities here. Come forward and I will teach you."

Xuying felt a burst of ecstasy in her heart, which was definitely a gift from heaven.

But I don't know, at this time, the devil's heart is also in ecstasy, "I dare to be so arrogant in front of you. I really don't know how to live or die."

Want to return to think, the devil Zun or according to each other directly walked up the mountain.

"Come under this tree, and I will give you the inheritance."

High mountains, a tree suddenly no wind automatic, countless roots in the soil breaking out.

Without any resistance, the devil went straight to the tree and said, "thank you for your inheritance."

the devil was very happy in his heart...

the virtual shadow was very happy in his heart...

countless roots immediately wrapped the devil up, "this time, I will save some food."

"This time, I must let naluoye know what the devil's anger is."

Each of them had his own fate, but they bumped into each other wonderfully.

As for the final result, there is no way to know.

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