Half an hour later, Xiao Ruxue finished the eight treasures porridge Ye Pengfei cooked for her, and suddenly sobbed.

"What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei thought there was something wrong and asked quickly.

Xiao Ruxue, however, was crying. She couldn't help wiping her eyes and said, "I'm just so moved. Today, for the first time, I ate such delicious eight treasure porridge. Wuwuwuwuwu..."

Ye Pengfei is completely stupid, some can't laugh or cry.

"Come on, I just showed a little bit of cooking skills, and you'll cry. If I try my best to make a super meal, you'll have to kneel down and call me dad!"

"What did you say?"

When Xiao rusheton was angry, did this guy dare to talk and seek death?

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I mean, Mr. President, you are very beautiful today! It's the most beautiful woman in the world

"Well, you're smart."

Xiao Ruxue then restrained her expression, and then said with a smile: "that Why don't you make a big meal for me at noon today. "

Jiangning night safety silly eyes, then some flustered way: "that, I still have a little thing today, will not accompany."

With that, ye Pengfei quickly away, Shua disappeared, making Xiao Ruxue completely muddled.

Half an hour later, ye Pengfei drove the second-hand Baojun from Xiangsong time.

Today, ye Pengfei will go to see the grassroots Vice Mayor Yang!

Although Vice Mayor Yang didn't make any bad comments and probably mastered the power of the media, since he and vice mayor Zhang are strong opponents and in different camps, ye Pengfei is certainly happy to see each other and vice mayor Zhang start to fight each other.

According to reliable sources, Vice Mayor Yang will visit a large state-owned enterprise in Beian district this afternoon.

Ye Pengfei is ready to seize this time to meet each other.

In fact, the time of investigation is not long. At most, it takes a few hours, followed by meals and so on. With this interval, there should be no problem at all.

In the morning, ye Pengfei got more detailed investigation information from Zhao Bo, then went to the hotel reserved by the other party in advance, explored around, and then went to the large state-owned enterprise where the other party was located.

Through camouflage, ye Pengfei became an enterprise employee and listened to this guy's official words in the afternoon.

Behind is the meal time, ye Pengfei came to the window, quietly listening to the official and several enterprise executives on the wine table, you come and I go!

Ye Pengfei has been thinking about whether these people will be saying any code words, and then send some money later.

After listening for a long time, none of these things happened.

For a time, ye Pengfei was quite puzzled. Did he suspect that he was wrong before.

When ye Pengfei was ready to give up his doubts and get in touch with Vice Mayor Yang, someone coughed deliberately.

Then, most of the people left quickly, but only one left. He closed the door and came back quickly. He said, "Mayor Yang, I heard that you are going to run again recently. If you sit in the right seat, don't forget us old fellows who follow you."

Although Yang Shenghan is the vice mayor himself, the people below will flatter and call him mayor Yang. Otherwise, no one will be happy to call him vice mayor all day long.

"Ha ha, Lao Wang, it all depends on the arrangement of the government. We, the public servants of the people, should learn to be humble and prudent. What should be our own is our own, and what should not be our own. Even if we are forced, we can't get it at all."

"Mayor Yang is really for the country and the people. This is the blessing of Binjiang and China. If Mayor Yang is going to soar in the future, it's a decision to conform to the will of the people and the will of heaven. Come on, Mayor Yang, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I'll do it first and you can do it at will!"

Soon, I heard the sound of two people clinking their glasses.

But then, Vice Mayor Yang quickly said, "Lao Wang, you are my friend for so many years. Don't beat around the bush. Let's talk about what's the matter with me."

The old Wang quickly sighed and said, "it's not my son. He's making trouble all day long. A few days ago, he even killed a man and was stopped by the masses. As a result, this son of a bitch even said arrogantly," I think it's Wang Gang! "

"Eh!" Vice Mayor Yang immediately said: "Lao Wang, it's not that I don't help you. It's really that this matter is more difficult. The country is governed by the national law and the family has family rules. How can we mess with it?"

But the old Wang quickly gritted his teeth and said, "Mayor Yang, as long as you help me this time, the people who used to send them to you will come here once a month."

Outside the window, ye Pengfei looked awe inspiring.

Every month comes a fresh one. What does that mean?

Because of the curtain, ye Pengfei couldn't see Vice Mayor Yang's expression.

But this sentence has undoubtedly aroused the suspicion of Ye Pengfei.

"Ha ha Lao Wang, after all, you and I have a friendship of more than ten years. I remember when I wanted to see the family planning office, I was made difficult by many craftsmen. If you hadn't helped me then, I couldn't have been here now! Over the years, I have been intriguing and intriguing in the officialdom. I don't have many true friends at all, but only you, Lao Wang. I regard you as my true friend. "The man who called Lao Wang was immediately overjoyed.

"Mayor Yang, you mean Ready to help me? "

"Ha ha Since you and I are friends, your son is naturally my nephew. Now my nephew is in trouble. As an uncle, I can't help him! "

"Thank you, Mayor Yang! You can rest assured that I will do what I promise you. Once a month, all the new ones are selected from the school, and they are very clean and pure! I'll make all the arrangements afterwards! "

Behind the curtain, Vice Mayor Yang smiles with satisfaction. Then he pats each other on the shoulder and asks if there is any entertainment in the evening.

The guy named Lao Wang laughed and said that he would take Mayor Yang to play.

Until they left, ye Pengfei outside the window, his eyes gradually became cold.

"School? It's very clean and pure. "

Ye Pengfei thought of those innocent and romantic little girls for the first time.

If ye Pengfei guesses correctly about this matter, then there is something wrong with Yang!

"It seems that I think about it too simply after all. "


Ye Pengfei quickly disappeared behind the window, followed by a few flashes, into the hotel.

In fact, it's very easy to find Vice Mayor Yang. With Ye Pengfei's tracking means, if you can't find anyone, how can you get the title of king of soldiers in the past.

When ye Pengfei determined the position of the other party, he still entered from the outside window.

Immediately, ye Pengfei saw the picture of a man and a woman fighting.

Ye Pengfei in the heart a sneer, is really disappointing!


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