Xiao Ruxue took the clothes off her body and put them in Ye Pengfei's hand. She said with a command: "give them back to me now, immediately, immediately!"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "well, Mr. President, it's just a joke. I borrowed it just now. How can I steal it from such a bright man? Mr. President. Don't look down on people. "

"You Xiao Ruxue has been cheated many times. She lifts her high heels and walks away.

Da, Da, Da!

The heavy and loud sound of high-heeled shoes undoubtedly shows that Xiao Ruxue is in a bad mood at the moment.

At this time, an Audi car suddenly came from behind, and ye Pengfei immediately said in a loud voice: "Mr. President, don't go. I really didn't cheat you. Now my witness is here. I borrowed the owner just now, Mr. President! You wait for me

Xiao Ruxue then turned around and saw a car coming.

Brother Bear also coughed quickly, honked his horn, put his head out of the window and said, "beauty, your husband was here just now and borrowed a dress. Now it's so late, report to a place and I'll send you back."

What? husband?

Xiao Ruxue's mouth quickly grew into an O-shape.

God, are you kidding? Is this guy blind? You said this guy was your husband?

Ye Pengfei also quickly said: "brother, don't talk nonsense, she is the president of our company."

"Eh? So it is, ha ha I think you deserve it. I thought you were husband and wife. "

Xiaoruxue heart that depressed ah, ye Pengfei that cunning people, want to be her husband? Wait for the next life.


About ten minutes later, brother baoxiong sent Ye Pengfei to Yamei company.

Ye Pengfei went to the parking lot to drive out the illusion of Rolls Royce, and Brother Bear immediately pretended to be very surprised, saying that you are really not husband and wife.

Ye Pengfei really wants to laugh. Seeing that Xiao Ruxue is beautiful, brother Xiong thinks he is interested in her, so he deliberately creates an awkward and ambiguous atmosphere for them.

It's just that Xiao Ruxue is so cold and proud. Ordinary people can't control him!

On the way back to the villa, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "president, what do you think of the driver's vision?"

"Vision, what vision?" Xiao Ruxue asked with some doubts.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "at the beginning, he said that we were quite like husband and wife. Ha ha ha I suddenly found out, Mr. President, you just happen to have no boyfriend. Look at me, you are handsome enough, not bad in character, and very humorous. Otherwise... "

"Go away!" Xiao Ruxue almost fainted, quickly said: "Ye Pengfei, I now find that you are more and more daring, ah, even I dare to tease?"

"Well, Mr. President, don't be angry I'm just kidding. " Ye Pengfei quickly pretended to be aggrieved.

Xiao Ruxue was completely defeated by Ye Pengfei and said feebly: "if you often make such jokes, I think I will be angry to death by you!"

"Well, Mr. President, I'm wrong."

Xiao Ruxue gave Ye Pengfei a white look, but then he remembered his clothes and exclaimed, "Oh, I forgot to return my clothes to others. What should I do?"

"Well, I don't know his phone number. Forget it, it's just a dress."

"This dress is more than 20000 at least."

"Wow, it's too much for these rich people to buy such expensive clothes. I strongly despise it."

Xiao Ruxue is too lazy to talk to each other. She closes her eyes directly and enters a state of false sleep.

After a while, ye Pengfei sends Xiao Ruxue back to the villa, only to find that Xiao Ruxue's stomach has been cooing.

Ye Pengfei was stunned and turned his head to say, "Mr. President, you haven't eaten yet."

Xiao Ruxue's face turned red and said, "I'll have instant noodles later."

Ye Pengfei felt some guilt in his heart. He wanted to come to the police station without eating after he was busy.

The other party is a big president, and his time is so precious that he actually waited for him in person. Thinking about it, ye Pengfei was moved.

"Well, in order to repay the president, I've decided to leave the dinner to me."

"Really." Xiao Ruxue looks happy. After all, after eating Ye Pengfei's meal last night, Xiao Ruxue admires Ye Pengfei and misses the taste of the meal.

"Well, you have a conscience." Xiao Ruxue immediately said a word.

Because it's late and the vegetables are not fresh, there are only some eggs in the ingredients bought for Xiao Ruxue last night. Ye Pengfei's heart moved and went to the supermarket to buy something again.

Green onion and flour, and then half an hour later, ye Pengfei will do a stir fry for Xiao Ruxue!

"My God It's really delicious. Wuwuwuwu... " Xiao Ruxue was almost moved to cry when she ate the fried knife made by Ye Pengfei, and her mouth was constantly nagging: "why? Why do you have such delicious sliced noodlesSeeing Xiao Ruxue exaggerate, ye Pengfei can't help laughing, saying that he is a world-class top chef.

"Cut, know narcissism!"

However, Xiao Ruxue still wolfed down and ate this bowl of fried knife.

After that, ye Pengfei saw Xiao Ruxue's appearance as a young lady. He had no choice but to take away Xiao Ruxue's chopsticks.

Xiao Ruxue's face was hot and said quickly, "I'll do it myself."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I see you are very strong. Go to the sofa and lie down for a while. I said I would repay you. Today I will repay you."

"Well." Xiao rushue tells herself quickly in her heart that she must not be moved, but ye Pengfei can help her make such delicious rice and wash the dishes. Xiao rushue has a strange feeling in her heart.

A moment later, when ye Pengfei finished washing dishes and chopsticks and was about to leave, Xiao Ruxue suddenly asked, "by the way, where do you live now?"

Ye Pengfei turned his head and said, "it's not far away from a residential area. It's time to celebrate."

"Time? The rent there is not cheap. Where did you get the money? "

"Well, didn't you say that before? Captain Shen borrowed it from me. "

"Don't cheat me. Captain Shen didn't lend me any money at all. I've asked before."

Ye Pengfei's face is muddled. Why are women so good at reconnaissance? Shen Yanbing is just as good as Xiao Ruxue.

"Well, well, actually It's my wife Ben. Originally I was going to save money to marry a wife, but in order to survive, I can't help it. "

Xiao Ruxue, that sweat, can this guy talk on the score?

However, I think that the other party's cooking is so delicious, otherwise, let Ye Pengfei move in, so that breakfast and dinner will be available.

But after thinking about it, let it go.

After all, a man and a woman are both young people, and they don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. What if this guy wants to make up her mind?

And wait until Xiao Ruxue back to God, ye Pengfei already quietly left here.

Xiao Ruxue sighs helplessly, and then discovers that the dress on the sofa is

There's a tag!

You just bought this?

Xiao Ruxue quickly took down her clothes and looked at the model. She was at least 1.8 meters tall, and it was slim. But the driver was obviously strong, and his clothes were loose.

On the contrary, it's Ye Pengfei. It seems that this dress is quite suitable

"Damn, this guy, where on earth did he get this dress? And the driver. It's a coincidence

Finally, Xiao Ruxue threw the suit on the sofa and said angrily, "Stinky boy, I don't believe it. I can't find out your real identity! I think you'll still be pretending then! "


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