The whole body of demon Zun is wrapped in countless roots, which are just like countless fine needles. They want to plunge directly into the skin of demon Zun.

Demon Zun frowned and said, "master, is there something wrong with this inheritance?"

"This is an original one, but a profound inheritance in the abyss. You know, even those so-called demons in those days were not qualified to get them. "

The empty shadow loudly explained a, those roots then can't wait to stab to the demon Zun skin.

These roots are refined by Xuying. They are specially used for sucking blood gas. They are also an attack means of Xuying. It can be said that as long as the root system penetrates into the skin, no matter how tough people were before, they will be instantly sucked clean and become a pile of dead bones.

Of course, this time the virtual shadow is also left. The main reason is that there are no living creatures in the small world that can continue to provide new life for it. We have to raise some.

"Well, they are not qualified."

The devil hears the speech, sneers, and then becomes complacent again.

As if, he really believed the ghost of the general.

Not only that, the demon Zun specially controlled the strength of his body, so that these roots could pierce in.

The root system smoothly penetrated into the demon's skin. At that moment, Xuying burst out laughing.

"Gaga, you are still too naive. Do you really think that this seat will be so kind to pass it on to you? "

"To tell you the truth, I just want to treat you as the nutrition of the cost seat."

"From today on, you will stay in the mountains and provide blood for us."


Xuying laughs wildly, because it can feel a great blood gas flowing to itself.

These blood gases are even more than the sum of a dozen top abyssal war beasts.

If such a great Qi and blood is refined, its virtual shadow will solidify a lot. Even if we absorb more, the virtual shadow will condense into essence.

"It won't be long before I can leave this damned place."

I don't know how many thousands of years I have been trapped in this mountain. Now, the virtual shadow seems to see the hope of leaving. How can I not be excited?

However, when Xu Ying was excited, he didn't see the flash of ridicule in the eyes of the devil.

These roots are nothing in the eyes of the devil. If it wasn't for the devil's intention, maybe those roots couldn't even scratch the devil's skin.

The cultivation route of the abyss demons themselves is very special, and they attach great importance to the art of forging. The physical bodies of those who are strong in the abyss have reached a very terrifying stage. Needless to say, cultivation has already surpassed the abyss of countless powerful demons.

In terms of physical strength, I'm afraid even Tianxi may not be able to compete with the demon sect.

These roots can pierce the skin of the abyss Warcraft, but it is absolutely impossible to pose any threat to the demon.

In fact, the reason why mozun wants to do this is very simple.

Because the devil wants to devour the cultivation of the virtual shadow. The only bad thing about this skill is that it needs to have contact with the devoured object.

And now the demon Zun's strength is very weak, and it's impossible to absorb all the accomplishments that devour the target just between a few breaths.

That's why the demon lord deliberately did it, letting the other side pierce his own skin.

In this way, not only can you relax the other person's mind. At the same time, it can also make the demon master absorb more time later.

Listening to the other party's arrogant words, the devil gave a sneer, and then quietly operated the skill.

But in the blink of an eye, there was a scream from the empty shadow, "what's the situation? Why are my accomplishments passing away? "

"It's you?"

The root system shakes for a while. It seems that it wants to get out of the devil.

But at this time, how can the devil do what this guy wants?

He grabbed the root with both hands, and the corner of the devil's mouth crossed with a touch of banter. "If I recover my strength, I will never forget your contribution."

The root system was dragged by the demon and could not move at all.

At this time, how can virtual shadow not understand that he was calculated by the devil?

Countless roots desperately retreated into the soil, and in a moment there were only a few roots left in the hands of the devil.

"Let go..."

"why do you practice such evil methods?"

"Who are you?"

At the moment, the virtual shadow is directly split by the mentality of the demon lord, and the problems are thrown out one after another.

It's a pity that demon Zun turns a deaf ear to this. His internal cultivation is recovering quickly.

"Son of a bitch, I will kill you."

At this time of virtual shadow, tone has begun to weak up, however, temper is still very irritable.The whole mountain is shaking, and countless trees rise against the wind, as if in anger.

The demon Zun laughed and let it go. It's impossible to let it go. How can you let go of your accomplishments easily?

"The taste of power"

the devil murmured to himself. Only after he lost it, would he know how to cherish it more.

"You bastard"

Xu Ying is going crazy, and countless branches are thrown at the devil.

However, these means have no effect on the devil. In front of Ye Pengfei, although he is not submissive now, he will not put on the airs of various demons. However, in front of the virtual shadow, the devil is going to strike hard.

Virtual shadow has no entity at all, and the means of attack is extremely single.

As far as the trees and roots are concerned, the damage they can do to the devil is limited.

The demon Zun happily absorbed each other's accomplishments, felt the continuous growth of power, and almost didn't cry out.

To tell you the truth, if you are in the peak state of the devil, maybe a few breaths can drain the other person's accomplishments.

But I can't help it. Now the strength of mozun is less than one thousandth of its peak. What we can do is to store water slowly.


Just as the devil was thinking of taking his time, the roots in his hands were broken instantly.

"Thief, I'm not with you."

In the dark, an angry voice came, and then there was no sound.

The wind blew over the hill, and the devil's face was very angry. "It's your honor to be able to offer your strength to me. You are so ungrateful. You are looking for death. "

Unfortunately, at this time, there was no voice to answer him.

The virtual shadow is gone, at this time is extremely weak, do not know which corner to run to lick the wound.

Demon Zun is very sorry, do not give up want to find each other's trace.

But unfortunately, the devil did not find it.

"What a jerk"

the devil and some creature scolded involuntarily.

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