Ye Pengfei left Xiao Ruxue's villa area and soon saw brother Xiong's Audi body shadow.

I have to say that ye Pengfei really admires such a conscious little brother.

"If we investigate for a while, we will get rid of all his poison."

Later, in the process of the two people returning to their pilgrimage, ye Pengfei finally learned about the deeds of vice mayor Yang.

Yang Shenghan, 46 years old, has spent 20 years from a small town civil servant to vice mayor.

Step by step from the bottom to today's position, compared with Zhang Heyuan's father's airborne faction, this "grassroots" vice mayor has obviously made more efforts!

Ye Pengfei believes that every politician will have an extremely keen sense of smell in this matter. No matter what happens, he can quickly stir up their nerves.

As the number one political enemy of Vice Mayor Zhang, once Vice Mayor Yang heard about Zhang Heyuan or vice mayor Zhang, didn't he want to step on him?

In the past, these people were dedicated to serving the country and the people, but if they were gradually in the whirlpool of power, they would become helpless!

Fortunately, Vice Mayor Yang's foundation is clean. He doesn't accept any gifts except tea and wine.

However, after ye Pengfei's search, he did not find any other bad habits of vice mayor Yang, or any gossip.

Ye Pengfei can't help frowning. After closing the information printed out of the document, brother Bao Xiong in the driver's seat said, "Ye Shao, how about Vice Mayor Yang, who is worthy of our refuge?"

Ye Pengfei smiles and picks his eyebrows and says, "violent bear, don't you think Vice Mayor Yang is too clean?"

"Er..." Brother violent bear was stunned and immediately came back to his senses. Then he patted his forehead and said, "yes, other officials have more or less some problems. Either they like luxury and extravagance, or they enjoy great achievements, or they have other bad problems, but vice mayor Yang..."

Ye Pengfei nodded, took over the other party's words and said: "this vice mayor Yang, the foundation is so clean, it's unbelievable, and for so many years, no political enemy has ever made rumors?"

"Ye Shao means..." Brother violent bear frowned tightly and obviously felt that there was a problem.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "this vice mayor Yang is not simple. There should be some problems with the materials. Maybe he didn't come from the grass-roots level. He used to work in TV stations, and he has a good relationship with the media. If he mastered the media, he would naturally have the right to speak. And it's not easy to master the media! "

Brother Bear was stunned and muttered to himself: "no wonder the news about Vice Mayor Yang was highly praised. It turns out that's so. Damn it, we were almost cheated by him!"

Ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly and said with a smile, "don't be so pessimistic. What if you are really a good official of Baogong in the world?"

Brother Bear sighed: "Ye Shao, do you believe it?"

Ye Pengfei

Back in Xiangsong time, ye Pengfei asked brother Xiong about buying a car in the evening.

"Ye Shao needs a car?" Brother Bear immediately said with a smile, "I still have a few cars there, but I don't know if ye Shao can see them."

Ye Pengfei said seriously: "originally I wanted to buy a good car, but as you can see today, our president regarded me as a villain from the mountains all day. Moreover, I lied to her before and didn't want to be torn down, so I think it's better for me to keep a low profile now."

"Hey, hey I understand

Brother violent bear's flattery is to pretend to be a girl? These are all routines.

Of course, Brother Bear doesn't seem to be able to say it. He immediately says that there are just a few cars in the garage. If ye Shao likes one, just take it.

Ye Pengfei doesn't want Brother Bear to spend money, and for the convenience of the future, he won't just buy a car. He will buy both good and bad cars, so he asked if he had any friends like selling cars.

Brother violent Bear looked happy and said, "it happens that I have a young man who is very smart. He used to smuggle, but later he got on the road and switched to selling cars. Why don't I take ye Shao around tomorrow?"

Ye Pengfei immediately agreed, but he soon thought that now he has a job, isn't it Leaving early again?

Ye Pengfei is in a bit of a dilemma all of a sudden!

At night, ye Pengfei is sleeping in a daze when he suddenly hears the ringing of SMS.

Ye Pengfei took it to have a look. It's Meng Xiyan. She said she heard someone open the door before. It seems that her roommate and her boyfriend have come back. Now she is afraid.

Ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the time. It was more than one o'clock in the morning.

"Is the door locked?" Ye Pengfei typed a few words.

Meng Xiyan quickly replied: "it's locked, but what if I want to go to the toilet?"

Ye Pengfei"Add me QQ, let's chat with QQ." Meng Xiyan said again.

Ye Pengfei was happy and quickly typed: "why not use wechat? Now wechat is not very popular. "

Now, in another part of the city.

Meng Xiyan sat on the bed, his face was slightly red, and then he blushed, and his heart beat out some ambiguous words: "they said that it was used to make an appointment with something."

When ye Pengfei saw Meng Xiyan's words, he almost didn't laugh.

"Yo, Xiao Yan, you know what to make an appointment with, but you're talking about books. What to make an appointment with?"

Soon, for convenience.

"I hate it, brother Peng Fei is dead."

Ye Pengfei laughs and thinks it's very interesting to tease this little girl.

But then, ye Pengfei was surprised, because no matter how he looked, he seemed to be flirting with Meng Xiyan.

"Stop, it's clearly said that Meng Xiyan will be my sister, but in the end, it's like this." Ye Pengfei's heart immediately some guilty, but Meng Xiyan that little girl, really let people like ah.

Gentle and beautiful, kind and lovely, but also people's heart!

Compared with the little girl, Xiao Ruxue's Iceberg is too unattractive. Of course, Xiao Ruxue went to the police station to wait for ye Pengfei at night, which actually moved Ye Pengfei a little.

But it's just a little touched.

Later, they exchanged QQ numbers with each other.

Ye Pengfei's QQ number has few friends, and he applied in high school before. After he went abroad, he didn't use it very much.

After the two people add friends to each other, Meng Xiyan makes a tongue sticking expression.

Later, Meng Xiyan said that she also had a wechat, but only a few of her best friends and none of her male friends. Then she said that she could give it to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei heart a heat, I go, this little girl also said before, that is about that what, the result in the twinkling of an eye to himself, is not to imply yourself?

Ye Pengfei immediately became a fool.


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