When ye Pengfei saw the scene in the hotel room, he was very disappointed with Vice Mayor Yang.

However, ye Pengfei did not hold too much hope from the beginning.

Because he suspected that the other party had a problem!

Can do without any negative comments, grasp the news media, this person behind the background, is not ordinary people.

It seems that this grassroots title is not worthy of the name. It is very likely that it is also an airborne faction from a big family in Beijing!

"Since you have done something wrong! Naturally, they will be punished! "

Soon, ye Pengfei quietly jumped in from the window, and then quickly went to the bathroom to find a towel tied to his face, and then took out his mobile phone to video Vice Mayor Yang not far away!

I don't know if vice mayor Yang has a wife. If this information falls to his wife, I don't know if his wife will jump up in anger!

After shooting for a while, ye Pengfei, with a smile, simply walked in to shoot without hiding!


Yang Shenghan and the young woman almost didn't faint.

"You Who are you? "

Yang Shenghan's face was panicked, and her body was shaking slightly. The young woman quickly pulled the sheet and covered her body, with a look of panic.

Ye Pengfei immediately laughed and said, "who am I? It doesn't matter. What's important is that what you're doing now is completely photographed by me. "

Yang Shenghan's face finally changed, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"What do you want to do? Blackmail or blackmail? "

The Ye Pengfei behind the mask said with a cold smile: "blackmail? Blackmail? Vice Mayor Yang, you think I'm too flat. Let me tell you, I'm a legendary great Xia who specializes in acting for heaven! It's said that you have taken advantage of your power to collude with the rich and unscrupulous businessmen and have done a lot of bad things

"I don't know what you're talking about at all. I'm not vice mayor Yang. You've got the wrong person," he said

Immediately, Yang Shenghan said quickly, "young Xia, actually I'm in business. I have a lot of savings in my family. If you are willing to keep this secret, I'm willing to take out a million!"

"A million!"

The woman on the bed, instant a burst of hot eyes, then looked at Ye Pengfei, showing a pair of envious eyes.

But ye Pengfei was angry in his heart, but he said deliberately: "one million, hum, you can do something, and it's more than the money."

Hearing Ye Pengfei's words, Yang Shenghan is relieved. If it's only because of money, it proves that there should be no mastermind behind this man!

Yang Shenghan's greatest fear is that his political opponents suddenly give him the means. If this video falls into the hands of his political opponents, then his political career will come to an end.

"How old is the young man this year?"

Yang Shenghan suddenly looks at Ye Pengfei with a smile, as if he has released Guan Wei.

"What for?" Ye Pengfei looks unhappy, but he is very surprised that Yang Shenghan is not an ordinary person. He calms down so quickly and starts to think about countermeasures!

"Ha ha..."

Yang Shenghan just laughed and then said, "young man, what do you think a person is living for?"

Ye Pengfei really wants to slap him in the past and call this bastard Yang Shenghan to pretend to be better than him!

But of course, ye Pengfei would not do it, but asked: "for what?"

Instead of answering Ye Pengfei's question immediately, Yang Shenghan said with a smile, "can I put on my clothes now?"

The anger in Ye Pengfei's heart is that these officials are really hard to wait on. They know how to put on airs all day long!

But ye Pengfei could understand the feelings of these officials. After thinking about it, he said, "don't try to play tricks!"

As for the woman, who was a melon face and about sixty-seven percent of her beauty, she deliberately threw a wink at Ye Pengfei. Then she lifted the sheet and began to dress.

"I'll go!"

Ye Pengfei didn't expect that this woman's figure was so hot, especially on the top. It's really spectacular, almost comparable to her own Xiaoxue.

"Bah, bah, bah! This kind of goods can be compared with our young master's Xiaoxue! "

Ye Pengfei quickly despised his idea, and then said to the woman, "get dressed quickly, don't try to seduce me."

The young woman immediately showed a pair of resentful eyes, pitifully looking at Ye Pengfei, obviously also want to seduce, making Ye Pengfei a burst of fire.

At the back, Yang Shenghan puts on his clothes, and then draws out a cigarette from the bedside table. The young woman immediately lights a lighter for her partner, showing a flattering smile.

Yang Shenghan nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "young man, you see, the most important thing is power! As long as you have enough power, money and women are within your reach! "

Ye Pengfei is still shooting at the moment, but Yang Shenghan seems not afraid at all and seems very confident.Even the woman next to him nodded subconsciously, and then said: "young Xia, in brother Yang's eyes, it's useless to be an eternal enemy. As long as you have enough sincerity, even the enemy can become a friend!"

Ye Pengfei didn't expect that this woman could say this.

It seems that this woman should be the existence of Yang Shenghan's long-term solution needs, otherwise it is impossible to know Yang Shenghan so well.

However, ye Pengfei had a dragon court organization before. As the supreme king, he cheated children with these words. I want to cheat Ye Pengfei. Isn't that a joke?

You should know that he had absolute power. When the other party said these words, it was like a high school student going to listen to a first-year pupil tell him mathematical addition and subtraction.

"Young man, I think you are good at it."

All of a sudden, Yang Shenghan's eyes gradually narrowed, and he looked confident.

Ye Pengfei heart a Lin, this Yang Shenghan's vision unexpectedly so venomous!


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