In the living room, Xiao Ruxue sat on the sofa, chin in both hands, concentrating.

Ye Pengfei stood in front of Xiao Ruxue, chin raised, high spirited to explain the title of king of soldiers in the army.

"The king of soldiers is the one who wins the super competition in which all special forces participate. After the competition, he will be crowned as the king of soldiers!"

Speaking of this, ye Pengfei's eyes seemed to be brighter, and continued: "it is not only an honor, but also a symbol! What's more, it's what all special forces are pursuing all their lives! And I Naturally, there will be no exception! "

Pa Pa!

Xiao Ruxue immediately clapped her hands and motioned for ye Pengfei to continue.

Ye Pengfei pondered for a while, and then said: "and the title of king of our army was obtained on that rainy night three years ago. I can't describe the cruelty of that war. My opponents are all elites among elites, kings among kings. Everyone is very powerful, and I......"

Xiao Ruxue immediately became looking forward to it, and her expression seemed to be a little crazy.

Ye Pengfei coughed, and then said: "and I, as if destined to be the protagonist of the general existence, these so-called king of soldiers, they are really strong, but I, stronger! They come to one, I'll bring down one, I'll bring down ten, I'll bring down one hundred, I'll bring down one hundred! Finally, I met the most threatening opponent, Charles

"Charles? Wait... "

Xiao Ruxue said quickly, "how come another foreigner has come out?"

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said: "because this is a world-class battle of the king of war, naturally there will be foreigners. The king of the king of war is the most powerful special forces in the world! And I've had a title like yours. "

"What? The most powerful special forces in the world

Xiao Ruxue looks up and down at Ye Pengfei. What's this guy like?

"Ha ha Don't believe it? I tell you, Charles and I were fighting in the jungle for three days and three nights, more than 1300 moves! At that time, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon did not shine. Do you think my title of king of war was in vain

"Three days and three nights? How can the sky and the earth change color, and the sun and the moon have no light

Xiao Ruxue completely confused, this ya, in the end began to run the train full mouth, almost the United States to Xiao Ruxue angry to death!

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you." Xiao Ruxue got up and left, looking very angry.

Ye Pengfei was stunned and quickly said: "Mr President, I really didn't cheat you. At that time, I really played for three days and three nights, and the sky and the earth changed color. The sun and the moon didn't shine. Mr President Mr. President... "

Ye Pengfei quickly yelled a few times, but Xiao Ruxue angrily stepped on his slippers and made a sound on the ground.

"This bastard! Do you think Xiao Ruxue is so easy to cheat? "

Xiao Ruxue is angry in her heart and completely ignores Ye Pengfei's shouting behind her.

As for ye Pengfei, he sighed helplessly until he went upstairs.

"I really didn't lie, Mr. President."


In the morning, after getting up to wash, ye Pengfei was preparing to go to the kitchen to cook.

All of a sudden, he heard a slight step on the second floor.

Ye Pengfei almost subconsciously raised his head, and then he saw Xiao Ruxue with a sleepy look, walking towards the bathroom in a daze.

However, to Ye Pengfei's surprise, the girl changed her nightgown into a transparent white nightdress.

Seeing that the other party is about to go to the bathroom, Xiao Ruxue slowly raises her nightgown, which exceeds her waist.

Ye Pengfei has a fever in his heart.

Because Xiao Ruxue is naturally beautiful, even if she is plain, she is also a super beauty.

In the process of walking to the bathroom, ye Pengfei noticed that Xiao Ruxue's legs are very white, tender, long and thin, which can be described as perfect.

As for the spectacle in front of her, it is very tall and straight. Through the translucent Nightgown, Jiangning night can see through at a glance!

"Shit, pink. It's so tender."

Ye Pengfei only feels his nose itching. He reaches for it.

"Damn it, how come it's nosebleed again."


Upstairs Xiao Ruxue heard the sound and quickly looked downstairs. After finding that ye Pengfei was bleeding his nose again, Xiao Ruxue was stunned immediately.

I almost lost my breath after I nearly died!

"Ah Asshole! Hooligans! I'll kill you

Xiao Ruxue quickly put down her nightgown, then lowered her head, picked up her slippers and threw them downstairs.

However, at the moment when Xiao Ruxue bowed her head just now, ye Pengfei had a more clear look at each other's neckline!

"My God! How beautifulBut to meet him, it is Xiao Ruxue's Pink cartoon slippers!

Although very lovely, but not small lethality!

Ye Pengfei flashed quickly and said: "president, what's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter?" On hearing this, Xiao Ruxue almost didn't die of anger.

"Ye Pengfei! I didn't expect you to be so coquettish and secretly watch me take off my clothes! And last night, you said, "you've had nosebleeds several times."

Ye Pengfei immediately said wrongly: "Mr President, I've been on fire recently, and just now I'm going to cook. As soon as I look up, I see you..."

"Still speaking Xiao Ruxue roared quickly: "hurry to cook!"

"Oh." Ye Pengfei quickly lowered his head, looking extremely aggrieved.

It just occurred to me that, no, he was a big man. He was yelled around by this little girl and thought of himself as something.

But the thought of almost looking at each other's body before, and heart hair empty.

"It's nothing more than compensation."

As for Xiao Ruxue, she was angry in her heart. If it wasn't for the delicious food the boy cooked, she would like to beat him up.

When the morning meal is ready, Xiao Ruxue's mood is better.

Ye Pengfei specially cooked eight treasure porridge, put sugar, and in order to surprise Xiao Ruxue, he also put some energy into the eight treasure porridge.

"Mr. President, please taste it!"

Ye Pengfei, with a smile, looks cheap.

Xiao Ruxue picked up the spoon and sipped it. She could not help shivering all over her body. Her eyes were wide open.

"My God, this This eight treasure porridge How could it be so delicious

Xiao Ruxue was so happy that her tears almost came out. She could even swear that this was the first time she had eaten such delicious food in more than 20 years!

Otherwise, she can't even speak clearly.

Ye Pengfei heart straight music, then put a smile than: "do not see who is the chef?"


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