Just in time, a police motorcycle came.

Two policemen got out of the car quickly. One of the men was quite ordinary, but the woman was brave, beautiful, with eyes like autumn water. The hotter her figure was, the more she could not extricate herself.

In an instant, people were attracted by the policewoman.

Ye Pengfei is stunned. Isn't this Shen Yanbing?

"Officer, officer, I want to call the police. My iPhone 7 has been robbed. Wuwuwuwu..."

"Marriage Xing Laoer, you are a liar who swindles everywhere and even says that someone robbed you? "

Shen Yanbing sneers, obviously recognizing each other.

"Ah?" Xing's second son immediately changed his face and said quickly, "although you are mistaken, I'll give it to Li Sangou. It's not Xing's second son."

"Don't quibble, take it away!"

Shen Yanbing waved his hand and raised his head to show his white and smooth jade neck.


All of a sudden, Shen Yanbing frowned, and his eyes swept around the crowd quickly. Then he began to wonder: "it's really strange that I saw Ye Pengfei before, how could he disappear in a twinkling of an eye."

The guy named Xing Laoer said quickly, "officer, are you looking for someone? Maybe I can help you

"Well?" Shen Yanbing condescending way: "can you help me?"

Old Xing Er busily nodded his head, looking very cooperative.

Shen Yanbing nodded and began to describe the appearance of Ye Pengfei.

"Oh, you said this man, I've seen him. Before that person is still smoking, looks cold light, but obviously some anxious, as if waiting for someone

These people contact countless people, naturally they will be very analytical, and this is their way of survival.

Shen Yan's ice color changed slightly: "then, where is he now?"

"Well, I didn't notice that. It was like he disappeared suddenly. Oh, by the way, before that, I found a problem. "

"Well, what's the problem?"

Xing quickly said: "before, a young man who was dressed in shabby clothes and looked honest appeared. I wanted to cheat him, but he robbed me of my mobile phone. The speed was faster than the car.

SHEN Yanbing's eyes narrowed gradually. He ran very fast because he was an official. Unexpectedly, he couldn't catch up with him. There was a problem.

"It was during that period that the person you were talking about disappeared."

Shen Yanbing nodded and said, "OK, you've done a good job. I see."

But with a flattering expression, Xing said: "officer Shen Da, you see, I have provided you with so much information. Can you So, let me go? "

"Let you go?" Shen Yanbing smiles, then waves his hand and takes it away for me.

"Officer Shen, Wu Wu It's not like that. "

As for Shen Yanbing, he looked at the bus station not far away and said in his heart, "no, shouldn't Ye Pengfei go to Xiao's group at this time? Today is the press conference of Xiao group. What's this guy doing here? Who on earth is he waiting for? "

At the moment, ye Pengfei has come to a nearby vegetable market, and along the way, soon saw a warehouse inside.

The heavy iron door is now in the open state, and from time to time there are workers carrying seafood, all kinds of frozen food materials in and out.

"Hello, sir. Would you like to wholesale seafood?"

A middle-aged man with glasses came forward quickly.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "it's a pity that I don't have anything here."

"Oh? I don't know, sir. What are you looking for? "

Ye Pengfei said: "mermaid, do you have any?"

The middle-aged man was shocked. Then he looked around quietly and said in a low voice: "Sir, please follow me."

Ye Pengfei snuffed out the cigarette end, threw it on the ground and ran it out. He quickly followed.

In this way, under the leadership of middle-aged people, ye Pengfei finally entered the warehouse, and soon saw a cold alley.

The alley is cold and messy. Few people pass by.

After walking for some time, they finally stopped in front of a courtyard.

It's just that the courtyard is so broken that even the gate is very old.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

A wolf dog seemed to hear the noise and began to bark.

Ye Pengfei just gave a cold sweep, and the wolf dog suddenly whined twice. He didn't dare to call any more, and quickly backed back, lying on the ground, motionless.

"Sir, this is it. I'll leave if I have something else to do." The middle-aged man looked at the wolf dog in surprise and said something uneasy.

Ye Pengfei nodded, then quickly stepped into the courtyard.

All of a sudden, a strong breath came to my face. It was cold and gloomy, just like a beast. There were dozens of people.Ye Pengfei chuckled and soon entered into it.

These people are all dressed in black robes, hoods and black face scarves, leaving only a pair of cold eyes. If children come here, they will definitely cry on the spot.


When people saw the face of Ye Pengfei, for a moment, those chilly eyes turned into infinite worship.


They all stood up and looked at each other excitedly.

Ye Pengfei said lightly: "well, in the past, I disbanded the organization secretly and let you hide in all parts of the world for today. If it wasn't for the emergency, I wouldn't recall you so soon."

All of them did not speak, but listened quietly, as if devout believers were listening to the words of the saints.

"There are only two things I want you to do. First, find out the whereabouts of the Hades. Second, issue the underworld order - Dragon kill! Destroy all the power under the underworld emperor. Those who dare to stop will be killed without mercy

As soon as the voice fell, a cold and murderous air filled the air, which made all the people on the scene take a breath of cold air.

"Yes Also until now, people cold mouth, strong breath also gradually tremble.


When we return to Shaw group, many media have arrived.

"Ye Pengfei, where have you been?"

After Lianyu saw Ye Pengfei, she immediately said angrily.

Ye Pengfei eyebrows a pick way: "how, open a conference can't leave me?"

"Come on, don't narcissism. Mr. Xiao told me before that you are an important person today. Since autumn is not coming, you must appear as a spokesman. Do you understand?"

"Well, don't I want to be a public figure?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Come with me and ask the makeup artist to help you make up." Lianyu grabs each other's sleeve and goes, in a hurry.

"What? And make-up? " Ye Pengfei immediately confused force, after secretly thought, brother so handsome, need it?


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