On the way back to Yamei in the afternoon, ye Pengfei asked Xiao Ruxue who the Korean was?

Xiao Ruxue sighed, saying that it is a top 50 large enterprise in South Korea. If Xiao Ruxue wants to sell cosmetics abroad, it is very appropriate to contact this Korean.

It's a pity that these Koreans are generally proud and don't pay much attention to Chinese people! There are even some people who are very contemptuous of the Chinese people. They are just sticks to beat!

After listening to these, ye Pengfei subconsciously wants to light a cigarette, but just put the cigarette in his mouth, he instantly feels Xiao Ruxue's murderous eyes.

Ye Pengfei can't laugh or cry, but since his boss is so hard, and he is good to himself, it's just that a small Korean businessman is carrying a piece of wool!

Driving the Rolls Royce phantom of Xiao Ruxue into the garage, they just got out of the car and suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

Then, a beautiful young woman with a hot figure appeared in their field of vision. But at the moment, the gorgeous woman fell to the ground and was frowning.

"Ah? Ice director! What's the matter with you? "


Ye Pengfei suddenly appeared beside bingqinlan and quickly helped her up. At the same time, he noticed that bingqinlan's ankle was swollen.

As for Xiao Ruxue, she almost stares out.

Because this distance, at least close to 20 meters, but ye Pengfei this guy

Did it take a second?

Xiao Ruxue suddenly thought, if ye Pengfei goes to the Olympic Games, will he get more gold medals for his country?

At this time, bingqinlan was helped up by Ye Pengfei, immediately had a physiological reaction, and was shocked.

"You let me go!"

Bingqinlan instinctively wants to push away Ye Pengfei, because her body is sick, so these years, almost all become a conditioned reflex.

However, the next moment, ye Pengfei suddenly pressed on her waist.

A stream of heat rushed into her body, making her physiological reaction disappear immediately.

"My God Bingqinlan's face is stunned. Is this guy inputting real Qi for her before?

"Director Bing, why are you looking at me like this? You don't like me anymore."

"Bah, who will like you!"

The face of bingqinlan is red. Can this guy be more serious?

Just at the moment, she did not notice, not far away Xiao Ruxue, a small mouth, has been completely open into o!

"My God, this How can it be

Xiao Ruxue was completely confused at this moment.

Because in the impression, she had never seen bingqinlan so close to any man that she would not be strongly attacked.

Even Xiao Ruxue knows that bingqinlan repels men from the bottom of her heart.

But now, ye Pengfei is still holding bingqinlan's waist, and let him lean on him

Xiao Ruxue didn't dare to think about it any more, but at this moment, she was in a state of ignorance.

Perhaps it was because the scene was too quiet. When they subconsciously looked up at Xiao Ruxue, they immediately recovered. Then, Bing qinlan's face turned red with the speed visible to the naked eye, and even wanted to find a crack in the ground.


In the rest room, ye Pengfei rubs his little feet for bingqinlan. He never thought that bingqinlan's jade feet are so beautiful. The crystal clear and shell like toes are pink and tender, which makes Ye Pengfei's breathing a little faster.

As for Xiao Ruxue, her eyes are always sweeping around the two people, as if trying to find out something.

When did ye Pengfei become a doctor? How can Xiaolan suddenly trust ye Pengfei?

In addition to the last time, Xiao Ruxue suddenly thinks that ye Pengfei has already hooked up with her Xiaolan.

For a time, Xiao Ruxue's heart was so angry that he wanted to drag Ye Pengfei to a beating.

As for ye Pengfei, at the moment, he kneaded his feet for bingqinlan and asked how bingqinlan felt.

Bingqinlan's breath was a little short, and then she said, "it's a little itchy."

In fact, at this moment, bingqinlan is not only itchy, but also hot and dry, like a fire burning. But this time, it is obviously very different from before. On the contrary, it is a kind of dry heat that makes people feel a little comfortable.

Xiao Ruxue quickly coughed and said, "Ye Pengfei, can you do it or not? Hurry up."

In fact, Xiao Ruxue wants to remind Ye Pengfei not to take advantage of women.

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes, and then said: "president, if you have something to do, you should be busy first. I have to use real Qi to help her later, so I won't delay you."

Xiao Ruxue is so angry in her heart that this guy actually sees off the guests directly. The key is that this is Yamei company. It's her territory. Does this guy understand?Just, Xiao Ruxue see ice qinlan seems to completely don't care about the appearance, some hate iron not into steel!

Even if as long as bingqinlan show a little resistance, she can take the opportunity to make trouble, but this girl Incredibly Strange trust each other, Xiao Ruxue think is really drunk!

When Xiao Ruxue leaves, ye Pengfei quickly treats bingqinlan with genuine Qi, and then the swelling on the opponent's ankle immediately begins to subside at the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally dissipates into invisibility.

"My God, it's really good."

Bingqinlan completely silly eyes, quickly stand up, but found that has no pain.

"Try two steps." Ye Pengfei said two words to bingqinlan.

Bingqinlan nodded, supported Ye Pengfei's arm, walked two steps, and then quickly said: "God, it's really good!"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I don't want to see who cured you! I'm a miracle doctor

Bingqinlan's face was slightly red, and then said: "thank you."

"You're welcome. Just tell me, your circumference will be fine."

"You! Go to hell Bingqinlan flushed with anger, but she didn't know that ye Pengfei was so kind. Then she thought of the other party's promise in the evening, and whispered: "when will you go to my place in the evening?"

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "I have to send Xiaoxue back to her villa. I'll help her cook some rice at that time. When I finish eating, I'll do some things. Well, it's estimated that I'll look like eight or nine o'clock in the evening."

"Can you cook?" Bingqinlan looks unbelievable.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "you can ask Xiao Xuexue. Every time she eats my food, she will be moved to cry, saying that she has never eaten such delicious food."

"Cut, just blow."

"No?" Ye Pengfei eyebrows a pick, "which day have time, I help you do once, guarantee let you cry don't want."

"What Bingqinlan was angry on his face, and then said, "you guy, can you be more serious?"

"Khan, I'm very serious. Do you have any delusions?"

Bingqinlan was really speechless, and he was completely defeated.

For a moment, after bingqinlan left, ye Pengfei suddenly laughed, then went to the window and dialed an international call!

If he remembers correctly, it seems that Yating International Asia Pacific region also has a branch here.


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