The change of Ye Pengfei's eyes naturally falls into Yang Shenghan's eyes.

His political career over the past few decades has already made Yang Shenghan's eyes shining!

As early as when ye Pengfei entered the bedroom, Yang Shenghan guessed that the other party mostly jumped in from the window.

And those who can do it can't do it without some skills.

"Your body is very straight and powerful. You should have been a soldier for several years, and now you are retired? It's said that it's a big problem for veterans to find jobs. "

Yang Shenghan spits out a mouthful of eye circles and continues to say with a smile.

Ye Pengfei has to admire Yang Shenghan. He can guess some general information from some details.

Seeing ye Pengfei frown, Yang Shenghan continued to say confidently: "I don't know how you know I'm here. No matter what your purpose is, I won't believe what you said before

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes, then put away his mobile phone, which impatiently said: "what do you want to say?"

"You are very timid. Even if you know it's me, you are not timid at all! You are a very courageous person, dare to do! Fearless, my side, just like you! Come and work for me! I give you honor and wealth! If you don't promise anything else, women can choose at will. As for money, car and house! have everything that one expects to find! How about it? "

I have to say that Yang Shenghan is very generous.

It's a pity that if a big man in the Jianghu said this, ye Pengfei might teach a friend with him! But if you say that from the mouth of an official, that official has a big problem!

It's either a big traitor or a big evil!

"I'm sorry, your promise is really attractive! Unfortunately, but let me see you! You have the courage to make the court a part of the world! And Don't think you have a clear mind. In fact, you are gambling. I accept your terms and your invitation. If I don't accept it, you will be 100% dead! "

Yang Shenghan's face changed slightly, and then he pretended to be calm and said, "it's not good for you to take away the evidence. If you stay, it will be a win-win situation. Why don't you give me a chance? "

Ye Pengfei immediately laughed and said: "if I want to give you an opportunity, I will give you an opportunity. If I don't want to give you an opportunity, I won't give you an opportunity! Besides, I have all the power you said, whether it's money or power, and I also have the means to control others' life and death. Finally, I want to beat you to do justice for heaven! "

Immediately, ye Pengfei quickly went to Yang Shenghan's front and directly opened the beating mode.

"Ah! What are you doing Oh, help

Half an hour later, Yang Shenghan has fallen to the ground with a scream. The worst thing is that he has been cut off the little JJ and completely turned into a eunuch!

As for the reason, it was because he heard the rich businessman talk about sending female students to each other before!

Ye Pengfei has only heard about such rubbish figures on the Internet, but he never thought that he would see them in person today!

So in order to get rid of these evils, ye Pengfei immediately castrated him! Cut off the source, so as not to harm those female students in the future!

As for the young woman, ye Pengfei slapped her in the back of her head and knocked her unconscious.

After all this, ye Pengfei quickly found the rich businessman, and after some torture, the other party finally confessed his crime.

It turned out that Yang Shenghan's initial business was a hint that he liked younger girls, preferably 13 or 4 years old, who were very beautiful, smart and had good grades.


Ye Pengfei smashed his fist on the ground, and almost ran away with anger!

"The scum of scum!"

Finally, after learning about Yang Shenghan's crime, ye Pengfei asked the other party to account for his son's collision.

As soon as this guy heard about his son, he immediately began to beg for mercy, saying that he had only such a son, and begging Ye Pengfei to spare him!

Ye Pengfei snorted coldly. Since the other party didn't say it, go to find the other party's son in person!

At this moment, in the campus of Binjiang University, this arrogant rich second generation, together with some friends in the circle, is hunting for novelty on campus. When he meets a beautiful girl, he starts to pursue it!

Originally, the guy killed someone while driving and should have been arrested. As a result, his father didn't know what method he used. He just used a switcher to replace him.

And to be on the safe side, his father found the vice mayor tonight, ready to completely suppress this matter.

But I don't think that this arrogant rich second generation has such a short memory, and goes to the university to soak girls.

"Wow, those are beauties from the art department. Do you want to make a bet? I can take them to sleep tonight."

"Ha ha Wang Qian, just blow it. "


The rich second generation, named Wang Qian, immediately drove his sports car and whistled!As for the other rich second generation, they stayed far away and began to wait and see.

"How can I get to the library, ladies?"

The beauties turned their heads, and when they saw that they were driving sports cars, they moved in their hearts.

Wang Qian, with a smile, immediately stared at the long, ordinary girl and said, "beauty, can you get on the bus and show me the way?"

"Ah? I Can I help you? "

The ordinary looking one turned red with shame.

A few on the side were obviously puzzled, and of course they were envious.

Soon, the ordinary looking one got into the luxury car! A face of excitement!

Wang Qian quickly carried each other to disappear in the same place, leaving a few beauties very puzzled.

But soon, Wang Qian came back, and then deliberately said that he had met them again. Despite such poor acting skills, people could see them at a glance, but several beautiful women in the art department didn't say it. At the same time, they thought this guy was very interesting.

Soon, Wang Qian invited several beauties from the art department again and asked them if they would like to play together.

Although the girls all have some scruples, it seems that at first the roommate with average appearance has been in a luxury car. If she doesn't sit for a while, isn't it a waste of opportunity.

What's more, there were three of them. They thought nothing would happen, so they told Wang Qian that they were just playing and would never do anything else.

Wang Qian laughed and said that he was a gentleman and would never take advantage of others' danger!

Of course, he said in his heart, "when you come to my young master's bed, I will see you install it for me."

Behind, a few women are excited to get on the car, did not notice that they have fallen into the tiger.

When Wang Qian takes them to discos, bars and KTVs and gets them drunk, Wang Qian takes them to the car one by one, takes them back to the hotel and starts to take off their clothes quickly!

"Yes, I'm going to fly three times tonight. Ha ha ha..."

However, when he had just finished taking off his clothes and trousers, and was about to rush up excitedly, he saw a flash of knife light in the air!


His little JJ falls!

Blood storm!


Wang Qian immediately screamed, with unspeakable panic on his face.

Ye Pengfei gave a cold smile and came out to mix. Naturally, he wanted to return it!


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