In the cafe, when ye Pengfei heard what the Korean said, he immediately became angry.

Dare to ask Xiao Ruxue to accompany him for one night, what will Xiao Ruxue be?

Similarly, Xiao Ruxue, who is sitting opposite the two Koreans, is also angry and white with anger!

However, the Korean middle-aged man's secret, but disdain smile: "Miss Xiao, say a word ugly, want to accompany our boss to sleep, people in line don't know how many, our boss so favor Miss Xiao, Miss Xiao can't be disrespectful!"


Xiao Ruxue's fingers were white, and her anger was even worse.

At this time, ye Pengfei has quickly stood up and walked over.

In front of him, a waiter was holding a tray with a glass of orange juice and a glass of coke on it. Ye Pengfei squinted and dashed up with an arrow, then hit the waiter in an instant.


Two glasses of water were splashed on the middle-aged Korean man and the young Korean girl.


Three people almost at the same time exclaimed, and then, juice and coke poured two people, and then two glasses also Bang two, cracked!

The waiter's face changed dramatically and became extremely frightened.

But before he spoke, ye Pengfei quickly grabbed his collar and pulled it behind him.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry! Two adulterers have sex Oh, no, two elder brothers and young ladies, I'm sorry, I just slipped on my feet! Hit the waiter! But I didn't mean to! Excuse me! Excuse me

"You South Korean boss stares at Ye Pengfei, looking at his yellow and red, almost not angry to vomit blood!

The girl next to him also screamed quickly: "you bastard, do you know how much my skirt costs? I spent tens of thousands on it. How dare you... "

Xiao Ruxue on the other side, seeing that this man was Ye Pengfei, was stunned and almost silly.

This guy When did it show up here? And also how coincidence, not for their own sake, so deliberately to find fault, right?

"Boy! You You wait for me! "

With this sentence, the Korean boss immediately went to the bathroom.

Next to that girl, also quickly came to Ye Pengfei, said Ye Pengfei dead, and then also embarrassed to the direction of the bathroom.

As for Xiao Ruxue, she almost didn't laugh.

"This boy is too funny."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'll stand here and wait for you? "


"Why? What about people? "

Xiao Ruxue quickly looked around, but in the hall, where there is the figure of Ye Pengfei.

"I'll go! This guy Is it rabbit? Running so fast

The waiter, however, didn't recover until now, and almost got angry and scolded.

Immediately, he thought about it and quickly went to the supervisor. If there is no accident, I'm afraid that his job will come to an end. However, compared with losing his job, he should take the initiative to admit his mistakes and minimize the harm to the maximum, which is what he should do as a waiter.

But at the thought that the efforts of the past few months would come to nothing, the waiter was ready to cry.

But soon, he realized that there seemed to be something bulging in his pocket. Then he felt it out and found that it was a pile of money, at least several thousand yuan.

"Is it Who was that man before? " The waiter was completely stupid.

Five minutes later, Xiao Ruxue walked out of the coffee shop. Not far away, Rolls Royce phantom came slowly.

Xiao Ruxue quickly walked over, opened the door and sat down on the seat.

"Oh, Mr. President, you are out. It seems that you are in a good mood." Ye Pengfei looked at Xiao Ruxue in the rearview mirror and said with a smile.

Xiao Ruxue gave Ye Pengfei a white look, and said with an angry voice: "you boy, you can make trouble like this. Do you know that the waiter is going to be finished."

Ye Pengfei immediately said with a smile: "don't worry, I have made compensation to that boy. I just put ten yuan in his pocket. Even if he is fired, he will have dinner money at least."

Xiao Ruxue really speechless, ten yuan, what can I do, then fidgety way: "back to the company."

Ye Pengfei quickly reminded: "it's more than a little. Why do you go back to the company? The driver hasn't eaten yet. It's estimated that there's no food in the company. It's reasonable to find a restaurant to eat first."

Xiao Ruxue rubbed her eyebrows and said decadent: "no appetite."

"How can I do that? People are iron and rice is steel. I'm hungry if I don't eat a meal! President, you have to eat. "

Xiao Ruxue could not laugh or cry, and then pretended to be angry and asked, "where did you hear these words from?"

With a smile, ye Pengfei showed his white teeth: "it's said that I'm a simple mountain dweller. Isn't it normal to know these words? But if you really have no appetite, let's go home and I'll cook for you. ""Home? Cooking? "

I don't know why, when she heard two words, Xiao Ruxue felt very moved and warm, and it seems that this guy did it for himself.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ruxue quickly asked, "it's one o'clock now. After dinner, can I get to the company before two o'clock?"

Ye Pengfei handed the mobile phone to Xiao Ruxue and said with a smile: "it's just very close to the villa area. It's just a few minutes away. I'll do another fried knife cutting at noon to make sure you want to swallow your tongue!"

As soon as I hear ye Pengfei talking about frying knife, Xiao Rusheng's appetite is greatly increased. But what the other party says is that he even swallows his tongue, which makes Xiao Rusheng despise.

Soon, ye Pengfei takes Xiao Ruxue back to the villa, and then shows his skills in the kitchen to make two fried knives, which immediately makes Xiao Ruxue move his fingers!

As for ye Pengfei, he looks at Xiao Ruxue affectionately, smiling.


Seems to be aware of Ye Pengfei's eyes, Xiao Ruxue quickly raised his head.

"Why are you looking at me all the time?" Xiao Ruxue frowned and said with a bulging mouth.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile, "xiaoxuexue, I can't see that you usually work very hard."

Xiao Ruxue put down her chopsticks and said, "it's no use saying that if it wasn't for my efforts in recent years, you thought you could easily find such a good job. You always want to slip out when you are idle. Do you think you are worthy of me?"

Wait What did this guy call himself before? Snow, snow?

However, before Xiao Ruxue got angry, ye Pengfei said in horror, "my God, xiaoxuexue, I didn't do anything sorry for you."

"Go to hell!" Xiao Ruxue raises her hand and smashes it. She is so scared that ye Pengfei quickly dodges. Then she laughs and looks like she owes a beating.

Xiao Ruxue is really speechless, but the boy's cooking skill is really speechless.

"Indeed It's delicious. "

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